[comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d] ibm pcbcad

kevin@minster.york.ac.uk (05/16/89)

It would seem that we only got parts 1 and 2 of the pcbcad resently
posted to comp.binaries.ibm.pc.

Could some kind soul please e-mail me parts 3 and 4.
Thanks in advance.

        _   ,   __   _ _ _            :  Kevin Andrew Morrell.
       ' ) /   /  ) ' ) ) )           :  University Of York.
        /-<   /--/   / / /            :  Department Of Computer Science.
       /   ) /  (_  / ' (_            :  Heslington, York, Yorkshire.
     Telephone : +44 904 432 758      :  England. YO1 5DD.
     ukc!minster!kevin                :  uucp (seismo!mcvax!...)
     kevin@uk.ac.york.minster         :  janet
     kevin@minster.york.uk.ac         :  arpa
     kevin%uk.ac.york.minster@ac.uk   :  earn/bitnet
     kevin%uk.ac.york.minster@ucl-cs  :  darpa

marks@mgse.UUCP (Mark Seiffert) (05/19/89)

In article <611257837.9836@minster.york.ac.uk> kevin@minster.york.ac.uk writes:
>It would seem that we only got parts 1 and 2 of the pcbcad resently
>posted to comp.binaries.ibm.pc.
>Could some kind soul please e-mail me parts 3 and 4.
>Thanks in advance.

What cad package? I checked my archives and found nothing. Could someone
willing to mail it to me please send mail to me?

Mark Seiffert,  Metairie, LA.
uucp:           rex!mgse!marks
bitnet:         marks%mgse@REX.CS.TULANE.EDU
internet:       marks%mgse@rex.cs.tulane.edu