jwright@ATANASOFF.CS.IASTATE.EDU (Jim Wright) (10/13/89)
I have uploaded more anti-viral software to SIMTEL20. Datacure was sent to me from the Netherlands with the author's permission, the other three came from HomeBase. A note on the DataCrime virus. By the time most of you read this, Friday, October 13 1989 will have passed. Unfortunately this doesn't mean that the DataCrime worry is over. Please keep in mind that all the information I have indicates this virus is uncommon in all places except press reports. Nonetheless, better safe than sorry. Remember, DataCrime is set to go off ANY DAY between Columbus day and New Year's, not inclusive. So any latent infection could show up with unpleasant consequences. Now, on with the show... datacure.arc One program that will identify files infected with DataCrime and optionally cure them. A second memory resident program that will block the destructive effects of DataCrime and warn you. Only works on DataCrime II virus. Shareware. No version #. [ I was unable to get datacure.com to perform ] [ properly. I'm trying to find out why, and ] [ will post any updates. It isn't destructive, ] [ just ineffective. -- jrw ] dc89scan.arc A program to identify the DataCrime virus. This package was released largely as a bit of public relations for the company involved, but is useful despite this. Only works on the two strains of DataCrime I (1168 and 1280). Freely redistributable. No version #. scanrs42.arc Resident program which checks each program for viruses before it is allowed to execute. Update to previous version. Shareware. Version 0.9v42. scanv42.arc Program to scan a disk, directory or file for viruses. Will work with SHEZ to scan archives also. Update to previous version. Shareware. Version 0.7v42. pd1:<msdos.trojan-pro> DATACURE.ARC Detect and disable the DataCrime II virus DC89SCAN.ARC Detect the two strains of DataCrime I virus SCANRS42.ARC Resident program to scan for many viruses SCANV42.ARC Program to scan files for many viruses Jim