[comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d] Binary -> Text Conversion Programs

ssircar@ecs.umass.edu (11/22/89)

Can someone tell me where I can find a copy of UUD/ENCODE for the VAX/VMS and
the IBM PC?  I would like to send a friend a few binary files.  Unfortunately,
I can neither use FTP or BITNET's SEND/FILE command.  Thanks.

 Santanu Sircar                                BITNET:   ssircar@umaecs.bitnet
 University of Massachusetts/Amherst           INTERNET: ssircar@ecs.umass.edu
 "A pig ate his fill of acorns under an oak tree and then started to root
   around the tree.  A crow remarked, `You should not do this.  If you lay bare
   the roots, the tree will wither and die.' `Let it die,' said the pig.  `Who
   cares so long as there are acorns?'"

brad@looking.on.ca (Brad Templeton) (11/26/89)

I am a bit disappointed that I have not seen more use of the ABE system
that I posted here.   ABE will generate uuencoded files and decode them,
but it has a lot of advantages over the existing programs.   You can handle
the files in any order, and with duplicates, so that a person can just say
	dabe	mailbox		; or
	dabe	groupdir/*
And expect the files to come out reliably, CRC'd and all.

Plus if you use the ABE format instead of uuencode, it's smaller and
text strings are readable in the encoding.

Brad Templeton, ClariNet Communications Corp. -- Waterloo, Ontario 519/884-7473

) (11/27/89)

For those of you who sent me a copy of UUENCODE or UUDECODE, thanks. 
Unfortunately, these programs have been sent in UUENCODE format.  Since I don't
have it initially, I'm back to square one.

 Santanu Sircar                                BITNET:   ssircar@umaecs.bitnet
 University of Massachusetts/Amherst           INTERNET: ssircar@ecs.umass.edu
 "A pig ate his fill of acorns under an oak tree and then started to root
   around the tree.  A crow remarked, `You should not do this.  If you lay bare
   the roots, the tree will wither and die.' `Let it die,' said the pig.  `Who
   cares so long as there are acorns?'"

frank@hpuamsa.UUCP (Frank Slootweg CRC) (12/07/89)

>For those of you who sent me a copy of UUENCODE or UUDECODE, thanks. 
>Unfortunately, these programs have been sent in UUENCODE format.  Since I don't
>have it initially, I'm back to square one.


  Here is some stuff that was posted earlier to "comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d".
  It can apparently be used for bootstrapping UUENCODE and XXDECODE on a
PC (I don't know why they say "XXDECODE" instead of "UUDECODE").
  I have never used the stuff because I had a UNIX system available to
do my bootstrapping.
  If this does not work then let me know and indicate which format you
*can* accept (i.e. LHARC, ZOO, etc.). I also have some very small C
*source* (from UNIX) for a UUDECODE clone that probably will work on any
C system (but again: not tested).

Frank Slootweg, Hewlett-Packard, The Netherlands

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Subject: Re: UUD19.BAS and XXD.BAS uploaded to SIMTEL20
Newsgroups: comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d

hpuamsa:comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d / w8sdz@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL (Keith Petersen) / 11:37 pm  Oct  2, 1989
[--forwarded message--]
Re:   UUD19.BAS and XXD.BAS

People usually have problems in bootstrapping UUDECODE and XXDECODE
programs.  Using MAKEBAS from PC Magazine I produced Basic source
files which can be sent by mail to enable the recipient to produce
David Kirschbaum's UUD19.COM and XXD.COM.  The recipient can then
decode any encoded binary files he or she receives, including
TOADUU19.ARC and TOADXX10.ARC which contain these binaries.



Thanks, Erich!  UUD19.BAS and XXD.BAS have been added to the SIMTEL20
archives in directory PD1:<MSDOS.STARTER>.

This is an excellent way for bootstrapping uudecode and xxdecode
since most MSDOS users have GWBASIC or BASICA.

The program source includes a checksum at the end of each line in
order to assure error-free creation of the COM file.  It's also a very
short program since David Kirschbaum's uudecode and xxdecode are each
about 750 bytes in size.

