[net.games.trivia] Knickknames

3255fah (09/17/82)

Way back in your childhood someone has probably made a
bad joke about your name ..... this is your chance to
get even.  The object of the game is to create a name
which COULD be legitimate, but at the same time provides
a second meaning.  For example, Billy Gote or Mac O'Roany.
These admittedly are only fair examples, the ideal example
is one that you stare at, read aloud, and then emit a
groan when the meaning hits you.  Some of these might be:
Cole Dindanoze      Cyril N. Mylk      Everett A. Sandwich
Frank Leemideer     Johann Saccold     Maurice Terbunnies
Vera Lonau          Wayne B. Fordafite

Surely you can top these! - only rule is that the first name
or initial must be legitimate.   Reply via mail and I will
post - along with some more samples from my collection!
Fred Hicinbothem (no pun intended)

will (09/25/82)

I don't think I'll say if this is my real name or not...
Will U. Doolittle