[comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d] bar code generator summary

terry@joshua.math.ucla.edu (08/10/89)

Thanks to all those who responded to my query about bar code generators.
Here is a summary of the responses I received.  It has been cross-posted
to appropriate newsgroups.

Terry McKiernan
(213) 825-9040


From: rose@cs.wisc.edu (Scott Rose)

my company SELLS barcode fonts.  i know none of the details, but call
(800) 351-0500 for the scoop.


From: spcecdt@ucscb.UCSC.EDU (Space Cadet)

     Worthington Data Solutions sells bar code readers & label generators.
Don't know how much they go for.  Their number is 408-458-9938.


From: Brian Vanlandingham <bvan@uncecs.edu>

10  '**************************************************************************
20  '*****                 CODE 3-of-9 BAR CODE  GENERATOR                *****
30  '*****                 *******************************                *****
40  '*****      This program will generate standard 3-of-9 bar code       *****
50  '*****      on any dot matrix printer which is compatable with        *****
60  '*****      an Epson or IBM graphics printer.                         *****
70  '*****                 ******************************                 *****
80  '*****                      -  SPECIFICATIONS -                       *****
90  '**                                                                      **
100 '**                         W                                 N          **
110 '**                |  Nominal Width  | Nominal Width  | Nominal Ratio    **
120 '**     Density    |       of        |      of        |      of          **
130 '**   (Characters/ | Narrow Bars and | Wide Bars and  | Wide to Narrow   **
140 '**      Inch)     | Spaces (Inches) | Spaces (Inches)| Element Width    **
150 '**   -------------+-----------------+----------------+----------------  **
160 '**      5.730     |     0.0125      |     0.0315     |      2.52        **
170 '**   -------------+-----------------+----------------+----------------  **
180 '**                                                                      **
190 '*****                 ******************************                 *****
200 '*****  Code 3-of-9 was developed in 1974 by Dr. David C. Allais of   *****
210 '*****  Interface Mechanisms, Inc.  It has been adopted as the        *****
220 '*****  standard bar code symbology of the Department of Defence      *****
230 '*****  (MIL-STD-1189) and is the most widely used alphanumeric bar   *****
240 '*****  code in use.  Code 3-of-9 is so called because the original   *****
250 '*****  concept provided for 39 data characters.  The name also       *****
