ts@uwasa.fi (Timo Salmi LASK) (03/18/90)
Sat 17-Mar-90: Released a new version (/pc/ts/)tsbat18.arc of my batch files collection. - It seems that this bacth collection has become perhaps the most popular of my packages judging from the recent download figures and the comments from users. - Corrected a small bug in c.bat that prevented going back to the root directory. - Built a simple batch lastboot.bat for displaying the date and time of the previous booting. - Also built a new batch virus.bat. This batch makes a directory both prior and after running the suspect program, and gives a warning if the directories differ, and prepares a list of the differences. The batch can be also used by a knowledgeable user for the more benevolent similar purpose of checking what files a certain programs changes. *Flame off* One lesson to be learned from batch programming is that properly used MsDos can be quite flexible. I think it is here to stay for a long time yet Unix and OS/2 notwithstanding. And this does not mean castigating Unix nor OS/2. (Any discussion of this aspect to the proper newsgroup, if you please.) *Flame on* :-) ................................................................... Prof. Timo Salmi (Moderating at anon. ftp site School of Business Studies, University of Vaasa, SF-65101, Finland Internet: ts@chyde.uwasa.fi Funet: gado::salmi Bitnet: salmi@finfun TSBAT18.ARC Batch file collection, T.Salmi Filename Comment Date Time -------- -------------------------------- ---- ---- ADDPATH.BAT Append directories to the path 03-04-90 16:31:40 APATH-OM.BAT Otto Makela's version of addpath 01-13-90 12:32:30 ARC2ZIP.BAT Single .arc to .zip with comment 02-28-90 12:52:34 C.BAT Lazy changing of directory 03-14-90 15:39:46 D.BAT Directory with sort & wildserach 03-04-90 15:40:00 DAILY.BAT Run a program only once a day 01-25-90 22:27:02 DELDIR.BAT Remove directory and its files 02-25-90 18:41:54 DELPATH.BAT Delete a directory from the path 01-16-90 12:00:34 ENTER.TXT To substitute pressing enter 10-30-89 09:24:46 LASTBOOT.BAT Show date + time of previos boot 03-17-90 20:05:14 LINK1.BAT How to link batch files together 10-31-89 14:26:14 LINK2.BAT Batch link demo's second file 11-15-89 12:23:24 LOCATE.BAT Wildcard file find 01-14-90 11:22:56 LOGRUN.BAT Log program usage & time and run 01-14-90 11:46:46 M.BAT Give multiple MsDos commands 03-04-90 11:08:08 MAKESURE.BAT Simple command.com virus warning 01-14-90 11:54:56 POPDIRE.BAT Restore (pop) saved directory 01-14-90 11:57:14 POPPATH.BAT Restore the saved path 01-14-90 11:59:44 PUSHDIRE.BAT Non-resident push directory 01-14-90 11:58:18 PUSHPATH.BAT Save the current path 01-14-90 11:58:44 RUN.BAT Testing for viruses 01-14-90 12:11:24 SCOPY.BAT Copy a file with a single device 01-14-90 12:58:06 SETCOM.BAT Secure your command.com 10-28-89 19:41:08 SETPUSHD.EXE Program for nonresident pushdire 01-13-90 17:33:42 SETVAR.BAT Sets a variable for delpath.bat 01-15-90 22:19:38 STAR.TXT Auxiliary separator for logging 10-30-89 09:27:04 TSBAT.INF Document 03-17-90 20:15:04 TSBAT.NWS News concerning this package 03-17-90 20:36:54 TSPROG.INF List of PD programs from T.Salmi 03-06-90 23:48:04 UNPACK.BAT Unpack-test-view any archivetype 03-11-90 17:17:48 VAASA.INF Info: Finland, Vaasa, U of Vaasa 02-02-90 11:52:54 VIRUS.BAT Another batch-based virus test 03-17-90 20:38:34 WHERE.BAT Generic searchstring fname find 01-14-90 12:02:16 ZIPDATE.BAT Equate .zip date to latest file 01-10-90 22:49:00 ZOO2ZIPH.BAT Single .zoo to .zip on harddisk 03-01-90 11:21:30 ---- ------ ------ ----- 0035 62145 36436 42%