[net.followup] Oriani Fallaci on Qaddafi

ran@ho95e.UUCP (RANeinast) (05/02/86)

Saw this in the Apr 27 Washington Post and thought the net might like
seeing it.  It's by Oriana Fallici (world famous Italian journalist and
interviewer), and originally appeared in "Corriere della Sera".

The Italians have not understood Qaddafi.  Or they pretend to have
not understood him.  The French and the Spanish and the Germans and
the Swedish and some English have not understood him, either.  Or
they pretend to have not understood him.  The same must be said of
anyone else who sheds tears for Qaddafi these days.  That is, anyone
who turns the tables and sees him as a victim of the evil Americans
who are always attacking someone and who now attack this poor innocent
and defenseless man.

It is the fault of the Americans if Qaddafi flings his missiles against
the Italian island of Lampedusa.  It is the fault of the Americans if
he shoots Italian fisherman when they go to fish in waters that are
everybody's waters, but he says: not everybody's, mine.  It is the
fault of the Americans if he kidnaps Italian citizens in Libya and if
he orders the murder of Libyan exiles in Rome or in London or in Paris.
It is the fault of the Americans if--exploiting the sorrow of others and
taking advantage of their misfortunes, especially those of the
Palistinians--he finances and trains and instructs those who hijack
TWA planes and kill their passengers.

And it is the fault of the Americans if terrorists bring death in their
luggage, so that death bursts in flight and mothers with their infant
children are spit out the hole made by the explosion and smash themselves,
God knows where, two miles below.  It is the fault of the Americans if
an army sergeant blows up at a Berlin discotheque where 200 others are
mutilated or wounded.  It is the fault of the Americans if 399 American
and French soldiers are massacred in Beirut in 1983 by the kamikazes
from the Bekaa Valley, the place where Qaddafi and Khomeini keep their
Sons of God.  (Qaddafi feeds them the money, Khomeini the faith that one
needs to disintegrate himself with a truck.)  It is the fault of the
Americans if, in the last slaughters at the Rome and Vienna airports,
19 people get killed, including a twelve-year-old girl.  It is the fault
of the Americans if on the "Achille Lauro", an old man is assassinated
in his wheel chair.

So my fellow Europeans, let us shout it loud and clear in our marches
and demonstrations: What had Qaddafi to do with the Shiite or Palestinian
escapades, or with the crimes of Abu Abbas, the killer whom the Italian
government helped to escape, even protecting him as be boarded the
Yugoslav plane?  Poor Mr. Qaddafi only thinks of his oil.  "Holy Oil who
art in Heaven . . . pardon me, in the deserts of Libya . . . give us
today our daily gasoline and protect the Colonel, if you please.  Pay
attention that he does not catch even a cold, that none of his officers
or students not yet executed at Benghazi organize a revolt or a putsch
against him.  Mind that nobody hangs him by the feet as we did to Mussolini.
Let him finance and train and instruct those who persecute us.  Amen."
And any man who thinks in a different way is a fascist, a reactionary,
a traitor, a servant of the Americans.  Who cares if the Americans die?
Let them die.  (Except for calling them each time there is an earthquake
or a Mussolini to chase away.)

All right.  Americans are far from being saints, we know that.  And
America is an elephant--often clumsy and arrogant, at times rather
vindictive, at times forgetful of his ancestors, and in any event
incapable of making people love him.  Besides, he sleeps easily in
spite of the hate and the jealousy of the other animals because his
skin is so hard that it takes a blowtorch to get to his heart.  But
when he wakes up and gets angry, he sweeps away all the forest, he
crashes everything he finds in his way: squirrels and tigers, poisonous
trees and innocent orchids.  (If it were no so, this elephant would not
have won the Second World War and we would now speak German.  Something
that someone might like.  I do not.  Or we would speak Russian.
Something that someone else might like as much.  I do not.)  However,
if America is that elephant, Qaddafi is a hyena that feeds herself on
the dead: the new Mussolini of the Mediterranean.

Here is what the Italians have not understood, or pretend to
have not understood.  And the French, the Spanish, the Germans,
the Swedish, some English and anyone who sheds tears for Qaddafi
these days.  Or anyone who does business with him, anyone who
sells him workers and weapons, anyone who keeps open his
embassies--which are stores of ammunitions and explosives, nests
of terrorism in many languages, Kalashnikovs ready to shoot as
they did in London where a bullet killed a young unarmed policewoman.
When these Europeans criticize Qaddafi, at most they smile and say
that yes, he is a clown, a little scamp, yet also a guy with whom
you can talk.  (They talk with Khomeini too, they sell the workers
and weapons to him, too.)  Well, in 1938 the Europeans who were not
Italian or German said the same about Mussolini and Hitler.  They
tolerated them in the same way, they believed that they could talk
with them.  (The Americans too.)  They went on deluding themselves
until Hitler invaded Poland, until Mussolini stabbed France in the back.
History teaches us nothing.  And, if it is true that history does
not repeat itself, it is also true that it does not help us to understand
the similarities or sad lessons.

Pricking and piercing and boring and digging, the blowtorch has burned
a hole in the skin of the elephant.  The flame has penetrated to his
heart.  And now the elephant has woken up.  He has trumpeted for awhile,
he has remained awhile to mourn his dead children, then he has asked
for help from the other animals of the forest.  Deluding themselves
that they can have immunity and a cheaper price for the Holy Oil, the
animals have answered No.  Except in one case, the English case.
(Nobody can deny that Margaret Thatcher has guts.)  Then the elephant
has remembered to be what he is, and he has thrown himself on the hyena
that tormented him and killed or helped to kill his children.  Doing
that, he has crashed squirrels and tigers, poisonous trees and innocent
orchids.  (Faintly reminiscent, is it not, of the time when he bombed
Hitler's Germany and Mussolini's Italy, I mean, us.)

Wars disgust me.  As a war correspondent, I have seen almost all the
wars of our time.  I was in Vietnam for years.  When it comes to
spitting on wars, I don't need lessons from anyone.  I hate any object
that bursts and kills, from the explosives of the Shiite or the
Palestinian or the Iranian or the Libyan, to the bombs of the F-111.
I have seen much death in my life, too much, but I never got
accustomed to death in war.  When I see a child killed by war, I cry.
Always.  Even if I see him or her on TV.  So, of course I cried when
I saw on TV those dead Libyan children.  But just as I don't cry when
I see the photos of Mussolini dead, I would not have cried if I had
seen Qaddafi dead.  I would simply have said: Pity that the Libyans
could not do justice by themselves and hang him by his feet as we did
to Mussolini.  Justice has nothing to do with war.  And there are
times when in order to do justice, we have to hang the guilty by his feet.
In this case such a right belongs to the Libyans.  Unless the only
innocent ones left there are the children.

I know that threats will come to me after publishing this.  I know
that Qaddafi's followers and servants will say that I must pay for this,
that they will kill me, that they know how to find me and how to wait.
I know that music.  I have heard it sung to me by others, in the past.
My answer to them is the recommendation I make to the Italians, to the
French, to the Spanish, to the Germans, to the Swedish, to some English,
to anyone who has not understood Qaddafi or pretends to have not
understood him.  Do not be afraid to understand him and to say it out loud.
Beware the man or woman who is afraid of the Qaddafis.  I am not.

". . . and shun the frumious Bandersnatch."
Robert Neinast (ihnp4!ho95c!ran)
AT&T-Bell Labs