260 '*****  describes the structure of the code which has 3 wide elements *****
270 '*****  out of a total of 9.                                          *****
280 '*****                                                                *****
290 '*****  For best results use only even numbered values for height     *****
300 '*****  and use a height which is approx 15% of the total code        *****
310 '*****  length.                                                       *****
320 '*****                                                                *****
330 '*****  This program was written solely for information purposes to   *****
340 '*****  demonstrate the structure of code 3-of-9.  The author is      *****
350 '*****  not responsible for any damages incurred through the use of   *****
360 '*****  this program.                                                 *****
370 '*****                                                                *****
380 '*****                           Bill Wood  Milwaukee, WI   05/18/85  *****
390 '**************************************************************************
400 '
410  DIM X(30),M(30),P$(30),A$(30)
420  '
430  '*****  generate data entry screen
440  '
450  KEY OFF
460  CLS
470  COLOR 7
490  FOR P=1 TO 3
500  PRINT ":                                     :"
510  NEXT P
530  FOR P=1 TO 5
540  PRINT ":                                     :"
550  NEXT P
570  '
580  '*****  display menu and get input from user
590  '
610  LOCATE 6,3  :COLOR 6 :PRINT "1  Print Data from CONSOLE"
620  LOCATE 7,3  :COLOR 6 :PRINT "2  Print Data from FILE   "
630  LOCATE 8,3  :COLOR 6 :PRINT "3  ADD Data to FILE  "
640  LOCATE 9,3  :COLOR 6 :PRINT "Q  QUIT              "
650  LOCATE 10,10:COLOR 6 :PRINT "==>"
660  LOCATE 10,14:COLOR 10:INPUT " ",SELECT$
670  IF SELECT$="Q" THEN GOTO 1900
680  GOSUB 2220
690  IF SELECT$="1" THEN GOTO 730
700  IF SELECT$="2" THEN GOTO 740
710  IF SELECT$="3" THEN GOTO 750
720  GOTO 450
730  GOSUB 1950 :GOSUB 790 :GOTO 450
740  OPEN "CODE39.DAT" FOR INPUT  AS #1 :GOTO 2030
760  '
770  '*****  add start and stop characters to user message (*)
780  '
790  MSG$="*"+MSG$+"*" :S$=""
800  '
810  '*****  define print head pins to fire
820  '
830   NS$=CHR$(0)+CHR$(0)
840   WS$=CHR$(0)+CHR$(0)+CHR$(0)+CHR$(0)
850   NB$=CHR$(255)
860   WB$=CHR$(255)+CHR$(255)+CHR$(255)
870  '
880  '*****  decode message into bar code
890  '
900  L=LEN(MSG$)
910  FOR X=1 TO L
920  TEST$=MID$(MSG$,X,1)
930   IF TEST$="1" THEN L$=WB$+NS$+NB$+WS$+NB$+NS$+NB$+NS$+WB$ :GOTO 1430
940   IF TEST$="2" THEN L$=NB$+NS$+WB$+WS$+NB$+NS$+NB$+NS$+WB$ :GOTO 1430
950   IF TEST$="3" THEN L$=WB$+NS$+WB$+WS$+NB$+NS$+NB$+NS$+NB$ :GOTO 1430
960   IF TEST$="4" THEN L$=NB$+NS$+NB$+WS$+WB$+NS$+NB$+NS$+WB$ :GOTO 1430
