pottera@cs.glasgow.ac.uk (Alan T Potter) (05/25/89)
Well, that sure provoked a fair reaction! Thanks to everyone who gave suggestions, I've tried to reply personally to as many as possible, but have also had a fair number of messages bounce on me. To those to whom I've not been able to reply, thanks! It seems that everyone has their own idea of the best text editor. QEdit has a larger following than most, though, and I've downloaded it to try. It certainly is fast, and the default control keys are good enough for me. Once I get round to printing the 200k+ documentation file, I'll see what else it can do! -- | Janet : pottera@uk.ac.glasgow.cs | JH, Comp Sci Department, | | USEnet : mcvax!cs.glasgow.ac.uk!pottera | University of Glasgow | | ARPAnet: pottera@cs.glasgow.ac.uk | Scotland, UK | "The bridge is crossed, so stand and watch it burn"