[comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d] Program LPTX

cserv1@nfsun.UUCP (Customer Service1) (12/07/88)

In article <895@cernvax.UUCP> emanuel@cernvax.UUCP () writes:
>Some time ago I've seen a binary called LPTX here on the net, whose mission
>was to redirect the output to LPT?: to a file..

Anyone have a copy of LPTX they can post?  I missed it, and it sure sounds
really useful.

Thanks in advance.
|   Mark Williamson   TEL: (412)931-7600    Intelligent Technology Group   |
|   ARPA: cserv1%nfsun@uunet.uu.net         115 Evergreen Heights Drive,   |
|   UUCP: uunet!nfsun!cserv1                Pittsburgh,   PA 15229,  USA   |

alvidrez@heathcliff (Jeff Alvidrez) (12/10/88)

In article <317@nfsun.UUCP> cserv1@nfsun.UUCP (Mark Williamson) writes:
>In article <895@cernvax.UUCP> emanuel@cernvax.UUCP () writes:
>>Some time ago I've seen a binary called LPTX here on the net, whose mission
>>was to redirect the output to LPT?: to a file..
>Anyone have a copy of LPTX they can post?  I missed it, and it sure sounds
>really useful.

Perhaps we can persuade Mark DiVecchio, the author of the
program, to post the latest version, if there is one?  I believe
he is lurking about the net somewhere (comp.lang.c?).

I have one dated 1985, and it seems to have a few bugs like hanging
dBase after the first 512 bytes, but it works quite well for capturing
screens and printer output from most programs.

I will be glad to post if he can't be contacted.


Jeff Alvidrez                               alvidrez@heathcliff.cs.columbia.edu
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