970   IF TEST$="5" THEN L$=WB$+NS$+NB$+WS$+WB$+NS$+NB$+NS$+NB$ :GOTO 1430
980   IF TEST$="6" THEN L$=NB$+NS$+WB$+WS$+WB$+NS$+NB$+NS$+NB$ :GOTO 1430
990   IF TEST$="7" THEN L$=NB$+NS$+NB$+WS$+NB$+NS$+WB$+NS$+WB$ :GOTO 1430
1000  IF TEST$="8" THEN L$=WB$+NS$+NB$+WS$+NB$+NS$+WB$+NS$+NB$ :GOTO 1430
1010  IF TEST$="9" THEN L$=NB$+NS$+WB$+WS$+NB$+NS$+WB$+NS$+NB$ :GOTO 1430
1020  IF TEST$="0" THEN L$=NB$+NS$+NB$+WS$+WB$+NS$+WB$+NS$+NB$ :GOTO 1430
1030  IF TEST$="A" THEN L$=WB$+NS$+NB$+NS$+NB$+WS$+NB$+NS$+WB$ :GOTO 1430
1040  IF TEST$="B" THEN L$=NB$+NS$+WB$+NS$+NB$+WS$+NB$+NS$+WB$ :GOTO 1430
1050  IF TEST$="C" THEN L$=WB$+NS$+WB$+NS$+NB$+WS$+NB$+NS$+NB$ :GOTO 1430
1060  IF TEST$="D" THEN L$=NB$+NS$+NB$+NS$+WB$+WS$+NB$+NS$+WB$ :GOTO 1430
1070  IF TEST$="E" THEN L$=WB$+NS$+NB$+NS$+WB$+WS$+NB$+NS$+NB$ :GOTO 1430
1080  IF TEST$="F" THEN L$=NB$+NS$+WB$+NS$+WB$+WS$+NB$+NS$+NB$ :GOTO 1430
1090  IF TEST$="G" THEN L$=NB$+NS$+NB$+NS$+NB$+WS$+WB$+NS$+WB$ :GOTO 1430
1100  IF TEST$="H" THEN L$=WB$+NS$+NB$+NS$+NB$+WS$+WB$+NS$+NB$ :GOTO 1430
1110  IF TEST$="I" THEN L$=NB$+NS$+WB$+NS$+NB$+WS$+WB$+NS$+NB$ :GOTO 1430
1120  IF TEST$="J" THEN L$=NB$+NS$+NB$+NS$+WB$+WS$+WB$+NS$+NB$ :GOTO 1430
1130  IF TEST$="K" THEN L$=WB$+NS$+NB$+NS$+NB$+NS$+NB$+WS$+WB$ :GOTO 1430
1140  IF TEST$="L" THEN L$=NB$+NS$+WB$+NS$+NB$+NS$+NB$+WS$+WB$ :GOTO 1430
1150  IF TEST$="M" THEN L$=WB$+NS$+WB$+NS$+NB$+NS$+NB$+WS$+NB$ :GOTO 1430
1160  IF TEST$="N" THEN L$=NB$+NS$+NB$+NS$+WB$+NS$+NB$+WS$+WB$ :GOTO 1430
1170  IF TEST$="O" THEN L$=WB$+NS$+NB$+NS$+WB$+NS$+NB$+WS$+NB$ :GOTO 1430
1180  IF TEST$="P" THEN L$=NB$+NS$+WB$+NS$+WB$+NS$+NB$+WS$+NB$ :GOTO 1430
1190  IF TEST$="Q" THEN L$=NB$+NS$+NB$+NS$+NB$+NS$+WB$+WS$+WB$ :GOTO 1430
1200  IF TEST$="R" THEN L$=WB$+NS$+NB$+NS$+NB$+NS$+WB$+WS$+NB$ :GOTO 1430
1210  IF TEST$="S" THEN L$=NB$+NS$+WB$+NS$+NB$+NS$+WB$+WS$+NB$ :GOTO 1430
1220  IF TEST$="T" THEN L$=NB$+NS$+NB$+NS$+WB$+NS$+WB$+WS$+NB$ :GOTO 1430
1230  IF TEST$="U" THEN L$=WB$+WS$+NB$+NS$+NB$+NS$+NB$+NS$+WB$ :GOTO 1430
1240  IF TEST$="V" THEN L$=NB$+WS$+WB$+NS$+NB$+NS$+NB$+NS$+WB$ :GOTO 1430
1250  IF TEST$="W" THEN L$=WB$+WS$+WB$+NS$+NB$+NS$+NB$+NS$+NB$ :GOTO 1430
1260  IF TEST$="X" THEN L$=NB$+WS$+NB$+NS$+WB$+NS$+NB$+NS$+WB$ :GOTO 1430
1270  IF TEST$="Y" THEN L$=WB$+WS$+NB$+NS$+WB$+NS$+NB$+NS$+NB$ :GOTO 1430
1280  IF TEST$="Z" THEN L$=NB$+WS$+WB$+NS$+WB$+NS$+NB$+NS$+NB$ :GOTO 1430
1290  IF TEST$="-" THEN L$=NB$+WS$+NB$+NS$+NB$+NS$+WB$+NS$+WB$ :GOTO 1430
1300  IF TEST$="." THEN L$=WB$+WS$+NB$+NS$+NB$+NS$+WB$+NS$+NB$ :GOTO 1430
1310  IF TEST$=" " THEN L$=NB$+WS$+WB$+NS$+NB$+NS$+WB$+NS$+NB$ :GOTO 1430
1320  IF TEST$="*" THEN L$=NB$+WS$+NB$+NS$+WB$+NS$+WB$+NS$+NB$ :GOTO 1430
1330  IF TEST$="$" THEN L$=NB$+WS$+NB$+WS$+NB$+WS$+NB$+NS$+NB$ :GOTO 1430
