[comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d] TO_ZIP.ARC - Mass conversion of .ARC/.LZH to .ZIP, front end

w8sdz@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL (Keith Petersen) (10/09/89)

[--forwarded message--]
From: mkelly%galaxy@afit-ab.arpa (Michael P. Kelly)

I have uploaded the following:

TO_ZIP.ARC      Utility for mass conversion of .ARC or .LZH to .ZIP

I wrote this program to call LHARC, PKXARC, and PKZIP repeatedly to
help me convert a directory of 400+ .LZH files to .ZIP files and place
them in a separate directory without my constant interaction and
command issuing.  Even a batch file requires the repeated issuing of
the next file to be converted.  This automates the process for the
user, BBS sysop, club archiver, etc.  Works great for mass conversions
of .ARC to .ZIP or .LZH to .ZIP!

-- Michael P. Kelly     2LT U.S. Army Signal Corps

        COMPUSERVE 73747,420

Searching: TO_ZIP.ARC

Filename        Length   Method     Size   Ratio    Date      Time    CRC
--------        ------   ------    ------  -----    ----      ----    ---
ARC2ZIP.EXE      11264  Crunched     9524   16%   10-08-89  23:45:54  EABF
LZH2ZIP.EXE      11264  Crunched     9535   16%   10-08-89  23:45:46  6237
MANUAL.DOC        3439  Crunched     1972   43%   10-08-89  23:19:26  A75D
YES.TXT              3   Stored         3    0%   08-24-89  19:19:16  4E55
-----           ------             ------  -----
0004             25970              21034   20%


Thanks, Mike!
