[comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d] Bogus Version of SCANV58

Alan_J_Roberts@cup.portal.COM (02/22/90)

This is a forward from John McAfee:

	We have received reports of a SCANV58.ZIP file that contains a bogus
VALIDATE program.  The program is an EXE file (the real validate is a COM
file) and is 46,167 bytes long versus 6,485 for the original VALIDATE.  There
have been reports of system damage from the use of this program and under no
circumstances should it be used.
	The authorized version 58 of scan is 42,977 bytes long, has a
creation date of 2-15-90 and the validation checks should be: Method 1: 2F16
and Method 2: 1C57.
	If you come accross the bogus version and have information about
where it came from, then please contact me at 408 988 3832.  The bogus
validate program appears to be identical to a program uploaded to HomeBase
on 2-19-90 by a person usinmg the name Richard Levey.  The documentation
for the program contained a copyright by Richard Levy, but there was no
phone number or any other contact information provided.
	As you can imagine, we are very anxious to find this person and if
anyone has any information then please call.

John McAfee
408 988 3832 (voice)
408 970 9727 (FAX)
408 988 4004 (BBS)