[comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d] "4-player" Mahjong from Australia

everett@hpcvlx.HP.COM (Everett Kaser) (01/20/89)

I apologize for not reading the .DOC file that is with the 4-player mahjong
game that I posted about earlier.  I just ran the program and reported on
what the "welcome" screen said.  As it turns out, the program IS shareware,
actually "free shareware", unless you want a copy of the booklet that he
offers.  If someone will tell me where to send things to Rahul, I'll send the
package off to c.b.i.p.

Everett Kaser

Here's the readme file:

               ****** MAHJONG by P.E. King ******

You  are  encouraged to copy and pass on the program  to  others.  
However,  should you find the MAHJONG program useful and/or would 
like  full  details  on  how  to play the  game  please  send  an 
international bank cheque or money order for $20 U.S.  ($25 Aust. 
from within Australia) to the following address:

                         Procon Software
                         P.O. Box 43
                         Essendon, 3040

You  will  receive,  by  return mail,  a 40  page  booklet  (with 
illustrations)  explaining in full detail;  how to play the game, 
game  strategy,  scoring  and  other  special  features  (saving-
restoring the game and changing the game characteristics).


Also  included with the MAHJONG documentation are details on  how 
to  construct a special colour enhancement adapter for  your  RGB 
monitor costing less than $5 U.S.  to build.  This adapter allows 
the  colour  CYAN to be replaced by either GREEN or BLUE  at  the 
flick of a switch.  It's perfect for Games programs and graphics.  



The  game  of Mahjong is similiar to the card game  rummy.   Each 
player  picks up a card (or TILE as it is called in Mahjong)  and 
then  discards  one  until  four complete sets  and  a  pair  are 
obtained.  The sets are called PUNGs, KONGs and CHOWs.


After  invoking  the game by entering MAHJONG and  selecting  the 
colour  or B&W display,  you should study the tile faces shown on 
the screen.  Note, there are three suits: Characters, Circles and 
Bamboos.   Each  suit has tiles numbered from one to  nine.   Pay 
particular attention to the one of Bamboo - it is a sparrow.  The 
special tiles at the bottom are the four winds (East, South, West 
and North) and the three dragons (White,  Green and Red).   There 
are four of each tile shown, making a total of 136 in all.  


CALL           A player is one tile away from declaring 'Mahjong'

CHOW           Is a run or sequence of three suit tiles.   A chow 
               of  winds  or dragons is  not  allowed.   Example:  
               5,6,7 of Characters,  1,2,3 of Circles.

EAST WIND      The  person who is allocated the East Wind  always 
               starts first, pays and receives double and remains 
               East if they win the hand.

HAND           There are four hands per Round in Mahjong.   If  a 
               draw  occurs or the East Wind wins the hand,  then 
               it is repeated.

KONG           A set of four identical tiles.   Example:  Four 8s 
               of Circles, four West Winds, four Green Dragons.

PUNG           A set of three identical tiles.   Example:   three 
               6s of Bamboo, three North Winds, three Red Dragons

ROUND          There are four rounds per game:  East, South, West 
               and North  (only two rounds for beginners).


There are four participants; the PLAYER, who's hand is controlled 
by  you,  and LOWER,  OPPOSITE and UPPER your three  computerized 
opponents.  The East wind starts first, they are given a tile and 
then  they  discard one;  this tile is displayed on  the  screen.  
Your concealed hand is shown at the bottom of the screen and your 
options  (which keys may be pressed) are always shown just  above 
your  hand.   You  are dealt 13 tiles,  which  are  automatically 
arranged  in order.   When your turn arrives you will be given  a 
tile on the right (shown projecting).   You may either throw this 
tile  out  (discard it) by pressing the SPACE BAR or keep it  and 
discard another by pressing the appropriate letter (A to N).  You 
must press the letter twice in the beginners game.

To  DECLARE  'Mahjong'  you must have at  least  fourteen  tiles, 
consisting of four sets of PUNG,  KONG or CHOW and ONE PAIR only.  
The last tile is either given to you,  when it is your  turn,  by 
SELFDRAW  or  it may be obtained by CLAIMing the  discarded  tile 
from  any other player.   This tile may complete a PUNG,  CHOW or 
PAIR.   Press Function key F1 when ready to declare.  Be careful, 
a  penalty  is suffered if you declare when the  correct  set  of 
tiles  has not been obtained.   Note,  the special hands shown by 
the computer are also recognised.   These are difficult to obtain 
and consequently they provide high scores.

Start  by trying to collect PUNGs and CHOWs only.   These may  be 
HIDDEN  within  your hand or obtained by CLAIMing the third  tile 
from  anothers  immediate discard.   When this is done the  three 
tiles  are  then  EXPOSED on the bottom right hand  side  of  the 
screen.   Press the 'Tab' key to CLAIM the discard and then press 
F2 for a CHOW or F3 for a PUNG.   A CHOW may only be claimed from 
the  UPPER  player.   Should  you have pressed the 'Tab'  key  by 
mistake then simply press the 'Esc' key,  above it,  to continue.  

Scoring is determined by adding up the number of points  obtained 
and  then  doubling this base score depending on whether  certain 
tiles or combinations of tiles are held in the hand.   This total 
is then deducted from each player and given to the winner of  the 
hand.   Note  however,  East  Wind pays and receives double  this 
total.   A  LIMIT  is imposed of 1000 points because  some  hands 
would  otherwise  provide excessively high scores.   For  further 
details about scoring refer to the full documentation.

To PAUSE the game press the Function key F10.   To continue press 
any  key.   Strict  time delays control each stage of  the  game, 
should  you  fail to respond within this time then  the  computer 
will simply continue and you will forfeit any opportunity you may 
have had.

To  QUIT  the  current game press Ctrl-Break  or  Ctrl-C.   After 
pressing  'Y'  for Yes to the question 'QUIT(Y/N)?' you  will  be 
returned to the main menu display.


There  is  no  limit to the maximum possible  score  in  Mahjong.  
The  following table gives some idea of the scores attainable and 
their  classification  when playing at the  Advanced  level  (One 
chow) or the Professional level (All Chow).

               FINAL - SCORE       CLASSIFICATION

               2000 to  2990       Novice
               3000 to  4990       Amateur
               5000 to  9990       Professional
              10000 to ?????       Expert

                          GOOD LUCK!