[comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d] Forwarded: Gnuplot 2.0 - free interactive plotting software

ganzer@cod.NOSC.MIL (Mark T. Ganzer) (03/22/90)

I've forwarded this from the sci. groups because it may be of interst here
as well.
			-Mark Ganzer
Article 679 of sci.aeronautics:
Path: cod!nosc!ucsd!ucbvax!ucsfcgl!pixar!thaw
>From: thaw@pixar.UUCP (Tom Williams)
Newsgroups: sci.aeronautics,sci.astro,sci.bio,sci.chem,sci.econ,sci.energy,sci.math,sci.med.physics,sci.physics
Subject: Gnuplot 2.0 - free interactive plotting software
Keywords: software math data plotting
Message-ID: <9551@pixar.UUCP>
Date: 12 Mar 90 19:40:01 GMT
Reply-To: thaw@pixar.UUCP (Tom Williams)
Followup-To: comp.sources.d
Organization: Pixar -- Marin County, California
Lines: 129

                        ANNOUNCING GNUPLOT 2.0

What is Gnuplot 2.0?

Gnuplot is a command-line driven interactive function plotting utility for
UNIX, MSDOS, and VMS platforms.  The software is free.  It was originally
intended as graphical program which would allow scientists and students
to visualize mathematical functions and data.  Additions to this version 
of the software allow production of publication quality plots and data graphs.
Gnuplot supports many different types of terminals, plotters, and printers 
and is easily extensible to include new devices.  [ The "GNU" in Gnuplot
is NOT related to the Free Software Foundation, the naming is just
a coincidence (and a long story). ]

Gnuplot Features:
  Cartesian and Polar plots.
  Logscale graphs.
  Intelligent Tic spacing.
  Optional Autoscaling.
  Support for complex numbers.
  VMS-like online help.
  User-definable functions and variables.
  All the builtin functions C, FORTRAN, and BASIC provide.
  All the unary and binary operators supported by C, and more.
  MANY formatting features, such as labels, grids, and arrows.
  Support for Saving and Loading work in progress.
  Command line substitution.
  And lots more....

Where to obtain Gnuplot 2.0

USENET users:

    comp.sources.misc should have it posted soon.


     Anonymous ftp to duke.cs.duke.edu (
     Fetch pub/gnuplot.tar.Z in binary mode.

     Users without ftp capability can obtain it through a mail ftp
     server. Send a mail message saying 'help' to
     BITFTP@pucc.princeton.edu for instructions. For a uuencoded
     copy of the gnuplot sources (compressed tar file), send this
     message to BITFTP@pucc.princeton.edu:
         CD pub
         GET gnuplot.tar.Z


    If you can't obtain Gnuplot 2.0 through any of the described
    channels I will mail copies on IBM PC floppies.  You must send
    a SELF-ADDRESSED STAMPED DISK MAILER with the correct number
    of FORMATTED DISKS and a description size of format of the
    disks you want returned (in case the disks get separated from the 
    mailer).  Send 1 1.2M 5.25 disk or 1 720K or 1.44M 3.5 disk, or
    2 360K 5.25 disks.  Turn around time may be slow. Send materials to:

            48 Lyford Drive  #8
            Tiburon, CA 94920 
            attn: Thomas Williams


     Anonymous ftp to monu1.cc.monash.edu.au ( 
     Fetch pub/gnuplot.tar.Z in binary mode.


     Gnuplot will be stored in [tex-archive.gnuplot] at uk.ac.aston.tex
  JANET users
     FTP access is available (I regret no interactive access at present)
     Site        uk.ac.aston.tex
     Username    public
     password    public
     top level   tex-archive
  MAIL access
     Send a message to texserver@uk.ac.aston.tex
     The message body must contain at least the following three lines 
     starting in column 1. 
        (your address from Aston  - see the end of this message)
     Return Addressing:
     Internet users    name%site@nsfnet-relay
     Bitnet and EARN   name%site@earn-relay
     UUCP              name%site@ukc

	 DISCLAIMER - This product is not related in any way to 
     Pixar or any other commercial venture.

     Please send any questions or comments to pixar!info-gnuplot.

                                        -Thomas Williams-

I've ftp'd this from duke.cs.duke.edu and got it to compile on our 4.3BSD
system, but don't have MS C or Turbo C to compile it for MSDOS. It looks
intersting because it now contains drivers for Epson, HP Laser jet, and 
Potscript printers. Hopefully, someone will recompile it for MSDOS and
upload it to Simtel soon. :-)

Mark T. Ganzer                    Naval Ocean Systems Center, San Diego
UUCP: {bonnie,sdcsvax,gould9,hp-sdd} - !nosc!ganzer
      {apl-uw,ncr-sd,bang,crash    } /
Internet: ganzer@nosc.mil           Compu$erve: 73617,442