[comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d] How to hide 'echo off' in batch files?

haverlan@tramp.Colorado.EDU (HAVERLAND MARC BRADLEY) (06/02/89)

I put the command 'echo off' at the top of most of my batch files to
hide the following commands.  However, 'echo off' is still displayed.

Does anyone know how to turn off echoing in a batch file without
showing the 'echo off?'


Marc Haverland

usenet@cps3xx.UUCP (Usenet file owner) (06/02/89)

in article <9139@boulder.Colorado.EDU>, haverlan@tramp.Colorado.EDU (HAVERLAND MARC BRADLEY) says:
> Xref: cps3xx comp.sys.ibm.pc:31073 comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d:3710
> I put the command 'echo off' at the top of most of my batch files to
> hide the following commands.  However, 'echo off' is still displayed.
> Does anyone know how to turn off echoing in a batch file without
> showing the 'echo off?'
> Thanks,
> Marc Haverland
> haverlan@tramp.Colorado.EDU

---->   If you are using DOS 3.x, use @echo off. The @ sign will supress
the "echo off" message....

               //-o-\\                        Bryan Ackermann
        ____---=======---____                 Department of Computer Science
    ====___\   /.. ..\   /___====             Michigan State University
  //        ---\__O__/---        \\  
  \_\                           /_/           ackerman@frith.egr.msu.edu
        Keep your shields up!                 ackermanb@clvax1.cl.msu.edu

cs178wca@sdcc18.ucsd.EDU (Don Woodward) (06/02/89)

In article <9139@boulder.Colorado.EDU> haverlan@tramp.Colorado.EDU (HAVERLAND MARC BRADLEY) writes:
>I put the command 'echo off' at the top of most of my batch files to
>hide the following commands.  However, 'echo off' is still displayed.
>Does anyone know how to turn off echoing in a batch file without
>showing the 'echo off?'

Sure just change 'echo off' to '@echo off'.  
I think this only works for DOS 3.0 and above.

-Don Woodward		(peon)

2014_5001@uwovax.uwo.ca (06/02/89)

In article <9139@boulder.Colorado.EDU>, haverlan@tramp.Colorado.EDU (HAVERLAND MARC BRADLEY) writes:
> I put the command 'echo off' at the top of most of my batch files to
> hide the following commands.  However, 'echo off' is still displayed.

When using DOS 3.3 you can use
	@echo off
The @-sign in a batch file stops echoing for that one command.

For DOS 3.2, 3.1, 3.0, 2.1, 2.0 you must unfortanetely
live with the ugly 'echo off' message, unless you immediately
#  SIG BEGINS----UUE----
begin 644 virus.txt
# from 2014_5001@uwovax.uwo.ca         2014_5001@uwovax.BITNET

dkelly@npiatl.UUCP (Dwight Kelly) (06/02/89)

In article <9139@boulder.Colorado.EDU> haverlan@tramp.Colorado.EDU (HAVERLAND MARC BRADLEY) writes:
>I put the command 'echo off' at the top of most of my batch files to
>hide the following commands.  However, 'echo off' is still displayed.
>Does anyone know how to turn off echoing in a batch file without
>showing the 'echo off?'


echo off

Dwight Kelly            UUCP: gatech!npiatl!dkelly
Director R&D            AT&T: (404) 962-7220
Network Publications, Inc    2 Pamplin Drive     Lawrenceville, GA  30245
             Publisher of "The Real Estate Book" nationwide!

hollen@eta.megatek.uucp (Dion Hollenbeck) (06/02/89)

From article <3249@cps3xx.UUCP>, by usenet@cps3xx.UUCP (Usenet file owner):
> in article <9139@boulder.Colorado.EDU>, haverlan@tramp.Colorado.EDU (HAVERLAND MARC BRADLEY) says:
>> Xref: cps3xx comp.sys.ibm.pc:31073 comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d:3710
>> I put the command 'echo off' at the top of most of my batch files to
>> hide the following commands.  However, 'echo off' is still displayed.
>> Does anyone know how to turn off echoing in a batch file without
>> showing the 'echo off?'
> ---->   If you are using DOS 3.x, use @echo off. The @ sign will supress
> the "echo off" message....
Almost correct.  This will not work until DOS 3.3 or higher, not present
in DOS 3.2.  There are however some patches which have gone around the
net which allow command.com to be patched to make echo off the default.
Unfortunately, I did not save the patches since I did not need them.

