[comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d] TSKERM24.ARC, updated Mskermit utilities

ts@uwasa.fi (Timo Salmi LASK) (02/19/90)

Sun 18-Feb-90: With the introduction of the new Kermit version 3.00
in January 1990, I have decided to update my MsKermit utilities
accordingly, and released (/pc/ts/)tskerm24.arc.  I have tried to
build the system so that it would still be compatible with MsKermit
version 2.32A.  You will thus have a choice between the two, and the
tools should be useful even if you have not yet updated to MsKermit
version 3.00.  I have also included some more postings and messages
about Kermit with the kind permission of the authors.  Available by
anonymous ftp from chyde.uwasa.fi as usual.  If you have not yet got
MsKermit version 3.00 it can be obtained as (/pc/pd2/)msker300.zip.

Prof. Timo Salmi        (Moderating at anon. ftp site
School of Business Studies, University of Vaasa, SF-65101, Finland
Internet: ts@chyde.uwasa.fi Funet: gado::salmi Bitnet: salmi@finfun

TSKERM24.ARC    MsKermit utilities by Timo Salmi
Filename        Comment                             Date      Time    CRC
--------        --------------------------------    ----      ----    ---
ANSI.CMD        Impose ansi terminal emulations   12-28-89  20:58:54  B3BB
GETBIN.CMD      Automatic file transfer to PC     12-21-89  14:42:06  DE7F
GETTEXT.CMD     Automatic file transfer to PC     12-21-89  14:45:12  B384
INITAT.CMD      Call all other initializations    12-23-89  09:46:50  EA88
INITAT30.CMD    Call 3.00 initializations, AT     01-12-90  10:33:50  E592
INITZN.CMD      Call initializations, laptop      12-23-89  09:47:12  B582
INITZN30.CMD    Call 3.00 initializations laptop  01-20-90  15:51:08  4A48
KERM.BAT        A simple boot for MsKermit 2.32A  02-11-89  12:10:04  3862
MEMACSAT.CMD    MicroEmacs Home End PgUp PgDn..   12-23-89  09:41:18  06C7
MEMACSZN.CMD    MicroEmacs Home End etc, laptop   12-23-89  09:40:22  F501
MSE.BAT         Boot MsKermit, colors, log boots  02-18-90  10:19:48  DFE1
MSK.BAT         Selective boot of MsKermit 2.32A  02-18-90  10:36:26  9809
MSK230QL.INI    VT102 keypad simulating QL QCODE  08-12-88  05:10:56  E8A0
MSK232AT.INI    VT102 keyboard for an AT or 386   01-14-90  17:46:42  0CBA
MSK232ZN.INI    VT102 keyboard for a laptop       12-29-89  16:09:48  85AE
MSK300AT.INI    VT102 for AT & 386 MsKermit 3.00  02-18-90  09:15:52  E2D3
MSK300ZN.INI    VT102 for laptopt, Mskermit 3.00  02-18-90  09:14:44  BFA6
MSZ.BAT         This I use on my laptop           12-23-89  10:15:26  44A7
MSZ30.BAT       This I use on my laptop for 3.00  02-18-90  10:10:42  4D5A
PHONE.CLL       Phone using a dialing directory   12-24-89  14:31:04  BF30
PUTBIN.CMD      Automatic file transfer from PC   12-21-89  14:44:38  DDE6
PUTTEXT.CMD     Automatic file transfer from PC   12-21-89  15:07:20  6405
SAMPLE.CLL      Autodialing! with MsKermit        08-12-88  22:23:28  9388
TIMELOG.EXE     For logging program usage         08-14-88  16:48:22  8A51
TSKERM.INF      Document                          02-18-90  21:49:46  C837
TSKERM.NWS      News announcements about tskerm   02-18-90  13:28:38  84FB
TSKERM.POS      Interesting postings and email    02-18-90  19:30:18  E0E8
TSPROG.INF      List of PD programs from T.Salmi  10-28-89  16:59:34  D436
VAASA.INF       Info: Finland, Vaasa, U of Vaasa  02-02-90  11:52:54  F6C0
ZSET.CMD        Set command synonyms, zmodem etc  02-18-90  09:33:54  A454
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