1340  IF TEST$="/" THEN L$=NB$+WS$+NB$+WS$+NB$+NS$+NB$+WS$+NB$ :GOTO 1430
1350  IF TEST$="+" THEN L$=NB$+WS$+NB$+NS$+NB$+WS$+NB$+WS$+NB$ :GOTO 1430
1360  IF TEST$="%" THEN L$=NB$+NS$+NB$+WS$+NB$+WS$+NB$+WS$+NB$ :GOTO 1430
1370  '
1380  '*****  print error message if input is invalid
1390  '
1410  LOCATE 9,3  :COLOR 28 :PRINT "                ";TEST$;"      "
1430  P$(X)=L$
1440  '
1450  '*****  develop human readable text to be printed under bar code
1460  '
1470   A$(X)=TEST$
1480   IF X=15 OR X=25 THEN GOTO 1500
1490   IF X>2 AND (X MOD 2)>0 THEN S$=S$+" "
1500  NEXT X
1510  '
1520  '*****  set printer to 2/216 lines per inch
1530  '
1540  WIDTH "LPT1:",255
1550  LPRINT CHR$(27);CHR$(51);CHR$(2);
1560  '
1570  '*****  calculate N1 and N2 values for dot graphics command
1580  '
1590  COLS=21
1600  N1=COLS MOD 256
1610  N2=FIX(COLS/256)
1620  '
1630  '*****  print each character of bar code
1640  '
1650  LOCATE 7,3 :COLOR 1 :PRINT "PRINTING-                           "
1670  FOR H=1 TO HIGH
1680  FOR N=L TO 1 STEP -1
1690    LOCATE 7,(N+12) :PRINT " "
1700  NEXT N
1710    FOR M=1 TO L
1720     LOCATE 7,(M+11) :COLOR 11 :PRINT A$(M)
1730     LPRINT CHR$(27);CHR$(76);CHR$(N1);CHR$(N2);P$(M);NS$;
1740    NEXT M
1750  '
1760  '*****  set printer to 19/216 lines per inch every other line
1770  '
1780   IF (H MOD 2)=0 THEN LPRINT CHR$(27);CHR$(74);CHR$(19);
1790   LPRINT
1800   LOCATE 9,3  :COLOR 1  :PRINT "    PASS-"
1810   LOCATE 9,12 :COLOR 11 :PRINT H
1820   LOCATE 9,15 :COLOR 1  :PRINT " COMPLETE           "
1830  NEXT H
1840  '
1850  '*****  reset printer to default and print human readable text
1860  '
1870  LPRINT CHR$(27)"@"
1880  LPRINT S$;MSG$
1900  LOCATE 20,1 :COLOR 7,0,0 :PRINT
1910 END
1920  '
1930  '*****  enter data from console
1940  '
1960  LOCATE 7,17 :COLOR 10:INPUT " ",MSG$
1980  LOCATE 9,17 :COLOR 10:INPUT " ",HIGH
1990  RETURN
2000  '
2010  '*****  read data from file
2020  '
2040  LOCATE 9,17 :COLOR 10:INPUT " ",HIGH
2050  GOSUB 2220
2060  INPUT #1,MSG$
2070  GOSUB 790
2080  IF EOF(1) THEN CLOSE #1 :GOTO 450
2090  GOTO 2060
2100  '
2110  '*****  write data to file
2120  '
2130  LOCATE 7,3  :COLOR 6 :PRINT "ENTER MESSAGE (press enter to quit) "
2140  LOCATE 9,10 :COLOR 6 :PRINT "==> "
2150  LOCATE 9,14 :COLOR 10:INPUT " ",MSG$
2160  IF MSG$="" THEN CLOSE #1 :GOTO 450
2170  PRINT #1,MSG$ :GOSUB 2220
2180  GOTO 2130
2190  '
2200  '*****  clear data entry area
2210  '
2220  LOCATE 6,2  :PRINT "                                     "
2230  LOCATE 7,2  :PRINT "                                     "
2240  LOCATE 8,2  :PRINT "                                     "
2250  LOCATE 9,2  :PRINT "                                     "
2260  LOCATE 10,2 :PRINT "                                     "
2270  RETURN