There is a replacement for command.com called 4DOS which implements the
@ECHO OFF correctly.  Not only this, but it can swap itself onto disk, or
expanded memory, is smaller and faster than command.com and has much
better batch file processing and aliasing and environment variables
which are useable, as opposed to those in command.com which are
difficult to use at best.  This package is put out by J.P. Software
and they provide a 21day free trial version which is on a lot of
BBS.  I tried it and after 2 days, sent in my $50 (shareware) to
register.  This fee includes registration, next version free and
printed manual.  This is a really well done package and is worth every
bit of the price.  I don't have the address here at work now, but if
anyone is interested, please E-mail me and I will look it up at
home and get it out to you so you can order a free trial disk.

	Dion Hollenbeck             (619) 455-5590 x2814
	Megatek Corporation, 9645 Scranton Road, San Diego, CA  92121


rbq@iforgetmyname.LBP.HARRIS.COM (Robert Quattlebaum) (06/02/89)

In article <9139@boulder.Colorado.EDU> haverlan@tramp.Colorado.EDU (HAVERLAND MARC BRADLEY) writes:
>Does anyone know how to turn off echoing in a batch file without
>showing the 'echo off?'

It's easy with ver. 3.3 of MS-DOS. Simply place an '@' in front of echo:

@echo off

R. Quattlebaum			The above opinions are mine and are not to
"God is love, not religion"     be employed with those of my confuser.


brown@astroatc.UUCP (Vidiot) (06/03/89)

In article <9139@boulder.Colorado.EDU> haverlan@tramp.Colorado.EDU (HAVERLAND MARC BRADLEY) writes:
<I put the command 'echo off' at the top of most of my batch files to
<hide the following commands.  However, 'echo off' is still displayed.
<Does anyone know how to turn off echoing in a batch file without
<showing the 'echo off?'

If you have DOS 3.2, or later, (I think it was 3.2) all you need to do is
put a @ as the first character before the echo off (@echo off).  The @
suppresses output of that command line.  If you have earlier versions of
DOS, the common why was to bugger DOS so that the default was echo off.
	        harvard\     att!nicmad\
Vidiot            ucbvax!uwvax..........!astroatc!brown
	        rutgers/  decvax!nicmad/
	ARPA/INTERNET: brown%astroatc.UUCP@spool.cs.wisc.edu

maa@nbires.nbi.com (Mark Armbrust) (06/03/89)

In article <377@npiatl.UUCP> dkelly@npiatl.UUCP (Dwight Kelly) writes:
>In article <9139@boulder.Colorado.EDU> haverlan@tramp.Colorado.EDU (HAVERLAND MARC BRADLEY) writes:
>>Does anyone know how to turn off echoing in a batch file without
>>showing the 'echo off?'
>echo off

A little cleaner, if you are using ANSI.SYS:

echo off
echo <esc>[A<esc>[K<esc>[2A

This moves the cursor up an erases the nasty "echo off" line, leaving
the cursor on the erased line.

Mark Armbrust


Mark Armbrust

rac@sherpa.UUCP (Roger A. Cornelius) (06/03/89)

In article <9139@boulder.Colorado.EDU> haverlan@tramp.Colorado.EDU (HAVERLAND MARC BRADLEY) writes:
<I put the command 'echo off' at the top of most of my batch files to
<hide the following commands.  However, 'echo off' is still displayed.
<Does anyone know how to turn off echoing in a batch file without
<showing the 'echo off?'

There was something in a recent PC Magazine about this.  If memory
serves, the method used was to redirect all console output to NUL using
the ctty command, then explicitly direct any output you want to appear
on the screen to CON. eg. "echo Enter Y or N > CON".  Be sure to use
ctty to redirect output back to CON before ending your batch file.

