[comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d] Lotus's worksheet password protection

bryan@resource.Resource.COM (Bryan Beck) (10/11/89)

I just recently discovered that you can password protect worksheets in

Does anyone know how to load a worksheet that is password protected when
you do not know the password??


Bryan M. Beck                                       Resource Systems
UUCP: osu-cis!resource!bryan                        Suite 390 2545 Farmers Driv
INTERNET: bryan@resource.com                        Columbus, Ohio  43235
VOICE: (614) 764-7800                               FAX: (614) 764-7850

mg32+@andrew.cmu.edu (Michael Ginsberg) (10/12/89)


Think about it... if you could load a file that was password protected, it
wouldn't be a good protection scheme... I don't think anyone out there will
be able to tell you how to break Lotus' protection scheme, and if they could,
I would hope they wouldn't so those of us who use this on networks and on
easily accessable machines can feel (somewhat) safe in leaving protected files
lying around...

--Michael Ginsberg, Computer Operations
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

ARPA:  mg32+@andrew.cmu.edu              |Electrocution, n:
BITNET:mg32%andrew@cmccvb                |    Burning at the stake with
UUCP:  ...!harvard!andrew.cmu.edu!mg32+  |    all the modern improvements.

Sex is not the answer.  Sex is the question.  Yes is the answer.

johnl@esegue.segue.boston.ma.us (John R. Levine) (10/14/89)

Lotus's password protection is not supposed to be terribly sophisticated,
and I'm sure anyone who knows anything about cryptanalysis could break it
without a whole lot of trouble, particularly since the contents of worksheets
are quite structured, so the code-breaker has a good idea of what to look for.

There have been occasionaly rumors that there is a trap-door, but I am not
inclined to believe them.  If someone desperately wants to know, I could
probably find out for sure.
John R. Levine, Segue Software, POB 349, Cambridge MA 02238, +1 617 864 9650
johnl@esegue.segue.boston.ma.us, {ima|lotus|spdcc}!esegue!johnl
Massachusetts has over 100,000 unlicensed drivers.  -The Globe