From: Brian Vanlandingham <bvan@uncecs.edu>

* Program...: CODE39.PRG
* Version...: 1.0
* Function..: Prints 3 of 9 barcodes
* Source....: Clipper (Summer '87)
* Libraries.: CLIPPER.LIB  (c) Nantucket Corporation (Summer '87)
*             EXTEND.LIB   (c) Nantucket Corporation (Summer '87)
* Author....: George T. Neill
*             2140 Main Street
*             La Crosse, WI  54601
* Created...: May 5, 1988  at 10:21 am
* Copyright.: None, released to the public domain as is with no express
*             or implied warranty as to suitability or accuracy of this
*             program.  The author shall not be held liable for any 
*             damages, either direct or non-direct, arising from the use
*             of this program.  This program may be modified and/or
*             included in any program without any consideration to the
*             author.
* Revisions:
* Date        Time   Who   Change Description
*****                 CODE 3-of-9 BAR CODE  GENERATOR                *****
*****                 *******************************                *****
*****      This program will generate standard 3-of-9 bar code       *****
*****      on any dot matrix printer which is compatable with        *****
*****      an Epson/IBM graphics printer or HP LaserJet.             *****
*****                 ******************************                 *****
*****                      -  SPECIFICATIONS -                       *****
**                                                                      **
**                         W                                 N          **
**                |  Nominal Width  | Nominal Width  | Nominal Ratio    **
**     Density    |       of        |      of        |      of          **
**   (Characters/ | Narrow Bars and | Wide Bars and  | Wide to Narrow   **
**      Inch)     | Spaces (Inches) | Spaces (Inches)| Element Width    **
**   -------------+-----------------+----------------+----------------  **
**      5.730     |     0.0125      |     0.0315     |      2.52        **
**   -------------+-----------------+----------------+----------------  **
**                                                                      **
*****                 ******************************                 *****
*****  Code 3-of-9 was developed in 1974 by Dr. David C. Allais of   *****
*****  Interface Mechanisms, Inc.  It has been adopted as the        *****
*****  standard bar code symbology of the Department of Defence      *****
*****  (MIL-STD-1189) and is the most widely used alphanumeric bar   *****
*****  code in use.  Code 3-of-9 is so called because the original   *****
*****  concept provided for 39 data characters.  The name also       *****
*****  describes the structure of the code which has 3 wide elements *****
*****  out of a total of 9.                                          *****
*****                                                                *****
*****  This program was written solely for information purposes to   *****
*****  demonstrate the structure of code 3-of-9.  The author is      *****
*****  not responsible for any damages incurred through the use of   *****
*****  this program.                                                 *****
*****                                                                *****
*****                           Bill Wood  Milwaukee, WI   05/18/85  *****
*****                                                                *****
*****  This dBase code originated from a basic program written by    *****  
*****  Bill Wood of Milwaukee, WI in May of 1985.  I have, of course,*****  
*****  converted it to dBase and added support for the HP LaserJet.  *****  
*****                                                                *****
*****  Because of the wide variety and quality of bar code readers   *****
*****  and barcode print quality when using a dot matrix printer, I  *****
*****  strongly recommend using a laser printer for your barcodes.   *****
*****  Also, the you will get 7 characters per inch on the laser as  *****
*****  opposed to 5.6 cpi on a dot matrix.                           *****
*****                                                                *****
*****  The LaserJet barcodes are generated using the pattern fill    *****
*****  functions and do not require the use of any font cartridges   *****
*****  or soft fonts.  The tricky part of using this method is       *****
*****  following the HP cusor location on the printed page.  Please  *****
*****  refer to the HP LaserJet Technical Reference Manual for a     *****
*****  thorough explanation of this.  Currently, the program is      *****
*****  setup to print at 6 lines per inch.  That is, a height of 1   *****
*****  is equal to one line.                                         *****
*****                                                                *****
*****  The program requires two functions, the printer setup, and    *****
*****  the barcode creation.  The printer setup defines the          *****
*****  components of the barcode and the barcode creation builds     *****
*****  the barcode from a passed character string.  Using this       *****
*****  program as an example you should be able to generate a        *****
*****  barcode routine for any printer or barcode symbology.         *****
*****                                                                *****
*****  Good Luck,                                                    *****
*****        George T. Neill                                         *****

