[comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d] Rybbs BBS system 5.0

kaldis@topaz.rutgers.edu (Theodore A. Kaldis) (10/19/88)

Can someone please email me parts 2 and 3 of the above program (after
consulting with me as to whether I still need it)?  We got a corrupt
part 2 and got no part 3 at all.
              Theodore A. Kaldis                      |  "Perhaps we may
              +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-                      |   frighten away
      email:  kaldis@topaz.rutgers.edu                |   the ghost of so
       UUCP:  {...}!rutgers!topaz.rutgers.edu!kaldis  |   many years ago
 U.S. Snail:  P.O. Box #1212, Woodbridge, NJ  07095   |   with a little
 ex-Ma Bell:  (201) 283-4855  (voice)                 |   illumination . . ."

foss@iris.ucdavis.edu (Jim Alves-Foss) (10/20/88)

>This is the shareware version of Rybbs version 5.0.  This is NOT
>RBBS, and it is not compatible with RBBS.  But conversion utilities
>are available.
>     ARPA: john1233@csd4.milw.wisc.edu
>   BITNET: john1233@csd4.milw.wisc.edu
>     UUCP: uwvax!uwmcsd1!uwmcsd4!john1233

Since the above addresses BOUNCE from my machine I am posting this here:

Tom -
I just downloaded your BBS system from the net and would love to give it
a try. Unfortunately my modem (Hayes compatable 2400 baud) is connected to
COM port 3. (There are jumpers to choose COM 1-4). Since it is an internal
modem I prefer to keep my external ports available for MOUSE and other items.

Is it possible to make an adjustment to your system to support ports other
that COM 1 and COM 2?

I have a quicky program that loads the correct port addresses into BIOS RAM 
tables so you would only have to look there for addresses?

Thanks in advance for any help

-Jim Alves-Foss