presley (05/11/83)
Relay-Version:version B 3/9/83; site alice.UUCP Posting-Version:version B 2.10 gamma 4/3/83; site mhuxj.UUCP Message-ID:<209@mhuxj.UUCP> Date:Wed, 11-May-83 15:57:28 EDT Organization:Bell Labs, Murray Hill Since we don't care about spelling, how about boookkkeeeppper as a word with four sets of triple letters? -- Joseph H. Presley ...!{mhuxj,alice}!presley
dave (05/15/83)
I did a grep on our dict a few years back and got subbookkeeper
bernie (05/17/83)
For that matter, why not b*o*k*e*p*e*r* (the regular expression defining the set of all 'bookkeeper'-like words with lots of repeated letters in them)...