[comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d] Looking for a specific utility

pdccs@unix.cis.pittsburgh.edu (Patrick Champion) (08/15/89)

	Could anyone tell me of a public domain program that exists at simtel
or clarkson that does the following.

	Apply a command line to every file in a directory.
	For example:
			util  command  @file.ext  params  @file.ext
	where @file.ext would be replaced by all files in the current 
	directory with wildcards being valid, and params are other
	parameters that are used by whatever command you are applying the
	utility against.

I would use this utility to periodically run a certain program on every *.pix
file in my directory.  

Thank you
Pat Champion

leonard@bucket.UUCP (Leonard Erickson) (08/19/89)

pdccs@unix.cis.pittsburgh.edu (Patrick Champion) writes:

<	Could anyone tell me of a public domain program that exists at simtel
<or clarkson that does the following.

<	Apply a command line to every file in a directory.
<	For example:
<			util  command  @file.ext  params  @file.ext
<	where @file.ext would be replaced by all files in the current 
<	directory with wildcards being valid, and params are other
<	parameters that are used by whatever command you are applying the
<	utility against.

You already have a copy of this utility. It's called COMMAND.COM. 
The FOR command fits your request perfectly:

	FOR %a IN (list) DO command %a params

For your specific example:
	FOR %a IN (*) DO command %a.pix params

Look it up in your DOS manual. It'll probably be buried in the section
on batch file commands.
Leonard Erickson		...!tektronix!reed!percival!bucket!leonard
CIS: [70465,203]
"I'm all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools.
Let's start with typewriters." -- Solomon Short

sdn@anyguay.acm.rpi.edu (Eric Roode) (08/20/89)

In article <1634@bucket.UUCP> leonard@bucket.UUCP (Leonard Erickson) writes:
>pdccs@unix.cis.pittsburgh.edu (Patrick Champion) writes:
><	Apply a command line to every file in a directory.

PC magazine published a utility at least a year ago (I don't remember the
specific issue) called SWEEP that applied a command to the current directory
and to all subdirectories under the current directory. If you can find out
what issue it was, you've got the utility.

richard@pantor.UUCP (Richard Sargent) (08/22/89)

> From: sdn@anyguay.acm.rpi.edu (Eric Roode)
> Message-ID: <6868@rpi.edu>
> In article <1634@bucket.UUCP> leonard@bucket.UUCP (Leonard Erickson) writes:
> >pdccs@unix.cis.pittsburgh.edu (Patrick Champion) writes:
> >
> ><	Apply a command line to every file in a directory.
> PC magazine published a utility at least a year ago (I don't remember the
> specific issue) called SWEEP that applied a command to the current directory
> and to all subdirectories under the current directory. If you can find out
> what issue it was, you've got the utility.

I have done this regularly from within DOS. Syntax? Try:

c> for %f in (*.*) do your_command_line

Double the % when used in a batch file.

Of course, there are complications if your_command_line creates new files,
converts *.old to *.new, you can't substitute alternate file name extensions.
In cases like these, I simply use a "new" directory for the output files.


c> for %f in (*.old) do sed /this/that/ %f >..\new\%f

I hope this helps.

Richard Sargent                   Internet: richard@pantor.UUCP
Systems Analyst                   UUCP:     uunet!pantor!richard

ts@chyde.uwasa.fi (Timo Salmi LASK) (08/22/89)

In article <20.UUL1.3#5109@pantor.UUCP> richard@pantor.UUCP (Richard Sargent) writes:
>> From: sdn@anyguay.acm.rpi.edu (Eric Roode)
>> PC magazine published a utility at least a year ago (I don't remember the
>> specific issue) called SWEEP that applied a command to the current directory
>> and to all subdirectories under the current directory. If you can find out
>I have done this regularly from within DOS. Syntax? Try:
>c> for %f in (*.*) do your_command_line

Yes, certainly.  But unless I have missed something essential in
your thinking, this only works for the current directory.  Sweep
extends a command to the subdirectories, as well.  Right?
   All the best,  Timo

Prof. Timo Salmi                                (Site
School of Business Studies, University of Vaasa, SF-65101, Finland
Internet: ts@chyde.uwasa.fi Funet: vakk::salmi Bitnet: salmi@finfun

a563@mindlink.UUCP (Dave Kirsch) (08/26/89)

> john writes:
>    There was also a PD program floating around called "Global" which
>   does the same thing. I use it routinely to sort all my directories
>   with one command.

I use Norton's DiskSort program to sort my directories, it's a simple "ds en
/s" (sort on the extensive field, then the name field and do all
subdirectories).  Fast and efficent.

