[comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d] PCWRITE C 6-9

wb@cbnewsj.ATT.COM (werner.baumgartner) (12/19/89)

I know this has been said here before, but, Where are parts
six through nine of pcwriteC? Will they ever show up or are
they in the bit-bucket? Is anyone willing to forward them to me?
I have no access to ftp from anywhere. Thanks.

w8sdz@smoke.BRL.MIL (Keith Petersen) (12/20/89)

wb@cbnewsj.ATT.COM (werner.baumgartner,mt,) writes:
>I know this has been said here before, but, Where are parts
>six through nine of pcwriteC? Will they ever show up or are
>they in the bit-bucket? Is anyone willing to forward them to me?
>I have no access to ftp from anywhere. Thanks.

You can order SIMTEL20 files from listserv@vm1.nodak.edu.
Send me your real att address and I'll tell you how.

Keith Petersen
Maintainer of SIMTEL20's CP/M, MSDOS, & MISC archives [IP address]
Internet: w8sdz@WSMR-SIMTEL20.Army.Mil, w8sdz@brl.arpa  BITNET: w8sdz@NDSUVM1
Uucp: {ames,decwrl,harvard,rutgers,ucbvax,uunet}!wsmr-simtel20.army.mil!w8sdz