***** Program Setup *****
clear screen
public esc,null,printer,height

esc = chr(27)
null = ""

@ 01,01 say [Code 39 Barcode Generator]

***** get printer type *****
* default to two line LaserJet barcode
printer   = "L"
height    = 2

@ 03,01 say [Print on (E)pson or (L)aserJet?] ;
        get m->PRINTER ;
        picture '@!'; 
        valid printer$'EL'

@ 04,01 say [Enter Height of Barcode (1-4)] ;
        get m->HEIGHT ;
        picture '9' ;
        range 1,4

if printer = "L"
   do setup_hp

elseif printer = "E"
   do setup_epson


***** Define CODE 3of9 Characer Set *****  

***** Get text to print and print barcode *****
stay = .T.
do while stay
   ***** Create empty variable.  The length is arbitrary as there is *****
   ***** no defined maximum length of a 3of9 barcode. *****
   message = space(25)

   @ 07,01 say [Enter text to print ] ;
           get m->MESSAGE ;
           picture '@K!'

   if empty(m->MESSAGE)
      ***** exit on no message text
      stay = .F.

   ***** Prepend and append required asterik's to trimmed message *****
   m->MESSAGE = "*"+trim(m->MESSAGE)+"*"

   set device to print
   ***** print barcoded m->MESSAGE *****
   @ prow()+height,00 say barcode(m->MESSAGE)

   ***** Print message text below barcode *****
   @ prow()+if(printer="L",height,0),int(len(m->MESSAGE)/4) say  m->MESSAGE
   set device to screen

   ***** Check for page eject *****
   ***** (necessary to see what you've done on a laserjet) *****
   eject = .F.
   @ 08,01 say [Eject?] get eject picture [Y]
   if eject


***** End of File CODE39 *****

***   Function:  Barcode()
***    Purpose:  Creates Code39 barcode from character string
*** Parameters:  Character String
***    Returns:  String converted to barcode
***      Notes:  Requires the following variables:
***           :  
***           :      All printers:
***           :         nb = narrow bar character
***           :         wb = wide bar character
***           :         ns = narrow space
***           :         ws = wide space
***           :  
***           :      HP LaserJet:
***           :         start = Beginning cursor position adjustment
***           :         end   = Ending cursor position adjustment
***           :  
***           :      Epson/IBM Printers:
***           :         height = height of barcode in lines
***           :         n1 & n2 = calculated dot graphics length
***           :  
function barcode
   parameters m->MESSAGE
   code = ""

   do case
      case printer = "L"
         * read message character at a time and build barcode
         for i = 1 to len(m->MESSAGE)
            letter = substr(m->MESSAGE,i,1)
            code = code + if(at(letter,chars)=0,letter,char[at(letter,chars)]) + NS
         code = start + code + end

      case printer = "E"
         for h = 1 to height
            for i = 1 to len(m->MESSAGE)
               letter = substr(m->MESSAGE,i,1)

               * build barcoded string
               code = if(at(letter,chars)=0,letter,char[at(letter,chars)]) + NS

               * print barcode character at a time on Epson
               printcode(esc + chr(76) + chr(N1) + chr(N2) + code)

            * perform 23/216 line feed

         * perform 5/216 line feed

         * reset printer to turn off graphics and reset to 10cpi


return code
***** End of Function(BARCODE) *****

***  Procedure:  Setup_HP
***    Purpose:  Defines characters for HP LaserJet
*** Parameters:  None
***    Returns:  Initialized Public variables

procedure setup_hp
   public nb,wb,ns,ws,start,end
   *** define bars and spaces for HP LaserJet II
   small_bar = 3                                 && number of points per bar
   wide_bar = round(small_bar * 2.25,0)          && 2.25 x small_bar
   dpl = 50                                      && dots per line 300dpi/6lpi = 50dpl

   nb = esc+"*c"+transform(small_bar,'99')+"a"+alltrim(str(height*dpl))+"b0P"+esc+"*p+"+transform(small_bar,'99')+"X"
   wb = esc+"*c"+transform(wide_bar,'99')+"a"+alltrim(str(height*dpl))+"b0P"+esc+"*p+"+transform(wide_bar,'99')+"X"
   ns = esc+"*p+"+transform(small_bar,'99')+"X"
   ws = esc+"*p+"+transform(wide_bar,'99')+"X"

