[comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d] Menu colors with GIF/etc. viewers

davidsen@sixhub.UUCP (Wm E. Davidsen Jr) (05/27/90)

In article <1990May25.190151.939@cbnewsh.att.com> twb@cbnewsh.att.com (thomas.w.beattie) writes:
| I have a problem with various GIF/etc. viewers (CSHOW, VPIC, VUIMG, ...).
| After an image is displayed the menu colors are altered and frequently
| unreadable.
| Perhaps the color map from the displayed image is being used for the menu?

| I don't think this question/problem is specific to me but I am using
| both a PARADISE PRO 512K VGA and an AT&T VDC600 VGA on AT&T 329D 
| multi(dual?) sync monitors.

  Seems as thought it might be you. I have used cshow on a number of
systems, and vuimg, and fastgif, and vpic, etc, as well as fractint.
These all play with the maps, and all return to normal colors.
bill davidsen - davidsen@sixhub.uucp (uunet!crdgw1!sixhub!davidsen)
    sysop *IX BBS and Public Access UNIX
    moderator of comp.binaries.ibm.pc and 80386 mailing list
"Stupidity, like virtue, is its own reward" -me

pam1@ra.MsState.Edu (Phillip A. McReynolds) (05/28/90)

In article <1990May25.190151.939@cbnewsh.att.com> twb@cbnewsh.att.com (thomas.w.beattie) writes:
>I have a problem with various GIF/etc. viewers (CSHOW, VPIC, VUIMG, ...).
>After an image is displayed the menu colors are altered and frequently

I have had a similar problem, but only when starting cshow from a reconfigured
pallette.  For example, if I start cshow after running VPal (which allows me
to load my own pallette), the colors are skewed upon exiting a GIF.  However,
I have *not* experienced this problem when running from the original pallette.
(I should note that even if I reinstall the default pallette, I get this
problem.)  Have you tried running cshow from a clean machine (i.e., one which
has never had its pallette changed since cold boot)?

pam1@ra.msstate.edu <or> sop@athena.ee.msstate.edu <or> dbeattie@msstate.bitnet

vgopal@cbnewsc.att.com (venu.p.gopal) (05/29/90)

In article <1990May25.190151.939@cbnewsh.att.com> twb@cbnewsh.att.com (thomas.w.beattie) writes:
!I have a problem with various GIF/etc. viewers (CSHOW, VPIC, VUIMG, ...).
!After an image is displayed the menu colors are altered and frequently
!Perhaps the color map from the displayed image is being used for the menu?
!Cshow allows the menu colors to be configured but they are redefined by
!each displayed image.  The configured colors only appear in the first menu!
!Is there some way to get a readable menu?
!Shouldn't the original (or some configured) palette be reloaded before
!the menus are displayed?
!I don't think this question/problem is specific to me but I am using
!both a PARADISE PRO 512K VGA and an AT&T VDC600 VGA on AT&T 329D 
!multi(dual?) sync monitors.
!Tom Beattie

Sounds like it could be a bug in the BIOS.  When video modes are reset,
as when switching from a graphics mode to a text mode, the colors should
show up as standard colors.  (Do you have any software that intercepts
int 10 calls and does something else?)

Venu P. Gopal   UUCP: ..!att!cbnewsc!vgopal   Internet: vgopal@cbnewsc.att.com

twb@cbnewsh.att.com (thomas.w.beattie) (05/29/90)

In article <468@ra.MsState.Edu> pam1@ra.MsState.Edu (Phillip A. McReynolds) writes:
>In article <1990May25.190151.939@cbnewsh.att.com> twb@cbnewsh.att.com (thomas.w.beattie) writes:
>>I have a problem with various GIF/etc. viewers (CSHOW, VPIC, VUIMG, ...).
>>After an image is displayed the menu colors are altered and frequently
>I have had a similar problem, but only when starting cshow from a reconfigured
>pallette.  For example, if I start cshow after running VPal (which allows me
>to load my own pallette), the colors are skewed upon exiting a GIF.  However,
>I have *not* experienced this problem when running from the original pallette.
>(I should note that even if I reinstall the default pallette, I get this
>problem.)  Have you tried running cshow from a clean machine (i.e., one which
>has never had its pallette changed since cold boot)?
>pam1@ra.msstate.edu <or> sop@athena.ee.msstate.edu <or> dbeattie@msstate.bitnet

Now we are getting somewhere.
I tried using CSHOW immediately after a cold boot and it seems to
work correctly! (the menu colors are unaffected by the viewed image :-).
If I alter the palette at all (even to set the default colors) the problem

Is there some way to return to the default behavior?
Tom Beattie