[net.games.trivia] Man from UNCLE

bratman (06/22/82)

	Anyone know the answers to a few questions about one of my favorite

	1) The names of the three major stars?
	2) The full names of the characters they played.
	3) Where the headquarters was.
	4) The procedure used to enter headquarters.
	5) The shape of their badges.
	6) The form of their communicators.
	7) The special attribute of their firearms.
	8) What U.N.C.L.E. stood for.
	9) The name of the evil organization they fought.
       10) What those call letters stood for.

	One I'm not sure of:
       11) The section/agent numbers of the three stars.

	Can anyone come up with any harder ones?

					Steve Bratman

larry (06/23/82)

Piece o' cake---

	1) Stars: David McCallum, Robert Vaughn
	2) Characters: Illya Kurachin, Napolean Solo, Mr. Waverly
			^     ^ (sp?)
	3) HQ was in Ney York City
	4) The 'normal' enterence procedure was thru a Dry Cleaning
	   story, where the owner would hit the "press" button.
	5) The badge as I recall was basically triangle shaped, but
	   with the tips of each angle cut flat.
	6) In the first episodes the communicator was a box the size
	   of a pack of cigarettes, around the 2nd season it was
	   changed to a slightly elongated pen.
	7) The firearm (which received quite a lot of fan mail) was
	   a Walther (p-38?) which had attachments to:
	   a) extend barrel to rifle length
	   b) add silencer
	   c) add scope
	   d) add a rifle but  --ie it became a rifle!
	8) United Network Command for Law Enforment
	9) Baddies - THRUSH
	10) THRUSH was never explained!  They had a contents to se if any
	    one could come up with something, but I never heard the outcome.
	11) Section Numbers: Napolean- Section 1 #1, Illya- Section 1 #2,
	    Waverly's I forget.

			Larry Marek
			BTL Naperville

dopey (06/24/82)

THRUSH = Technical Hierarchy (sp?) for the Removal of Undesireables and
Subjugation (sp?) of Humanity.  From one of the "Man from UNCLE" books,
which I confess to enjoy....

james blasius

dopey (06/24/82)

incidentally, I think that Napoleon and Ilya (?) were in the "policy and
enforcement"  section.

james blasius