[comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d] Health for All from the World Health Organization

w8sdz@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL (Keith Petersen) (10/20/89)

[--forwarded message--]

I have uploaded Health for All to SIMTEL20.  It's a largish
programme-cum-data package that gives you lots of health statistics
about Europe. It was prepared by the WHO (World Health Organization);
one of the on-line help screens explicitly states that it may be used
and copied without restrictions (as long as credit is given). It draws
nice maps on all kinds of display adapters (using Borland's graphics
interface), and I like the data export facility.

HEALTH1.ARC     European health statistics/graphs/tables, 1of2
HEALTH2.ARC     European health statistics/graphs/tables, 2of2

The HFA/PC package includes a menu-driven viewing and listing programme
and extensive data about the health statistics of Europe. The programme
allows to view these data in the form of annotated maps, bar charts,
and line graphs; developments over time may be studied and the
situation in the various countries may be compared with each other.
Predictions of developments may be studied, too.

Hardcopies may be made, and data can be exported for analysis by other

The user-interface is very simple yet flexible, with ample on-line help

The package has been prepared by the World Health Organization's
Regional Office for Europe and may be used and copied freely.

The following are excerpts from the accompanying READ.ME file:

Since 1980, the work of the European Region has concentrated on
formulating a pan-European health policy, including 38 European
targets for Health for All and indicators to measure progress in
countries towards those targets.  This unprecedented programme is the
contribution of the European Region to the global objective of Health
for All.

Equipment required for running the HFA/PC software package:

-    IBM PC/XT, AT or true compatibles.
-    Operating System: PC DOS / MS DOS - Version 2.1 or higher.
-    Single drive / Double drive / Hard-disk and drive (recommended).
-    Monochrome or color monitor:
     The programme supports the following graphics adapters:
     CGA, MCGA, EGA, VGA, Hercules, AT&T 400 line, 3270 PC.
-    RAM:  Minimum 256 K
-    Matrix/Laser Printer (optional).


Gisbert W.Selke
Ermekeilstrasse 28
D-5300 Bonn 1
West Germany
<RECK@DBNUAMA1.BITNET> (soon to go away)
(If necessary, try c/o UPP101@DBNRHRZ1.BITNET)


Thanks, Gisbert!
