[comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d] WILDCARD

davidsen@steinmetz.ge.com (William E. Davidsen Jr) (07/29/88)

  The WILDCARD program seems like a good addition, but I suspect that
there are a number of people who don't know that simple cases of this
can be done directly in the CLI.

  for %n in (*.c) do beautify %n

	bill davidsen		(wedu@ge-crd.arpa)
  {uunet | philabs | seismo}!steinmetz!crdos1!davidsen
"Stupidity, like virtue, is its own reward" -me

bright@Data-IO.COM (Walter Bright) (07/30/88)

In article <11675@steinmetz.ge.com> davidsen@crdos1.UUCP (bill davidsen) writes:
<  The WILDCARD program seems like a good addition, but I suspect that
<there are a number of people who don't know that simple cases of this
<can be done directly in the CLI.
<  for %n in (*.c) do beautify %n

Yeah, but I prefer wildcard because the syntax is easier to remember,
and a lot less typing.

wsiebeck@rmi.UUCP (Wolfgang Siebeck) (07/30/88)

In article <11675@steinmetz.ge.com> davidsen@crdos1.UUCP (bill davidsen) writes:
:   for %n in (*.c) do beautify %n
Hi! You will get a problem, if Your 'beautify' creates .BAK-Files.
I guess DOS does the following:
  - Look up first matching filename
  - Pass it to beautify
    - beautify renames input to *.BAK, and creates a new file *.C, which
      is positioned at the end of the directory.
  - DOS looks up the next matching name ...
I tried "for %i in (*.txt) do ws %i", and after editing one of the files
for the third time, I had to use ctrl-alt-del ....

So: there is a need for a 'real' wildcarder ...


av@utacs.UTA.FI (Arto Viitanen) (07/31/88)

In article <1622@dataio.Data-IO.COM> bright@Data-IO.COM.Data-IO.COM (Walter Bright) writes:
>In article <11675@steinmetz.ge.com> davidsen@crdos1.UUCP (bill davidsen) writes:
><  for %n in (*.c) do beautify %n
>Yeah, but I prefer wildcard because the syntax is easier to remember,
>and a lot less typing.

I have not read the source of the program, but with my own similar program
I had some problems, what ``for'' command does not have.

When I used my program (called do) to unpack ARC-files taken from net using
command line

	do *.arc pkxarc ^1

first archivefile was handled ok, but after that system hang up. Finally I
found the reason: ``do'' used DOS's FINDFIRST-function to parse wildcard
and executed pxarc with first matching filename. But pkxarc created
several new files, so directory no more matched the parsed wildcard, so
next FINDNEXT-function searched for file, which wasn't in same place in
directory, as it was with FINDFIRST.

With ``for'' command, there is no such problems.

bright@Data-IO.COM (Walter Bright) (08/02/88)

In article <546@utacs.UTA.FI> av@utacs.UUCP (Arto Viitanen) writes:
<When I used my program (called do) to unpack ARC-files taken from net using
<command line
<	do *.arc pkxarc ^1
<first archivefile was handled ok, but after that system hang up. Finally I
<found the reason: ``do'' used DOS's FINDFIRST-function to parse wildcard
<and executed pxarc with first matching filename. But pkxarc created
<several new files, so directory no more matched the parsed wildcard, so
<next FINDNEXT-function searched for file, which wasn't in same place in
<directory, as it was with FINDFIRST.
<With ``for'' command, there is no such problems.

The WILDCARD program I wrote doesn't suffer from those problems either.
The reason is that *all* the wildcard expansion is done *prior* to executing
the command, so if the command changes the files or the directory, the
wildcard expansion is not affected.

emb978@leah.Albany.Edu (Eric M. Boehm) (08/03/88)

In article <1623@dataio.Data-IO.COM>, bright@Data-IO.COM (Walter Bright) writes:
> In article <546@utacs.UTA.FI> av@utacs.UUCP (Arto Viitanen) writes:
> <When I used my program (called do) to unpack ARC-files taken from net using
> <command line
> <	do *.arc pkxarc ^1

pkxarc * would have done what you intended without any need for any
auxiliary program

Eric M. Boehm