(Ken Mandelberg) (06/22/91)
Has anyone learned more about the T1600 V32BIS upgrade issue other than the $249 price? The issues that come to mind are: * For new sales, will they just start shipping T1600s with V32BIS at some point, or will Telebit be selling some kind of T1600+ with V32BIS at a premium? * What is the nature of the upgrade. Is it firmware, or a motherboard swap? Is it customer installed? * Does the upgrade also get you PEP? * When will the upgrade be available? -- Ken Mandelberg | PREFERRED Emory University | {rutgers,gatech}!emory!km UUCP Dept of Math and CS | km@emory.bitnet NON-DOMAIN BITNET Atlanta, GA 30322 | Phone: Voice (404) 727-7963, FAX 727-5611