[comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d] Linear programming package update from Vaasa, Finland

ts@chyde.uwasa.fi (Timo Salmi LASK) (09/02/89)

Sat 2-Aug-89: Updated the linear and linear goal programming package
to tslin26.arc.  The linsolve.exe solution program now has an
optional switch for screen colors.  This is useful in using an
overhead projector in classroom, or if you are not satisfied with
the original colors for some other reason.  Available by anonymous
ftp as usual. 
Prof. Timo Salmi                                (Site
School of Business Studies, University of Vaasa, SF-65101, Finland
Internet: ts@chyde.uwasa.fi Funet: vakk::salmi Bitnet: salmi@finfun

Searching Archive: TSLIN26.ARC - Linear programming by T.Salmi   
Filename        Comment                             Date      Time    CRC
--------        --------------------------------    ----      ----    ---
DEMOGOAL.DAT    Linear goal programming demodata  08-01-89  14:59:26  36A3
DEMOLP.DAT      Linear programming demodata       07-31-89  16:11:38  90E4
DEMOLP2.DAT     Linear programming 2nd demodata   07-31-89  16:42:36  6A10
DEMOMPS.DAT     Mps input format demodata         08-01-89  14:35:14  FF07
LINSOLVE.EXE    Linear (and goal) programming     09-02-89  13:06:58  36C1
LINSOLVE.LIS    Document                          09-02-89  13:03:42  6031
MPS2EQU.EXE     Mps input to equation format      08-01-89  18:56:46  6E3C
MPS2EQU.INF     Document on MPS2EQU conversion    08-01-89  18:45:00  E152
TSPROG.INF      List of PD programs from T.Salmi  08-30-89  15:44:34  3618
VAASA.INF       Info: Finland, Vaasa, U of Vaasa  06-23-89  08:30:20  88AB
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