I have verified that these Basic programs create UUD19.COM and UUX.COM
files which are identical, except for a few bytes of zero padding on
the end, to those distributed by the author David Kirschbaum.  The
padding is probably caused by Basic's insistance of writing even
boundry 128 byte binary files.  That will not affect the operation of
the COM files.

--Keith Petersen
Maintainer of SIMTEL20's CP/M, MSDOS, and MISC archives
Internet: w8sdz@WSMR-SIMTEL20.Army.Mil []
Uucp: {ames,decwrl,harvard,rutgers,ucbvax,uunet}!wsmr-simtel20.army.mil!w8sdz

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Subject: Re: UUD19.BAS - Easy bootstrap for fast uudecode program
Newsgroups: comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d

hpuamsa:comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d / w8sdz@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL (Keith Petersen) / 12:04 am  Oct  3, 1989
100 REM - BASIC PROGRAM TO CREATE UUD19.COM (a fast uudecoder)
110 CLS:PRINT "Creating UUD19.COM   ": OPEN "UUD19.COM   " AS #1 LEN = 1
120 FIELD #1, 1 AS A$: CHECKSUM#=0
130 FOR I = 1 TO    47
140  LINESUM#=0: LOCATE 2,3: PRINT "Countdown: "    47 - I ;
170   IF (BYTE < 256) THEN LSET A$=CHR$(VAL("&H"+BYTE$)): PUT #1
180  NEXT J
210  LOCATE 4,2: PRINT "Error in line #"  ;  260 +  10 * I: GOTO 260
220 NEXT I
250 PRINT: PRINT "UUD19.COM    created successfully": SYSTEM
260 PRINT: PRINT "UUD19.COM    is not valid!": END
270 DATA EB, 54, 90, 49, 6E, 70, 75, 74, 20, 66, 69, 6C, 65, 20, 65, 72,   696
280 DATA 72, 6F, 72, 2E,  D,  A, 4F, 75, 74, 70, 75, 74, 20, 66, 69, 6C,   584
290 DATA 65, 20, 65, 72, 72, 6F, 72, 2E,  D,  A, 73, 74, 61, 72, 74, 20,   542
300 DATA 6E, 6F, 74, 20, 66, 6F, 75, 6E, 64, 2E,  D,  A, 45, 6E, 64, 20,   509
310 DATA 6E, 6F, 74, 20, 66, 6F, 75, 6E, 64, 2E,  D,  A,  0,  0,  0,  0,   3D2
320 DATA 62,  3, 62,  3, 12,  3, E8, BC,  1, E8, 2D,  1, BF, 12,  3, E8,   556
330 DATA AA,  0, AD, 3D, 62, 65, 75, F4, AD, 3D, 67, 69, 75, EE, AD, 3D,   7CB
340 DATA 6E, 20, 75, E8, BF, 12,  3, AC, 3A, C4, 76, FB, AC, 3A, C4, 75,   7F9
350 DATA FB, AC, 3A, C4, 76, FB, 3A, C4, 74,  4, AA, AC, EB, F8, BA, 12,   991
360 DATA  3, 33, C9, 88,  D, B4, 3C, CD, 21, 73,  3, E9, E3,  0, A3, 4E,   6A5
370 DATA  1, BF, 12,  3, E8, 65,  0, AC,  A, C0, 74, 48, BB, 20, 20, 2A,   579
380 DATA C3,  A, C0, 74, 3F, 32, E4, 8B, E8, B9,  4,  6, AC, 8A, E0, AC,   84E
390 DATA 8A, D0, 2B, C3, D0, E4, D0, E4, D2, E8,  A, C4, AA, 4D, 74, D4,   A77
400 DATA 8A, E2, AC, 8A, D0, 2B, C3, D2, E4, D0, E8, D0, E8,  A, C4, AA,   AFE
410 DATA 4D, 74, C1, 8A, E2, AC, 2B, C3, 8A, CD, D2, E4,  A, C4, AA, 4D,   95A