Roger A. Cornelius       rac@sherpa 

spectre@unix.cis.pittsburgh.edu (Robert Sillett) (06/04/89)

In article <3249@cps3xx.UUCP> usenet@cps3xx.UUCP (Usenet file owner) writes:
|in article <9139@boulder.Colorado.EDU>, haverlan@tramp.Colorado.EDU (HAVERLAND MARC BRADLEY) says:
|---->   If you are using DOS 3.x, use @echo off. The @ sign will supress
|the "echo off" message....

This only works for DOS 3.30 and above.  You have to patch COMMAND.COM on
3.20 and earlier.

Robert Sillett -- Univ. of Pittsburgh
Internet: spectre@unix.cis.pittsburgh.edu  []
Usenet:   ...!pitt!cisunx!spectre
Bitnet:   spectre@pittunix

silvert@cs.dal.ca (Bill Silvert) (06/04/89)

In article <122@sherpa.UUCP> rac@sherpa.UUCP (Roger A. Cornelius) writes:
$$	Does anyone know how to turn off echoing in a batch file without
$$	showing the 'echo off?'
#There was something in a recent PC Magazine about this.  If memory
#serves, the method used was to redirect all console output to NUL using
#the ctty command, then explicitly direct any output you want to appear
#on the screen to CON. eg. "echo Enter Y or N > CON".  Be sure to use
#ctty to redirect output back to CON before ending your batch file.

I hate to think what would happen if your user breaks out of the batch
file.  Is it really that important to hide one line?

Bill Silvert, Habitat Ecology Division.
Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Dartmouth, NS, Canada B2Y 4A2
	UUCP: ...!{uunet,watmath}!dalcs!biomel!bill
	Internet: biomel@cs.dal.CA	BITNET: bs%dalcs@dalac.BITNET

tar@ksuvax1.cis.ksu.edu (Tim Ramsey) (06/05/89)

[ followups to comp.sys.ibm.pc; this doesn't have much to do with binaries ]

In article <122@sherpa.UUCP> rac@sherpa.UUCP (Roger A. Cornelius) writes:

>There was something in a recent PC Magazine about this.  If memory
>serves, the method used was to redirect all console output to NUL using
>the ctty command, then explicitly direct any output you want to appear
>on the screen to CON. eg. "echo Enter Y or N > CON".  Be sure to use
>ctty to redirect output back to CON before ending your batch file.

But this will still display, at the minimum, the ctty command.  Doesn't
that defeat the whole purpose?
Timothy Ramsey                               Kansas State University
BITNET:   tar@KSUVAX1              Dept. of Computing and Information Sciences
Internet: tar@ksuvax1.cis.ksu.edu
UUCP:  ...!{rutgers,texbell}!ksuvax1!tar       HUNT!  HUNT!  HUNT!

mhoffman@infocenter.UUCP (Mike Hoffman) (06/06/89)

in article <562@megatek.UUCP>, hollen@eta.megatek.uucp (Dion Hollenbeck) says:
> From article <3249@cps3xx.UUCP>, by usenet@cps3xx.UUCP (Usenet file owner):
>> in article <9139@boulder.Colorado.EDU>, haverlan@tramp.Colorado.EDU (HAVERLAND MARC BRADLEY) says:
>>> Does anyone know how to turn off echoing in a batch file without
>>> showing the 'echo off?'
>> ---->   If you are using DOS 3.x, use @echo off. The @ sign will supress
>> the "echo off" message....
> Almost correct.  This will not work until DOS 3.3 or higher, not present
> in DOS 3.2.  There are however some patches which have gone around the
> net which allow command.com to be patched to make echo off the default.
            [stuff deleted]
> There is a replacement for command.com called 4DOS which implements the
> @ECHO OFF correctly.  

For those who have DOS 3.2 or lower, and are not excited about patching
command.com or installing a replacement, the only answer I know of is to
follow the "echo off" line with a "cls" line. The "echo off" is displayed, 
but it is erased so quickly it usually can't be noticed.

