[comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d] LPR/LPQ utilities update

w8sdz@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL (Keith Petersen) (07/29/89)

[--forwarded message--]
From: richard@CALVIN.SPP.cornell.edu (Richard Brittain)

I have uploaded the new version of my LPR/LPQ to SIMTEL20 as file


LPR and LPQ are two utilities to work with the standard MSDOS
background printing program and enhance it's usefulness.

LPR lets you pipe standard input into a spool file, which is then
passed to the print queue maintained by the DOS print.com utility.
File arguments (with wildcards) to lpr are also passed to print. Calls
to lpr and print may be freely mixed.  Added bonuses are a logging of
the time of each print job, and a rush option to insert a job at the
head of the queue.  The spool files are created in a special spool
directory, and automatically deleted by a later call to lpr.  LPR does
not look at the file in any way, except for the following:

 - input files which are empty are not printed.
 - a formfeed as the last character in the file is stripped, since PRINT
   will supply one for you (at least my print does - DOS 4.01)

LPQ is a utility to display and manipulate the print queue.  It
displays the files in the queue, each with a job number, file size,
and the time of entry (if they were inserted by LPR and not PRINT).
In addition, it can cancel individual files by job number, cancel all
jobs files, or move a given job to the head of the queue.  It can also
suspend print operations (thus leaving the printer port free to other
applications such as word processors), and then restore the queue and
resume printing later.  The percentage already printed is displayed
for the file at the head of the queue (this may not be very meaningful
if you use a large printer buffer)

Of course, PRINT should be already resident and pointing at the
correct printer port before you run LPR. (It checks for this first).

The source was compiled with TurboC v2.0, tiny model and converted to
.com It has been tested on DOS v 3.1 and 4.01.  It has not been tested
under 2.x but I think it should work.  The multiplex interrupt 2F was
undocumented then but print.com was using it (according to Norton).

        lpq.c           source for lpq
        lpq.com         compiled lpq
        lpq.doc         documentation
        lpr.c           source for lpr
        lpr.com         compiled lpr
        lpr.doc         documentation
        lpr.prj         project file for Turbo C
        readme          this file

LPR and LPQ are copyright (1989) by Richard Brittain
Permission is granted to freely use and distribute these programs as long as
my copyright notice is not removed.  These programs may not be sold.

All comments, suggestions etc. welcome at any of the addresses below.

Richard Brittain,                   School of Elect. Eng.,  Upson Hall   
                                    Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853
ARPA: richard@calvin.spp.cornell.edu	
UUCP: {uunet,uw-beaver,rochester,cmcl2}!cornell!calvin!richard

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Thanks, Richard!