420 DATA 75, C7, EB, B0, E8, 15,  0, AD, 3D, 65, 6E, 75,  5, AC, 3C, 64,   757
430 DATA 74,  3, E8, AE,  0, E8, 61,  0, B4, 4C, CD, 21, 8B, 36, 50,  1,   656
440 DATA 89, 3E, 54,  1, BD, 50,  0, BF, C2,  2, 33, C0, AB, B9, 27,  0,   62A
450 DATA B8, 20, 20, F3, AB, BF, C2,  2, 3B, 36, 52,  1, 72,  6, E8, 38,   675
460 DATA  0, E8, 55,  0, AC, 3C, 60, 75,  4, B0, 20, EB,  8, 3C,  D, 74,   57E
470 DATA 1B, 3C,  A, 74, 18, AA, 4D, 75, DF, 3B, 36, 52,  1, 72,  3, E8,   559
480 DATA 37,  0, AC, 3C,  A, 75, F2, BF, 12,  3, EB, B4, 46, 89, 36, 50,   658
490 DATA  1, 8B, 3E, 54,  1, BE, C2,  2, C3, BA, 12,  3, 8B, CA, 87,  E,   61D
500 DATA 54,  1, 2B, CA, 76,  A, 8B, 1E, 4E,  1, B4, 40, CD, 21, 72,  1,   517
510 DATA C3, BA, 16,  1, B9, 14,  0, EB, 22, BA, 62,  3, B9, 9E, FA, 8B,   769
520 DATA 1E, 4C,  1, B4, 3F, CD, 21, 72,  C,  B, C0, 74,  8, 8B, F2,  3,   591
530 DATA C6, A3, 52,  1, C3, BA,  3,  1, B9, 13,  0, 50, E8,  A,  0, 58,   5A3
540 DATA E9, 55, FF, BA, 3C,  1, B9, 10,  0, BB,  2,  0, B4, 40, CD, 21,   69C
550 DATA C3, 90, 54, 68, 69, 73, 20, 50, 72, 6F, 67, 72, 61, 6D, 20, 52,   655
560 DATA 65, 71, 75, 69, 72, 65, 73, 20, 44, 4F, 53, 20, 56, 65, 72, 73,   5C4
570 DATA 69, 6F, 6E, 20, 32, 2E, 30, 20, 6F, 72, 20, 68, 69, 67, 68, 65,   51C
580 DATA 72, 2E,  D,  A, 24,  D,  A, 49, 6E, 70, 75, 74, 20, 70, 61, 74,   467
590 DATA 68, 2F, 66, 69, 6C, 65, 3A, 20, 20, 4E, 6F, 20, 61, 63, 74, 69,   52F
600 DATA 6F, 6E,  D,  A, 24, B4, 30, CD, 21, 3C,  2, 73,  C, BA, C2,  2,   525
610 DATA B4,  9, CD, 21, B8,  1, 4C, CD, 21, E8, 36,  0, 73, 23, BA, F5,   701
620 DATA  2, B9, 14,  0, BB,  2,  0, B4, 40, CD, 21, BF, 7F,  0, C6,  5,   577
630 DATA 50, 8B, D7, B4,  A, CD, 21, E8, 18,  0, 73,  5, BA,  9,  3, EB,   687
640 DATA CF, BA, 84,  3, B8,  0, 3D, CD, 21, 72,  4, A3, 4C,  1, C3, E9,   705
650 DATA 43, FF, BE, 80,  0, BF, 84,  3, FC, AC,  A, C0, 74,  F, B4, 20,   78F
660 DATA AC, 3A, C4, 76, FB, 3A, C4, 76,  6, AA, AC, EB, F8, F9, C3, C6,   A50
670 DATA  5,  0, F8, C3, 55, 55, 44, 45, 43, 4F, 44, 45, 20, 76, 31, 2E,   503
680 DATA 39,  0, 4F, 72, 69, 67, 69, 6E, 61, 6C, 6C, 79, 20, 62, 79, 20,   56E
690 DATA 54, 68, 65, 6F, 64, 6F, 72, 65, 20, 41, 2E, 20, 4B, 61, 6C, 64,   565
700 DATA 69, 73,  0, 54, 68, 6F, 72, 6F, 75, 67, 68, 6C, 79, 20, 72, 65,   608
710 DATA 68, 61, 63, 6B, 65, 64, 20, 62, 79, 20, 44, 61, 76, 69, 64, 20,   583
720 DATA 50, 20, 4B, 69, 72, 73, 63, 68, 62, 61, 75, 6D, 2C, 20, 54, 6F,   588
730 DATA 61, 64, 20, 48, 61, 6C, 6C,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,   266
740 DATA 76583