This will usually suffice for all but the most "discriminating" nitpickers
:-) :-)

Michael J. Hoffman                                    Voice: (407)255-8116
Manufacturing Engineering                               FAX: (407)255-8186
Encore Computer Corporation                           Email: mhoffman
                                                     USnail: 100 N. Babcock St.
UUCP: {uunet,codas!novavax,sun,pur-ee}!gould!mhoffman        Melbourne, Fl 32935
	"Curiouser and Curiouser" -- Alice in Wonderland

bobmon@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu (RAMontante) (06/06/89)

Oh well, for people who think that patching brain-damaged software is a
Good Thing to Do, here are the batch-file patches I've used, with
context.  They've worked on MS-DOS v2.11 through v3.21, and might work
on later versions.


p.s.  Two separate patches are involved.  I was told that my description
of which patch fixes which batch file is backwards, but I can't remember
whether I updated the descriptions or not.  Usually both patches are desired
anyway.  Also, some miscellaneous patches and some notes are at the end.

This file is basically an annotated script from a DEBUG session, plus
some appended trivia.  If you can't figure out how to use DEBUG this
won't be very clear, but then it won't be much use either.  For each
patch, I start by searching for a target string (that's the "s"
command).  I unassemble the surrounding locations to be sure I have what
I want ("u"), then I change the indicated byte ("e").

DOS Echo-Off Patches
C:\MISC debug command.com
-{ ECHO OFF default for AUTOEXEC.BAT }
-s cs:100 2000 00 bb 03 00 b4 48 cd 21
-u 122d
5BE4:122D 00BB0300      ADD     [BP+DI+0003],BH      { the           }
5BE4:1231 B448          MOV     AH,48                {   search      }
5BE4:1233 CD21          INT     21                   {       string  }
5BE4:1235 7271          JB      12A8
5BE4:1237 A37B0B        MOV     [0B7B],AX
5BE4:123A C606D00B02    MOV     BYTE PTR [0BD0],03   <-- change to 02
5BE4:123F 8EC0          MOV     ES,AX                    ~~~~~~~~~~~~
5BE4:1241 33FF          XOR     DI,DI
5BE4:1243 B000          MOV     AL,00
5BE4:1245 AA            STOSB
5BE4:1246 33C0          XOR     AX,AX
5BE4:1248 AB            STOSW
5BE4:1249 AB            STOSW
5BE4:124A B8FFFF        MOV     AX,FFFF
-e 123e
5BE4:123E  03.02                             { make the change }
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-{ ECHO OFF default for                         }
-{ alternate search:  -scs:100 2000 81 c3 b8 00 }
-s cs:100 2000 24 01 50 e8 96 00
-u 1bb0
5BE4:1BB0 06            PUSH    ES
5BE4:1BB1 E88C1A        CALL    3640
5BE4:1BB4 E86AFF        CALL    1B21
5BE4:1BB7 26            ES:
5BE4:1BB8 A0D00B        MOV     AL,[0BD0]
5BE4:1BBB 2401          AND     AL,01        <-- change to 00
5BE4:1BBD 50            PUSH    AX               ~~~~~~~~~~~~
5BE4:1BBE E89600        CALL    1C57         { search string ends here }
5BE4:1BC1 BEAB3D        MOV     SI,3DAB
5BE4:1BC4 E8D415        CALL    319B
5BE4:1BC7 8BD9          MOV     BX,CX
5BE4:1BC9 81C3B800      ADD     BX,00B8      { alternate search string }
5BE4:1BCD 51            PUSH    CX
5BE4:1BCE B104          MOV     CL,04
-e 1bbc
5BE4:1BBC  01.00                             { make the change }
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  
- { make CLS clear 25 lines of screen [it doesn't normally?] }
-u 2690
xxxx:2690 CD10          INT     10
xxxx:2692 B40F          MOV     AH,0F
xxxx:2694 CD10          INT     10
xxxx:2696 8AD4          MOV     DL,AH
xxxx:2698 FECA          DEC     DL
xxxx:269A B618          MOV     DH,18
                                   ^^-- originally 19
xxxx:269C 33C0          XOR     AX,AX   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
xxxx:269E 8BC8          MOV     CX,AX
xxxx:26A0 BB0007        MOV     BX,0700
xxxx:26A3 B406          MOV     AH,06
xxxx:26A5 CD10          INT     10
xxxx:26A7 33D2          XOR     DX,DX
xxxx:26A9 B700          MOV     BH,00
xxxx:26AB B402          MOV     AH,02
xxxx:26AD CD10          INT     10
xxxx:26AF C3            RET
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  
- { make ECHO[spacechar] give a blank line; [spacechar] is a single char.  }
xxxx:38E1 C3            RET
xxxx:38E2 8026zzzzFE    AND     BYTE PTR [zzzz],FE
xxxx:38E7 C3            RET
xxxx:38E8 E82000        CALL    390B                       <--
xxxx:38EB 7409          JZ      38F6                       <--
xxxx:38ED BA8200        MOV     DX,0082
xxxx:38F0 E8AAF1        CALL    2A9D
xxxx:38F3 E949F1        JMP     2A3F
xxxx:38F6 8E1Exxxx      MOV     DS,[xxxx]
xxxx:38FA 8A1Ezzzz      MOV     BL,[zzzz]
xxxx:38FE 0E            PUSH    CS
xxxx:38FF 1F            POP     DS
xxxx:3900 80E301        AND     BL,01

