[comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d] v01i054: s-tool, Magnuson's wildcard expansion utility

mikemo@microsoft.UUCP (Michael Morearty) (12/15/88)

Rahul Dhesi says about Maurice Thaler's "s-tools" program (s.com):
>2.   If you use the /p switch and accidentally give a wildcard that
>matches so many files that you want to abort and start over, you
>can't...control C is interpreted as equivalent to typing "n".
>-- R.D.

Here's a quick patch to solve the ^C problem:

	debug s.com
	e b62		[should display '07']

Mike Morearty

mikemo@microsoft.UUCP (Michael Morearty) (12/15/88)

In article <76@microsoft.UUCP> mikemo@microsoft.UUCP (me) writes:
>Rahul Dhesi says about Maurice Thaler's "s-tools" program (s.com):

Oops: Maurice Thaler sent it in, Robert Magnuson wrote it.

Mike Morearty