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Subject: Re: XXD.BAS - Easy bootstrap for fast XXdecode program
Newsgroups: comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d

hpuamsa:comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d / w8sdz@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL (Keith Petersen) / 12:10 am  Oct  3, 1989
100 REM - BASIC PROGRAM TO CREATE XXD.COM (a fast xxdecoder)
110 CLS:PRINT "Creating XXD.COM     ": OPEN "XXD.COM     " AS #1 LEN = 1
120 FIELD #1, 1 AS A$: CHECKSUM#=0
130 FOR I = 1 TO    48
140  LINESUM#=0: LOCATE 2,3: PRINT "Countdown: "    48 - I ;
170   IF (BYTE < 256) THEN LSET A$=CHR$(VAL("&H"+BYTE$)): PUT #1
180  NEXT J
210  LOCATE 4,2: PRINT "Error in line #"  ;  260 +  10 * I: GOTO 260
220 NEXT I
250 PRINT: PRINT "XXD.COM      created successfully": SYSTEM
260 PRINT: PRINT "XXD.COM      is not valid!": END
270 DATA E9, 93,  0, 49, 6E, 70, 75, 74, 20, 66, 69, 6C, 65, 20, 65, 72,   643
280 DATA 72, 6F, 72, 2E,  D,  A, 4F, 75, 74, 70, 75, 74, 20, 66, 69, 6C,   584
290 DATA 65, 20, 65, 72, 72, 6F, 72, 2E,  D,  A, 73, 74, 61, 72, 74, 20,   542
300 DATA 6E, 6F, 74, 20, 66, 6F, 75, 6E, 64, 2E,  D,  A, 45, 6E, 64, 20,   509
310 DATA 6E, 6F, 74, 20, 66, 6F, 75, 6E, 64, 2E,  D,  A,  0,  0,  0,  0,   3D2
320 DATA B0,  3, B0,  3, 60,  3, 2B, 2D, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37,   3BD
330 DATA 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D, 4E,   45A
340 DATA 4F, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 5A, 61, 62, 63, 64,   580
350 DATA 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 6A, 6B, 6C, 6D, 6E, 6F, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74,   6C8
360 DATA 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 7A, E8, CA,  1, E8, 3B,  1, BF, 60,  3, E8,   7AE
370 DATA C8,  0, AD, 3D, 62, 65, 75, F4, AD, 3D, 67, 69, 75, EE, AD, 3D,   7E9
380 DATA 6E, 20, 75, E8, BF, 60,  3, AC, 3A, C4, 76, FB, AC, 3A, C4, 75,   847
390 DATA FB, AC, 3A, C4, 76, FB, 3A, C4, 74,  4, AA, AC, EB, F8, BA, 60,   9DF
400 DATA  3, 33, C9, 88,  D, B4, 3C, CD, 21, 73,  3, E9, F1,  0, A3, 4E,   6B3
410 DATA  1, BF, 60,  3, E8, 83,  0, 8A,  4,  A, C0, 74, 65, 3C, 2B, 74,   59A
420 DATA 61, 3C, 20, 74, 5D, 57, BB, 56,  1, BA, 40,  0, 56, AC,  A, C0,   5BD
430 DATA 74, 12, 8B, FB, 8B, CA, F2, AE, 75, 45, 8B, C7, 48, 2B, C3, 88,   8CB
440 DATA 44, FF, EB, E9, 5E, 5F, AC, 32, E4, 8B, E8, B9,  4,  6, AD, 86,   8FF
