I am trying to get ahold of an AutoCad (release 10) driver for the HP Laserjet Series II laser printer legal size paper. AutoDesk tells me there is such a driver available on Compuserve's GO ADESK network. I do not have access to Compuserve. I would appreciate it if some kind soul would down load it and E-mail me a message to that effect. (Please do not send the code just a note, our system operators would kill me if 302 copies of the code suddenly showed up on my account.) I will get in touch with a respondent arrange for a transfer. AutoDesk tells me the code is in data library 9 and has the name of HPLGL.DRV . Since it is a binary file, it must be down loaded with Xmodem (or some such binary transfer method.) Thank you in advance for your help. Neil Hamilton