Dave: a563@mindlink.UUCP

john@wa3wbu.UUCP (John Gayman) (08/26/89)

In article <6868@rpi.edu>, sdn@anyguay.acm.rpi.edu (Eric Roode) writes:
> In article <1634@bucket.UUCP> leonard@bucket.UUCP (Leonard Erickson) writes:
> PC magazine published a utility at least a year ago (I don't remember the
> specific issue) called SWEEP that applied a command to the current directory
> and to all subdirectories under the current directory. If you can find out
> what issue it was, you've got the utility.

   There was also a PD program floating around called "Global" which
  does the same thing. I use it routinely to sort all my directories
  with one command.


John Gayman, WA3WBU              |           UUCP: uunet!wa3wbu!john
1869 Valley Rd.                  |           ARPA: john@wa3wbu.uu.net 
Marysville, PA 17053             |           Packet: WA3WBU @ AK3P 

abcscnuk@csuna.csun.edu (Naoto Kimura) (09/07/89)

In article <20.UUL1.3#5109@pantor.UUCP> richard@pantor.UUCP (Richard Sargent) writes:
>I have done this regularly from within DOS. Syntax? Try:
>c> for %f in (*.*) do your_command_line
>Double the % when used in a batch file.
>Of course, there are complications if your_command_line creates new files,
>converts *.old to *.new, you can't substitute alternate file name extensions.
>In cases like these, I simply use a "new" directory for the output files.
>c> for %f in (*.old) do sed /this/that/ %f >..\new\%f
>I hope this helps.
>Richard Sargent                   Internet: richard@pantor.UUCP
>Systems Analyst                   UUCP:     uunet!pantor!richard

One problem...  This will fail because DOS will try to open an unnamed
file in the directory ..\new.  Even if it did work, you'd only get the
output of the last sed command.  I discovered this about a year ago when
I wanted to do something similar.  You'll have to write a batch file to
handle such things as redirection.  For example, you want to do the

    FOR %i IN (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9) DO Barf < data%i.old > data%i.new

This will not result in what you'd expect.  This will result in
barf trying to read a file called data.new and output the result
to data.old.

You need to create a batch file UGH.BAT in some subdirectory which
contains the following line:

    BARF < %1 > %2

Then you type the following at the command line:

    FOR %i IN (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9) DO UGH data%i.old data%i.new

Another warning to those who use batch files -- the output of a batch
file cannot be redirected unless you run a child COMMAND.COM and
redirect its output.  Suppose you had a batch file, for example
BASEBALL.BAT, and you wanted its output to go to a file called OUT.  If
you typed:


you would end up with an empty file OUT, and all the output of
BASEBALL.BAT will go to the screen.   You have to do the following to
get the desired result:


This problem caused me some headaches for a few hours.  I had a
collection of batch files that created smaller batch files, which then
were in turn either chained to or executed under a child command
processor.  Sometimes the redirection seemed to work, and sometimes it
didn't.  It made a difference where I happened to run the batch files,
as they didn't always use a full pathname to refer to each other.  So
sometimes, the EXE file would be executed, and other times a BAT would
be called :-(

Another thing to remember about running the command processor is NEVER
redirect its input unless you are running a command from it !!!!!   I
did this one day, thinking that it would do the same as if I were on a
UNIX system running bourne shell.   It did what I expected, but
unfortunately, it resulted in the parent COMMAND.COM trying to read
from the input file I specified for the child COMMAND.COM.   I
basically had to reboot the computer.   Of course, I'm sure most of you
have already tried this.

Equally annoying was the fact that even if you redirected the output of
the GWBASIC interpreter, the screen would always be cleared, and the
output would still go to the screen (of course you'd get what you
expected in the file -- the output of the program) !  It seems that the
BASIC interpreters almost completely ignore DOS's stdin and stdout file
handles.  I suppose it makes sense since they seem to ignore everything
else about DOS.

What annoyed me to no end was when I tried to send escape sequences to
the ANSI driver, but couldn't.  I even tried to open a file "CON" and
send my escape sequences to that file, but BASIC just output to the
"CON" device as if I was doing a plain PRINT statement to BASIC's
standard output device.  If you're wondering, I needed to do things like
clear to end of page and clear to end of line, insert line, and delete
line.  I eventually had to get rid of the places where I would've used
insert and delete line, and used a subroutine that output the
appropriate number of spaces to clear to end of page or line.  If
you're wondering why I was doing stuff in BASIC, I was moving a
program on a TRS-80 over to an IBM-PC -- the customer didn't want me to
rewrite the program in some other language because BASIC was all they
could understand :-(.

I used to have similar complaints about Turbo Pascal, but Borland
has fixed the problems with introduction of version 4.0.  At least it
doesn't try to second-guess what you want when you try to open a DOS

                //-n-\\			 Naoto Kimura
        _____---=======---_____		 (abcscnuk@csuna.csun.edu)
    ====____\   /.. ..\   /____====
  //         ---\__O__/---         \\	Enterprise... Surrender or we'll
  \_\                             /_/	send back your *&^$% tribbles !!