[comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d] The new Assembly PC List....!!!

LISTVIR@USACHVM1.BITNET ("Luis Valdivia P.") (06/07/89)

                      ASSMPC-L THE MISSION

Hi !!! Networkers and Hackers...

     This is  an invitation   to  contribute to   a new  mailing list,
ASSMPC-L. This list is located on USACHVM1 (in BITNET) and  deals with
issues     related   to   the     PC     assembly  languages    (Intel
8086/88/286/386/...).  There is  an initial programming goal  that the
managers of this list wish to accomplish:

     We are inviting all  users  to assist in  the coding of projects.
For instance, our first task  will be  a  Resident Program Manager. We
will  use  Turbo    Assembler   or   MacroAssembler to  develop    our

     An second  project will   be an AV  package  to  viruses, we have
already  a programs for  Jerusalem and Brain,  these could be help for
it.  (Thanks Ken).

     The users of this new surprising list will receive mail with code
contributions   and   discussions, and eventually  the  program source
listing  finished with the  help of the  participants. Then, the  list
will propose a new project to work on.

     Any and  all  code contributions, ideas,  and anything  else that
will help  in  achieving  this  opening   goal   will be  appreciated,
discussed, reported and acknowledged for the list.

                         Virtually... ASSMPC-L

         Come !!!
         The power is with us... We hope for you...

  - Warning:
              The link  to Chile  is connect  at 18:00  hrs, EDT.
         Before it time, you can not send an interactive command.

  - Subscriptions:

    Bitnet Users:

      -  "Tell listserv at usachvm1  sub assmpc-l Your_full_name"
         (IBM Users)

      -  "Note  to listserv  at usachvm1"  (IBM users),  with the
         following line:

                     "sub assmpc-l Your_full_name"

      -  Other's    system   users,    please   send    mail   to
         listserv@usachvm1, with the following line:

                     "sub assmpc-l Your_full_name"

    Internet Users:

      -  Please send  mail to listserv@usachvm1.bitnet,  with the
         following line:

                     "sub assmpc-l Your_full_name"

  - Contributions:

    Bitnet Users:

      -  "Note  to assmpc-l  at usachvm1"  (IBM users).

      -  Other's    system   users,    please   send    mail   to

    Internet Users:

      -  Please send  mail to assmpc-l@usachvm1.bitnet.

  - Comments, Questions, Ideas and any other thing:

    Bitnet Users:

      -  Please send mail to the Owner's list:

         Luis Valdivia P.,   lvaldivi@usachvm1
         Pedro Sepulveda J., psepulve@usachvm1

    Internet Users:

      -  Please send mail to the Owner's list:

         Luis Valdivia P.,   lvaldivi@usachvm1.bitnet
         Pedro Sepulveda J., psepulve@usachvm1.bitnet

                         Good Luck!!!