[comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d] Emailing questions to chyde.uwasa.fi

ts@uwasa.fi (Timo Salmi LASK) (01/03/90)

There are some frequently asked questions about the programs
available from chyde.uwasa.fi by anonymous ftp from the /pc/.. 
directories at the University of Vaasa, Finland, site 
Here are some of them prerecorded with answers.  

Anonymous ftp site chyde.uwasa.fi is moderated by
Timo Salmi ts@chyde.uwasa.fi      PC directories /pc/pd2 and /pc/ts
Harri Valkama hv@chyde.uwasa.fi   PC and Mac files, and uploads
Hannu Hirvonen hh@chyde.uwasa.fi  VAX/VMS, Unix, system 

This time I would like to draw your attention to a particular item:

13. *****
 Q: I sent you a message a couple of weeks ago.  Did you receive it?
Why don't you reply?

 A: I try to reply to all queries I have received.  But getting the
reply to you successfully is not always technically possible.  The
reason for this is, that the reply address which the mail program
gives, is sometimes not adequate.  My reply bounces back to me as a
consequence.  Therefore you should include your InterNet and/or
BitNet address in your message.  Using proper signatures in email is
customary, anyway.  This does not guarantee a successful reply, but
it definitely increases the possibility of getting an eventual
reply.  Fortunately this program is not very common, but common
enough for you to consider. Also notice, that this problem is not
limited to our site only.