[comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d] gnuchess file

steve@eros.ame.arizona.edu (Steve Cannon) (02/22/89)

  When I tried to unpack gnuchess on my pc, the arce program reported that
the first packed file had a bad crc number and then quit. My guess is that
I received a corrupted file at our site. Could someone please send me a new 
copy of gnuchess, or else provides some clues as to how I might get around 
this problem?

 Steve Cannon   <X> UUCP: ...{allegra,cmc12,hao!noao,att}!arizona!eros!steve 
 AME Dept.      <XXXXXXXX> Internet: eros!steve@ARIZONA.EDU
 University of Arizona <X> Bitnet: scannon@arizrvax
 Tucson, AZ 85721      <X> Phone: +1 602 621 6091