[comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d] Looking for music printing program

jim_d@cimcor.mn.org (Jim Dahlberg) (06/04/89)

I'm looking for a public domain or shareware program that will print
out music to a dot-matrix printer (Epson LQ-1000).  I would also like
the program to be able to transpose music.  Is there such a thing?

rlb@cs.odu.edu (Robert Lee Bailey) (06/05/89)

In article <799@cimcor.mn.org> jim_d@cimcor.mn.org (Jim Dahlberg) writes:
>I'm looking for a public domain or shareware program that will print
>out music to a dot-matrix printer (Epson LQ-1000).  I would also like
>the program to be able to transpose music.  Is there such a thing?

I, too, would like to find such a program!

swh@hpcupt1.HP.COM (Steve Harrold) (06/05/89)

Re: Printing music

An important piece of information please:

In what form is the machine-readable copy of the music?

jim_d@cimcor.mn.org (Jim Dahlberg) (06/07/89)

In article <12630012@hpcupt1.HP.COM>, swh@hpcupt1.HP.COM (Steve Harrold) writes:
> Re: Printing music
> An important piece of information please:
> In what form is the machine-readable copy of the music?

Sorry that wasn't clear.  What I want is really a music editor, where you
enter the notes & notations in a music editor environment, preferably in
a graphics mode.  Once the music is entered, I would like to be able to
transpose it to different keys, and/or to print it out to a dot matrix
printer.  So the machine-readable copy would be whatever file format such
a program saves the edited music in.


msschaa@cs.vu.nl (Schaap MS) (06/07/89)

In article <9035@xanth.cs.odu.edu> rlb@cs.odu.edu (Robert Lee Bailey) writes:
>In article <799@cimcor.mn.org> jim_d@cimcor.mn.org (Jim Dahlberg) writes:
>>I'm looking for a public domain or shareware program that will print
>>out music to a dot-matrix printer (Epson LQ-1000).  I would also like
>>the program to be able to transpose music.  Is there such a thing?
>I, too, would like to find such a program!

Me three!!!


rener@euraiv1.uucp (Rene Roelofs) (06/08/89)

jim_d@cimcor.mn.org (Jim Dahlberg) writes:

>I'm looking for a public domain or shareware program that will print
>out music to a dot-matrix printer (Epson LQ-1000).  I would also like
>the program to be able to transpose music.  Is there such a thing?

I'm working on such a program. For the time beeing it works with an input file 
where you tell what you want, and there is a little thing like makro's for often uses patterns. But I didn't write any documentation and it (for now) only works
on LASERJET compatibles and IBM Graphics printer compatibles. Because the Epson 
escape seq. are like the IBM it should not be to difficult to port this printer routines and I could send a copy. By the way it is written in Turbo-C and is not
bug free at all!!.

swh@hpcupt1.HP.COM (Steve Harrold) (06/08/89)

Re: Music program

There is a product for the PC called "Personal Composer" that almost does 
what you want.

It will let you compose music on the screen with keyboard or mouse or MIDI;
it will do transpositions and such; it will produce music scores on the
screen and, here's the kicker, to a PostScript printer.  Alas, it will not
print to any lesser device.

Also, it's far from being free, perhaps US$300 or thereabouts.

mvolo@ecsvax.UUCP (Michael R. Volow) (06/09/89)

Several of these exist. See recent review in Keyboard magazine for
a listing of simple/cheap to professional/expensive ones. One I use
occasionally is Songwright I (see back of PC Mag for ads, phone
703 822 9068), not shareware, but about $70. It will do most of these

M Volow, VA Medical Center, Durham, NC 27705
mvolo@ecsvax.UUCP           919 286 0411