450 DATA C4, 8A, D0, D0, E4, D0, E4, D2, E8,  A, C4, AA, 4D, 74, B5, 8A,   AB8
460 DATA E2, AC, 8A, D0, D2, E4, D0, E8, D0, E8,  A, C4, AA, 4D, 74, A4,   AEB
470 DATA 8A, E2, AC, 8A, CD, D2, E4,  A, C4, AA, 4D, 75, CE, EB, 95, E9,   A96
480 DATA A1,  0, E8, 15,  0, AD, 3D, 65, 6E, 75,  5, AC, 3C, 64, 74,  3,   598
490 DATA E8, 9E,  0, E8, 51,  0, B4, 4C, CD, 21, 8B, 36, 50,  1, 89, 3E,   686
500 DATA 54,  1, BD, 43,  0, BF, 10,  3, C6,  5,  0, 3B, 36, 52,  1, 72,   428
510 DATA  6, E8, 33,  0, E8, 50,  0, AC, 3C,  D, 74, 1B, 3C,  A, 74, 18,   4AF
520 DATA AA, 4D, 75, E7, 3B, 36, 52,  1, 72,  3, E8, 3A,  0, AC, 3C,  A,   5A0
530 DATA 75, F2, BF, 60,  3, EB, C7, 46, C6,  5,  0, 89, 36, 50,  1, 8B,   6E7
540 DATA 3E, 54,  1, BE, 10,  3, C3, BA, 60,  3, 8B, CA, 87,  E, 54,  1,   583
550 DATA 2B, CA, 76,  A, 8B, 1E, 4E,  1, B4, 40, CD, 21, 72,  1, C3, BA,   63F
560 DATA 16,  1, B9, 14,  0, EB, 22, BA, B0,  3, B9,  0, E1, 8B, 1E, 4C,   5ED
570 DATA  1, B4, 3F, CD, 21, 72,  C,  B, C0, 74,  8, 8B, F2,  3, C6, A3,   690
580 DATA 52,  1, C3, BA,  3,  1, B9, 13,  0, 50, E8,  A,  0, 58, E9, 65,   588
590 DATA FF, BA, 3C,  1, B9, 10,  0, BB,  2,  0, B4, 40, CD, 21, C3, 90,   6B1
600 DATA 54, 68, 69, 73, 20, 70, 72, 6F, 67, 72, 61, 6D, 20, 72, 65, 71,   618
610 DATA 75, 69, 72, 65, 73, 20, 44, 4F, 53, 20, 56, 65, 72, 73, 69, 6F,   5C6
620 DATA 6E, 20, 32, 2E, 30, 20, 6F, 72, 20, 68, 69, 67, 68, 65, 72, 2E,   4E4
630 DATA  D,  A, 24,  D,  A, 49, 6E, 70, 75, 74, 20, 70, 61, 74, 68, 2F,   45E
640 DATA 66, 69, 6C, 65, 3A, 20, 20, 4E, 6F, 20, 61, 63, 74, 69, 6F, 6E,   575
650 DATA  D,  A, 24, B4, 30, CD, 21, 3C,  2, 73,  C, BA, 10,  3, B4,  9,   454
660 DATA CD, 21, B8,  1, 4C, CD, 21, E8, 36,  0, 73, 23, BA, 43,  3, B9,   64E
670 DATA 14,  0, BB,  2,  0, B4, 40, CD, 21, BF, 7F,  0, C6,  5, 50, 8B,   597
680 DATA D7, B4,  A, CD, 21, E8, 18,  0, 73,  5, BA, 57,  3, EB, CF, BA,   783
690 DATA D2,  3, B8,  0, 3D, CD, 21, 72,  4, A3, 4C,  1, C3, E9, 43, FF,   70C
700 DATA BE, 80,  0, BF, D2,  3, FC, AC,  A, C0, 74,  F, B4, 20, AC, 3A,   781
710 DATA C4, 76, FB, 3A, C4, 76,  6, AA, AC, EB, F8, F9, C3, C6,  5,  0,   96F
720 DATA F8, C3, 58, 58, 44, 20, 76, 31, 2E, 30,  0, 44, 61, 76, 69, 64,   5BC
730 DATA 20, 50, 20, 4B, 69, 72, 73, 63, 68, 62, 61, 75, 6D, 2C, 20, 54,   539
740 DATA 6F, 61, 64, 20, 48, 61, 6C, 6C,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,   2D5
750 DATA 78360

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