   *** adjust cusor position to start at top of line and return to bottom of line
   start = esc+"*p-50Y"
   end = esc+"*p+50Y"

***** End of Procedure(SETUP_HP) *****

***  Procedure:  Setup_Epson
***    Purpose:  Defines characters for Espon or IBM Graphics printer
*** Parameters:  None
***    Returns:  Initialized Public variables

procedure setup_epson
   public nb,wb,ns,ws,n1,n2
   ***** define Epson bars and spaces
   ns = chr(0) + chr(0)
   ws = chr(0) + chr(0) + chr(0) + chr(0)
   nb = chr(255)
   wb = chr(255) + chr(255) + chr(255)
   ***** set printer to 2/216 lines per inch

   ***** calculate N1 and N2 values for dot graphics command
   cols = 21
   N1 = cols % 256                               && modulus 
   N2 = INT(cols/256)

***** End of Procedure(SETUP_EPSON) *****

***  Procedure:  Def_Code39
***    Purpose:  Define character set for CODE39
*** Parameters:  None
***    Returns:  Initialized Public variables and array

procedure def_code39
public char[44], chars

chars = "1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-. *$/+%"
CHAR[01] = WB+NS+NB+WS+NB+NS+NB+NS+WB       && "1"
CHAR[02] = NB+NS+WB+WS+NB+NS+NB+NS+WB       && "2"
CHAR[03] = WB+NS+WB+WS+NB+NS+NB+NS+NB       && "3"
CHAR[04] = NB+NS+NB+WS+WB+NS+NB+NS+WB       && "4"
CHAR[05] = WB+NS+NB+WS+WB+NS+NB+NS+NB       && "5"
CHAR[06] = NB+NS+WB+WS+WB+NS+NB+NS+NB       && "6"
CHAR[07] = NB+NS+NB+WS+NB+NS+WB+NS+WB       && "7"
CHAR[08] = WB+NS+NB+WS+NB+NS+WB+NS+NB       && "8"
CHAR[09] = NB+NS+WB+WS+NB+NS+WB+NS+NB       && "9"
CHAR[10] = NB+NS+NB+WS+WB+NS+WB+NS+NB       && "0"
CHAR[11] = WB+NS+NB+NS+NB+WS+NB+NS+WB       && "A"
CHAR[12] = NB+NS+WB+NS+NB+WS+NB+NS+WB       && "B"
CHAR[13] = WB+NS+WB+NS+NB+WS+NB+NS+NB       && "C"
CHAR[14] = NB+NS+NB+NS+WB+WS+NB+NS+WB       && "D"
CHAR[15] = WB+NS+NB+NS+WB+WS+NB+NS+NB       && "E"
CHAR[16] = NB+NS+WB+NS+WB+WS+NB+NS+NB       && "F"
CHAR[17] = NB+NS+NB+NS+NB+WS+WB+NS+WB       && "G"
CHAR[18] = WB+NS+NB+NS+NB+WS+WB+NS+NB       && "H"
CHAR[19] = NB+NS+WB+NS+NB+WS+WB+NS+NB       && "I"
CHAR[20] = NB+NS+NB+NS+WB+WS+WB+NS+NB       && "J"
CHAR[21] = WB+NS+NB+NS+NB+NS+NB+WS+WB       && "K"
CHAR[22] = NB+NS+WB+NS+NB+NS+NB+WS+WB       && "L"
CHAR[23] = WB+NS+WB+NS+NB+NS+NB+WS+NB       && "M"
CHAR[24] = NB+NS+NB+NS+WB+NS+NB+WS+WB       && "N"
CHAR[25] = WB+NS+NB+NS+WB+NS+NB+WS+NB       && "O"
CHAR[26] = NB+NS+WB+NS+WB+NS+NB+WS+NB       && "P"
CHAR[27] = NB+NS+NB+NS+NB+NS+WB+WS+WB       && "Q"
CHAR[28] = WB+NS+NB+NS+NB+NS+WB+WS+NB       && "R"
CHAR[29] = NB+NS+WB+NS+NB+NS+WB+WS+NB       && "S"
CHAR[30] = NB+NS+NB+NS+WB+NS+WB+WS+NB       && "T"
CHAR[31] = WB+WS+NB+NS+NB+NS+NB+NS+WB       && "U"
CHAR[32] = NB+WS+WB+NS+NB+NS+NB+NS+WB       && "V"
CHAR[33] = WB+WS+WB+NS+NB+NS+NB+NS+NB       && "W"
CHAR[34] = NB+WS+NB+NS+WB+NS+NB+NS+WB       && "X"
CHAR[35] = WB+WS+NB+NS+WB+NS+NB+NS+NB       && "Y"
CHAR[36] = NB+WS+WB+NS+WB+NS+NB+NS+NB       && "Z"
CHAR[37] = NB+WS+NB+NS+NB+NS+WB+NS+WB       && "-"
CHAR[38] = WB+WS+NB+NS+NB+NS+WB+NS+NB       && "."
CHAR[39] = NB+WS+WB+NS+NB+NS+WB+NS+NB       && " "
CHAR[40] = NB+WS+NB+NS+WB+NS+WB+NS+NB       && "*"
CHAR[41] = NB+WS+NB+WS+NB+WS+NB+NS+NB       && "$"
CHAR[42] = NB+WS+NB+WS+NB+NS+NB+WS+NB       && "/"
CHAR[43] = NB+WS+NB+NS+NB+WS+NB+WS+NB       && "+"
CHAR[44] = NB+NS+NB+WS+NB+WS+NB+WS+NB       && "%"

