1052P@CC.NPS.NAVY.MIL ("Alan Ariel") (03/12/89)
I've uploaded pd1:<msdos.kermit>PCBDKER.ARC to SIMTEL20. It is a collection of scripts I use with MS-Kermit for DDN access through a TAC and BBSing with PCBoard BBSs. I've been impressed with the number of things I can do with MSKermit that I only thought I could do with PROCOMM or QMODEM. I hope the scripts might let someone else discover the things they could do with it. I was first led to it when I learned I could remap keys to whatever I wanted and use 43 line mode on my EGA for my comms. The 43 line mode is great if you're trying to look at a large file or a lot of messages at once. I use DSZ for my normal BBS transfers and of course Kermit for PC-Mainframe stuff. I'm really happy with it. Alan D. Ariel BITNET: 1052P@NAVPGS LT USN DDN: 1052P@CC.NPS.NAVY.MIL SMC 1624 (or) LEEKW@A.ISI.EDU Naval Postgraduate School Tel: (408) 646-2786 Monterey, CA 93943 AV: 878-2786