[comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d] Using lzexe on non-IBM compatibles

shurr@cbnews.att.com (Larry A. Shurr) (05/18/90)

(I inadvertantly posted this to comp.binaries.ibm.pc instead of c.b.i.p.d
like I was supposed to.  Hopefully the moderator will forgive my mistake
and discard my bogus submission.  My apologies.)

The lzexe V0.91 program by Fabrice BELLARD recently discussed in cbip 
compresses EXE files and attaches a small stub program which expands the
compressed program text, peforms segment fixups at run time and runs the
original program.  In exchange for a small amount of memory & CPU time,
you can save a lot of disk space.  The expansion and fixup phase is very
quick: on my TI Pro, the run-time penaly appears to be almost exactly
offset by the savings in time waiting for disk I/O on the smaller file.
On a 386 system, the delay is unnoticable.

Unfortunately, lzexe as distributed hangs my old TI Pro.  After expand-
ing it with the unlzexe program, I found that it appears to perform an
unnecessary processor speed check.  I patched the call to that routine,
 and the program continues to work fine and works on non-IBM compatibles 
such as the Pro.  The following script illustrates the patch:

	C> unlzexe lzexe.exe
	C> ren lzexe.exe lzexe.xxx
	C> debug lzexe.xxx
	-  e1d6d 90 90 B8 00 00
	-  w
	-  q
	C> ren lzexe.xxx lzexe.exe
	C> lzexe lzexe.exe


This patch is valid only for version 0.91 of lzexe.

Always patch a copy of your program instead of the original in case any-
thing goes wrong.

Since I don't really know why the program performs a speed check or even
if that is what it's really doing, I don't know why it's OK to omit that
step.  Hence, the big caveat:

There is no warranty for this patch.  The program is not warranted by its
original author, anyway, so how could I?  The program is freeware, so is
the patch.


The patch replaces a far call to the offending routine with the instruction

	MOV	AX,0000h

I couldn't just use a series of NOPs as the instruction replaced is a far 
call which gets a segment fixup at load time.  The segment fixup would 
overwrite some of the NOPs creating an unpredictable and possibly harmful 
instruction sequence.  With my patch, the segment fixup is placed in the 
source field of the MOV AX instruction and causes no harm.


Lzexe and related utilities are available from Simtel20 and from it's
related listservers:

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.FILUTL>
COMTOEXE.ZIP  B    6992  900311  Converts COM files to EXE files for LZEXE
ISLZEXE.ZIP   B    4816  900317  Lists names of EXE files compressed with LZEXE
LZEXE91.ZIP   B   43939  900329  Compress most EXE files and run them directly
LZESHL21.ZIP  B   23261  900409  Shell program for LZEXE. English output
UNLZEXE.ZIP   B    9118  900403  Converts LZEXE compressed EXE to original EXE

regards, Larry
Signed: Larry A. Shurr (cbnmva!las@att.ATT.COM or att!cbnmva!las)
My psuedo-Burma Shave .signature has served me long and well and has been
retired.  A new .signature is now under consideration.
This posting reflects my opinions, not those of AGS or AT&T, but you knew that)