***** End of Procedure(DEF_CODE39) *****

***   Function:  Printcode
***    Purpose:  Sends escape codes to printer
*** Parameters:  Character string or escape sequence
***    Returns:  Nothing

function printcode
   parameters code
   set console off
   set print on
   ?? code
   set print off
   set console on
return null
***** End of Function(PRINTCODE) *****


From: Robert L. Bailey <rlb@cs.odu.edu>

There was a bar code printing program included on the disk with the
first issue of PC Clones magazine.  The program is copyrighted, but
I have seen some of these on various bulletin boards.  It was just
called BARCODE.COM  (maybe .EXE).  If you can't find it,  let me
know.  I'll see if I can find the disk and email it to you.


From: bobc@attctc.Dallas.TX.US (Bob Calbridge)

I can't vouch for this personally but I know of someone on one of our campuses
that used an HP laser jet to generate bar code labels.  From what he said, the
bar code was, in fact, a font that had been downloaded into the machine then
another program was used to print the labels.

One caveat!  Because labels can mess up a laser printer he actually printed the
bar code on plain paper then used a copier to transfer them to the labels.


From: davadam@cie.uoregon.edu

If you are still looking for some way to produce bar codes,
there is a pd laserfont for the Mac that is available-- it
should be a simple matter to make your machine print out what
you want in that font.

I don't know where it is available elsewhere, but I saw it listed
in the Educorp PD/Shareware catalog.  Their number is 1-800-843-9497.


From: Ron Crough <crough%hplrwc@hplabs.hp.com>

This is a response to your note posted 8/1 looking for information regarding
a bar code generator program.

A program exists which is called the "BarCode Composer".  It is a product
costing $99.95 (US List Price) and it is offered by a company in Toronto,

Delrina Technology Inc.
10 Brentcliffe Road, Suite 210,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada  M4G 3Y2
(416) 423-0456

As you might have guessed, it runs on an IBM PC platform.  I have not used
the program, but I currently have it on order.  It supports 7 different types
of bar codes.  You should call these people and ask them to either fax or
mail you a datasheet on the program.