jxs7451@ritcv.UUCP (03/24/86)
A strange thing happened to me today while playing Ultra Rogue. I dont think it is a feature(but I'm not sure), anyway I was playing along and all of a sudden, I could walk through walls! I could go anywhere that I wanted, over the whole screen. It was neat to sneak up on monsters that dont move, and are standing next to the wall because you can hit them and hit them, but they cant hit back because you are not even in the same room with them. After a while this wore off(about 3 1/2 levels of dungeon). Anything like this happen to anybody else, or any expinations? ________________________________________________ Jeff Smith /BITNET: JMS7451@RITVAXC "in sunny downtown Rochester" /CSNET: jxs7451%rit@csnet-relay.ARPA _____________________________/UUCP: {allegra,seismo}!rochester!ritcv!jxs7451
sitze@rruxu.UUCP (R Sitze) (03/27/86)
You quaffed a potion of Phasing.... This lets you phase through walls and explore the dungeon without worrying about doors and such... Just don't get caught standing in a rock when the effect wears off, "You Die..." ---------- Richard A. Sitze <ras> { ihnp4 | bellcore | topaz }!rruxu!sitze "and to think that all this time I didn't know what it was..." How does one get UltraRogue Source anyway??? Is UltraRogue the version with or without Misc. Magic??? What the heck am I playing anyway???
mcewan@uiucdcs.CS.UIUC.EDU (03/31/86)
> A strange thing happened to me today while playing Ultra Rogue. I dont > think it is a feature(but I'm not sure), anyway I was playing along > and all of a sudden, I could walk through walls! I could go anywhere that > I wanted, over the whole screen. It was neat to sneak up on monsters that > dont move, and are standing next to the wall because you can hit > them and hit them, but they cant hit back because you are not even in the > same room with them. After a while this wore off(about 3 1/2 levels of > dungeon). > > Anything like this happen to anybody else, or any expinations? Perhaps you drank a potion of phasing?