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  
	In above        -- zzzz represents a constant value, here 0b9e
	  unassemblies:    xxxx represents miscellaneous values

version        \AUTOEXEC.BAT  other.BAT  25-line CLS    echo<space>
~~~~~~~        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  patches           01 -> 00    03 -> 02    19 -> 18  e8200074 -> 83f90172

Location Offsets (per John Wright etc.)
MSDOS 3.10
  IBM/Compaq/generic    105B        1967        263B         3878
  Zenith (early?)        ??         1987                      ??
  Zenith (IO.SYSv3.12)  112B        19C7        269B         38E8  *

MSDOS 3.20
  generic               115E        1ABC                     3A18
  Compaq                11A4        1B6C                     3AC8
  Zenith v3.21           ??          ??                       ??   **
  IBM (PCDOS 3.20)      115E        1B2C                     3A88

PCDOS 3.30 (IBM)        1304        1B6C                     3E29

*  "echo ." is known to work for this version
** Patches work, but I don't remember the locations.  Mea culpa.  Also,
   "echo." works - RAM

Date: Mon, 10 Nov 86 21:11:36 cst
From: jai@im4u.UTEXAS.EDU (S. Jayashankar)
Subject: COMMAND.COM Patch for Echo OFF Under DOS 3.1

        I tried this patch on DOS 3.1.  It works fine.  However,
the RENAME command is affected too: it doesn't accept a path name
anymore for the first argument (it accepts only a file name in the
current directory).  When I restored my unpatched COMMAND.COM, it
worked correctly.
        Has anyone else had the same problem?

[ I use a `mv' program which is much nicer anyway, so I'm not affected. - RAM ]

>  Tom Reingold & Mike Brown suggest suggest patching location 0x1887; my
>  version of command.com shows the following evidence of an OEM patch there:
4502:187C 2E            CS:
4502:187D C7065648FFFF  MOV     WORD PTR [4856],FFFF
4502:1883 33C9          XOR     CX,CX
4502:1885 EB10          JMP     1897      <--    Unconditional branch,
4502:1887 90            NOP               <--    byte filler
4502:1888 E8D900        CALL    1964
4502:188B E80202        CALL    1A90
4502:188E F7064B0BFFFF  TEST    WORD PTR [0B4B],FFFF
4502:1894 75B2          JNZ     1848
4502:1896 C3            RET
4502:1897 E8F601        CALL    1A90


msschaa@cs.vu.nl (Schaap MS) (06/07/89)

In article <9139@boulder.Colorado.EDU> haverlan@tramp.Colorado.EDU (HAVERLAND MARC BRADLEY) writes:
>Does anyone know how to turn off echoing in a batch file without
>showing the 'echo off?'

@echo off


shapiro@rb-dc1.UUCP (Mike Shapiro) (06/07/89)

In article <9139@boulder.Colorado.EDU> haverlan@tramp.Colorado.EDU (HAVERLAND MARC BRADLEY) writes:
>I put the command 'echo off' at the top of most of my batch files to
>hide the following commands.  However, 'echo off' is still displayed.
>Does anyone know how to turn off echoing in a batch file without
>showing the 'echo off?'
For DOS 3.3 and above, just put a "@" before the echo off on the first

