[comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d] compression routine wanted in pascal source

ncperson@ndsuvax.UUCP (Brett Person) (06/28/89)

The subject line says it all. I need a file compress routine written in
something close to turbo pascal.  Anyone got one/know where I cdan get one?
I don't really want to write this myself.

Thanks in advance
Brett G. Person
North Dakota State University
uunet!ndsuvax!ncperson | ncperson@ndsuvax.bitnet | ncperson@plains.nodak.edu

rlb@cs.odu.edu (Robert Lee Bailey) (06/28/89)

In article <2764@ndsuvax.UUCP> ncperson@ndsuvax.UUCP (Brett Person) writes:
>The subject line says it all. I need a file compress routine written in
>something close to turbo pascal.  Anyone got one/know where I cdan get one?
>I don't really want to write this myself.

If you don't mind keying it in yourself, try the following paper.  It has
Pascal source for a data compression program.

	Jones, Douglas W., "Application of Splay Trees to Data Compression"
	Comm. of the ACM, Aug 1988, Vol 31, No 8.

Bob Bailey