[comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d] VI-Clone

andi@edvvie.at (Andreas Klimas) (07/21/89)

Hi everybody !

I like the way I can work with VI, but there is one problem:
I don`t have one for OS/2. Is there anyone, who has ported STEVIE
to OS/2 or is it possible to send me the source. (Please Email me before !)

Thanks for all your help


Email: andi@edvvie.at

	LOCAL: andi@eliza               USENET: andi@edvvie.at
	EDV Ges.m.b.H Vienna            Andreas Klimas
	Hofmuehlgasse 3 - 5
	A-1060 Vienna, Austria/Europe   Tel: (0043) (222) 59907 (8-19 CET)

andirens dvvie.at (Andreas Klimas) (07/22/89)

Hi everybody !

I like the way I can work with VI, but there is one problem:
I don`t have one for OS/2. Is there anyone, who has ported STEVIE
to OS/2 or is it possible to send me the source. (Please Email me before !)

ThanksR	UpEall your help


Email: andirens dvvie.at

	LOCAL: andirens liza               USENET: andirens dvvie.at
	EDV Ges.m.b.H Vienna            Andreas Klimas
	Hofmuehlgasse 3s:75
	A3/l060 Vienna, Austria/Europe   Tel: (0043) (222) 59907 (83/l9 CET)

jxh@cup.portal.com (Jim - Hickstein) (07/24/89)

Mortice Kern Systems in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, has a protected-mode
Toolkit (with everything from awk to yacc) which also has an implementation
of vi.  I have used it satisfactorily, but I am not proficient at vi; a
friend of mine put it through its paces, and discovered problems only where
it touched on job control or shell aspects (talk to alex@mks about *that*).
The OS/2 Toolkit is in Beta testing, but I was able to obtain a copy just by
buying it.  In fact, it seems that it will cost me less to get it early
and pay for an upgrade than it would if I waited for the final release!

MKS can be contacted at:
	Mortice Kern Systems
	35 King Street North
	Waterloo, Ontario
	Canada N2J 2W9
	(519) 884-2251
or send mail to 

I have also had good results talking to gerry@mks.com, Gerry Wheeler, the
guy on USENET who answers my questions (whatever his official capacity is).
I don't have the pricing handy, but I found it worthwhile, even spending my
own money.  Also, the Beta test pricing may have changed.

-Jim Hickstein

> Hi everybody !
> I like the way I can work with VI, but there is one problem:
> I don`t have one for OS/2. Is there anyone, who has ported STEVIE
> to OS/2 or is it possible to send me the source. (Please Email me before !)
> Thanks for all your help
> andi
> Email: andi@edvvie.at
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> LOCAL: andi@eliza               USENET: andi@edvvie.at
> EDV Ges.m.b.H Vienna            Andreas Klimas
> Hofmuehlgasse 3 - 5
> A-1060 Vienna, Austria/Europe   Tel: (0043) (222) 59907 (8-19 CET)
> ------------------------------------------------------------------