ts@chyde.uwasa.fi (Timo Salmi LASK) (08/26/89)
Sat 26-Aug-89: Released update tsfilt16.arc of my first filter collection. Available by anynymous ftp as usual. See towards the end of this message for the contents of the package. ................................................................... Prof. Timo Salmi (Site School of Business Studies, University of Vaasa, SF-65101, Finland Internet: ts@chyde.uwasa.fi Funet: vakk::salmi Bitnet: salmi@finfun TSFILT16.ARC has the following enhancements: - ASC2IBM.EXE and IBM2ASC.EXE have been added. These are filters for Scandinavian conversions of 8-bit <--> 7-bit characters. They perform a similar function as TOIBM.EXE and TOASC.EXE. The difference is that the latter are programs taking the files as parameters, while the new programs are filters, which can be used in pipes. The background of these two new filter is the following. I discovered that I needed the conversion utilities for Unix as well, and wrote these two filters in a Unix system using Pascal making the programs as portable as possible. I then imported the source code to my PC and recompiled them with Turbo Pascal. Because of their origin ASC2IBM.EXE and IBM2ASC.EXE have not been optimized for Turbo Pascal speed. - QUOTE.EXE switches have been redesigned. It now works in the same way as my Unix quote filter. Those of you who might be interested in my Unix programs, and have and ftp capability, can obtain them by anonymous ftp from the University of Vaasa, Finland, Sun 4, site, directory /unix/ts. Multiword quotes are now possible. Searching Archive: TSFILT16.ARC - Filters for textfiles by T.Salmi Filename Comment Date Time CRC -------- -------------------------------- ---- ---- --- ASC2IBM.EXE toasc.exe in filter format 08-26-89 08:51:04 6AB9 FLMARG.EXE Filter for adding a left margin 08-16-89 20:21:20 183C FLRMARG.EXE Filter for a right margin 08-16-89 20:21:34 3EC7 FLSUBS.EXE Filter for string substitution 08-16-89 20:21:06 778C IBM2ASC.EXE toibm.exe in filter format 08-26-89 08:50:18 8F85 LOGFILT.EXE Filters backspaces from logfiles 08-16-89 21:32:02 E177 PC2UNIX.EXE PC text eolns to Unix eolns 08-16-89 14:46:58 4ED0 QUOTE.EXE Quotes to messages 08-25-89 20:58:06 A9B7 TOASC.EXE 8bit ibm to Scandinavian 7 ascii 08-16-89 21:35:48 73C8 TOASCI.EXE 8bit ibm to International 7ascii 08-16-89 21:34:56 056C TOIBM.EXE 7 ascii to Scandinavian 8bit ibm 08-16-89 21:34:06 14AD TSFILT.INF Document 08-26-89 09:25:00 68DC TSPROG.INF List of PD programs from T.Salmi 07-22-89 19:21:52 077C UNIX2PC.EXE Unix text eolns to PC eolns 08-17-89 11:37:28 102B VAASA.INF Info: Finland, Vaasa, U of Vaasa 06-23-89 08:30:20 88AB ---- ------ ------ ----- 0015 168405 125134 26%