[comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d] looking for egaint users ...

erc@irss.njit.edu (eric ng) (12/11/89)

If you, or anyone you know, have used or still use egaint (any
version), I would be interested in knowing about your experience
with it.

Please mail (i.e., DO NOT POST) any feedback (be it complaints
or compliments--however, the more critical the better) to me at
any of addresses listed at the end of this article.  I realize
that 3-dimensional variations are starting to appear (rending
egaint obsolete), but I am still quite interested in ways to make
improvements upon it.

Constructive and specific suggestions are preferred; vague ones
will, however, also be entertained.  Also, a notation of what
hardware/software you are running egaint on and what version you
use or have used will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your cooperation and support.

                        Eric Ng | Mail to *.berkeley.edu accounts
             1906 Milvia Street | won't necessarily reach me!
Berkeley, California 94704-1020 |-----------------------------------
    Internet: erc@irss.njit.edu | The Odyssey +1 201 984 6574
                        Eric Ng | Mail to *.berkeley.edu accounts
             1906 Milvia Street | won't necessarily reach me!
Berkeley, California 94704-1020 |-----------------------------------
    Internet: erc@irss.njit.edu | The Odyssey +1 201 984 6574