For earlier DOS, here is the technique I learned several years ago to
patch the COMMAND.COM file on any version of MS-DOS or PC-DOS to make
the initial echo status for BAT files OFF.  It is reproduced from
memory and some quick experiments, so no guarantees, of course.

1. Make a copy of COMMAND.COM and work on it.


2. Run DEBUG and enter the commands shown.  (Do not enter the commentary)

  -s 0,5fff 24 01           Find the byte sequence 24 01.
  xxxx:1B2B                 DEBUG replies with addresses it finds bytes.
  -u1b18                    Disassemble starting with previous instruction:
  xxxx:1B28 A0FC0A       MOV AL,[0AFC]
  xxxx:1B2B 2401         AND AL,01
  -e1B2C 00                 Patch the 01 byte to 00
  -s 0,5fff fc 0a 03        Find the address in the above disassembled
                            instruction followed by the byte 03
  -u115a                    To check, disassemble the instruction:
  xxxx:115A C606FC0A03   MOV BYTE PTR [0AFC],03
  -e115e 02                 Patch the 03 byte to 02
  -w                        Write the modified file
  -q                        Quit

(The above addresses are from PC-DOS 3.21.  The "xxxx:" depends on your
memory use at the time you run DEBUG.)

3. Do a binary comparison of the COMX.COM and original COMMAND.COM
files.  Only the two bytes should have changed, 03 to 02 and 01 to 00.
To test it, on a floppy formatted with the /S option, replace
COMMAND.COM with the COMX.COM, renaming it COMMAND.COM.  Then reboot
with the floppy.  If all works well, rename COMMAND.COM to some other
name such as COMMAND.COX and COMX.COM to COMMAND.COM in your normal
boot directory

(As I recall, the first patch indicates an "echo off" status during
execution of a BAT file statement.  The second patch selects "echo off"
as the initial status for an AUTOEXEC.BAT file.  It's been several
years since I've done this, so I may be slightly wrong on the reasons.)

Best of luck.
Michael Shapiro, Encore Computer Corporation (formerly Gould/GSD)
15378 Avenue of Science, San Diego, CA 92128
(619)485-0910    UUCP: shapiro@rb-dc1  
(This location will close, starting July 10.  I will be moving on.)

mcwill@inmos.co.uk (Iain McWilliams) (06/12/89)

In article <3249@cps3xx.UUCP> usenet@cps3xx.UUCP (Usenet file owner) writes:
>in article <9139@boulder.Colorado.EDU>, haverlan@tramp.Colorado.EDU (HAVERLAND MARC BRADLEY) says:
   [Request on how to hide "echo off" deleted]
>> Marc Haverland
>> haverlan@tramp.Colorado.EDU
>---->   If you are using DOS 3.x, use @echo off. The @ sign will supress
>the "echo off" message....

Couldn't resist nitpicking :-)

I believe that this is only available on DOS 3.3 and greater.


Iain McWilliams     Inmos Ltd, Bristol | EMail(UK) ukc!inmos!mcwill
---------------------------------------|     or    mcwill@inmos.co.uk
The opinions above are my personal     | Internet: @col.hp.com:mcwill@inmos-c
views and do not refelect Inmos policy.| UUCP:(US) uunet!inmos-c!mcwill