[comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d] Wanted: software to print musical notes !

ekkel@idca.tds.PHILIPS.nl (Erik Ekkel) (09/15/89)

Can somebody give me a pointer to commercial or public domain
software to create music notes and to print these notes on a matrix printer ?

A nice music-note-editor would be nice to have !


   /                   Erik Ekkel, Philips PTDSN (+31 55 433301)
  /--   __  o  /       Domain: ekkel@idca.tds.philips.nl
 /___ _/ (_(_ /(       Uucp  : ...!mcvax!philapd!ekkel

ckurak@unf7.UUCP (Charles Kurak) (09/26/89)

In article <813@wc11.idca.tds.philips.nl>, ekkel@idca.tds.PHILIPS.nl (Erik Ekkel) writes:
> Can somebody give me a pointer to commercial or public domain
> software to create music notes and to print these notes on a matrix printer ?
> A nice music-note-editor would be nice to have !

As Chair of the UNF Student Chapter of ACM I had the pleasure of inviting
Professor Steve Smith of Jacksonville University, Jacksonville, FL to speak to
our organization about electronic music.  One of the items that he shared with
us was a copy of sheet music produced on a dot matrix printer.  I am not sure
of all of the capabilities, but you I am sure he can supply you with more
info.  You should be able to reach him at JU (phone 904-744-3950) or via US

a_maydwell@vaxa.uwa.oz (09/29/89)

In article <225@unf7.UUCP>, ckurak@unf7.UUCP (Charles Kurak) writes:
> In article <813@wc11.idca.tds.philips.nl>, ekkel@idca.tds.PHILIPS.nl (Erik Ekkel) writes:
>> Can somebody give me a pointer to commercial or public domain
>> software to create music notes and to print these notes on a matrix printer ?
>> A nice music-note-editor would be nice to have !
A very nice printout can be obtained using Passport Designs Score Program. This is MS-Dos Based and gets more sophisticated everyday> As Chair of the UNF Student Chapter of ACM I had the pleasure of inviting
program gets more sophisticated everyday. I have used it for complex contemporyary> Professor Steve Smith of Jacksonville University, Jacksonville, FL to speak toH
scores and parts and I have had no element which was outside the capability of> our organization about electronic music.  One of the items that he shared withHscores
the program. It also makes the Mac's attempts pale into insignificance.> us was a copy of sheet music produced on a dot matrix printer.  I am not sure
> of all of the capabilities, but you I am sure he can supply you with more
> info.  You should be able to reach him at JU (phone 904-744-3950) or via US
> Mail.

rahardj@ccu.umanitoba.ca (Budi Rahardjo) (09/30/89)

Personal Composer can do the job. Not only print the musical notes,
it can send the notes to your synthesizers.

The printing can be done on Epson printers or Laser Printer.
Nifty stuff...