ts@uwasa.fi (Timo Salmi LASK) (06/07/90)
I think that it may be the time for the more or less regular repost of the instructions for getting files by anonymous ftp from chyde.uwasa.fi, Vaasa, Finland, and other information about these files. I have two sets of these instructions, one for my own files, another for all the other downloadable files at chyde.uwasa.fi. This time I shall post the former. ------------------- begin prerecorded message ---------------------- There are some frequently asked questions about the ts-programs available from chyde.uwasa.fi, by anonymous ftp, from the /pc/ts directory here at the University of Vaasa, Finland, site Below you will find some of them prerecorded with answers. Please notice that the questions / answers are not in any logical order. The order has more or less been dictated by the arriving questions. And, there is overlapping. Also please note that although these questions and answers concern the /pc/ts directory, much of the information is directly applicable to the other directories at our site. Please note the provisions of using the ts-programs. You are free to use them for your personal, private purposes, and you are free and encouraged to upload them to bulletin boards. But if you use the programs, say, at a university or a business enterprise then you must consider the programs shareware and you should contact me for the terms of a personal or a site license. ................................................................... Prof. Timo Salmi (Moderating at anon. ftp site School of Business Studies, University of Vaasa, SF-65101, Finland Internet: ts@chyde.uwasa.fi Funet: gado::salmi Bitnet: salmi@finfun ................................................................... 1. ***** Q: I do not understand this getting files with anonymous ftp. What does it mean? A: Ftp stands for file transfer program, which is a standard feature in many mainframe Unix and VAX/VMS systems. It also means that you must have a network connection to reach University of Vaasa. Please contact your computer's system manager for more information on the connection. When this is ok, just follow the instructions in the Appendix at the end of this prerecorded message. 2. ***** Q: I have no ftp access to your system. Would you please send your programs to me by email. A: Sorry. The reply to this frequent query is a definite no. There is so much demand for ts-progs (I am pleased to say) that providing this kind of service would simply get out of hand. The programs have, however, reached quite a number of mainframe sites and BBSes, so you just have go looking for them. If you have a modem, you can get the files by calling directly, for example, Micro Maniacs Opus, phone 358-0-425966. For more on FidoNet access of the files please see a later Q&A item. Also notice that if you do not have the ftp capability, but do have an access to UseNet news, some of these programs have appeared in comp.binaries.ibm.pc newsgroup as binary postings. Or, if you know a SysOp of a bulletin board, who has the ftp capability, ask him/her to download the files to his/her BBS and then get the packages from there. There is one drastic alternative for getting the programs sent to you by ordinary mail on disks. These programs may be used and distributed freely for private, non-commercial, non-institutional purposes. For other purposes they must be registered. This leaves you the option of obtaining the programs by registering them. In that case each package is delivered on a 3.5" 720K diskette, but then you would have to pay around $25-$35 for each individual package in advance for a personal registration. 3. ***** Q: Why make announcements of your and other programs in the comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d newsgroup when many users do not have the ftp capability? A: Look at it this way. I know this is a problem. In fact I had an interesting and lengthy email discussion with one user about this dilemma. Let me put forward my own view about c.b.i.p.d. I feel that the primary purpose of a group like this is (or should be) to disseminate and exchange useful information about PC programs. A secondary purpose is to exchange information about getting files. In getting the files there are four major alternatives, that is postings in the binaries, ftp, emailing between users, and BBSes. What this amounts to is that even if you do not have the ftp capability, the information may give you usefuls hints what programs to look for via the many alternative methods of getting the files. 4. ***** Q: I am interested in the sources of some of your programs (or particular procedures in them). Would it be possible to get them? A: Sorry. Also here the answer has to be negative. I never reveal my sources :-) 5. ***** Q: Some of your programs refuse to work on my PC. They do nothing or just confuse the screen. A: Not surprising. The ts-programs are (mostly) Turbo Pascal 5.0 programs written for true compatibles. In particular, the programs which use advanced screen writes (inverted colors, windowing, etc) and the so called interrupts (direct access to PC's internal services) require a truly compatible PC. Most frequently the problem is in the user's non-standard video adapter hardware. A proper CGA, EGA or VGA personal computer should have no problems, but a monochrome might. (Monochrome PCs often are older and non-compatible anyway.) The thing to do is to try out the offending program on a truly compatible machine. If it does not work even then, I would be very interested in a description of the problem so that I could try to look into it. 6. ***** Q: I have the ftp (file transfer program) capability and a network access that includes your site. But how do I transfer the files? What are the commands? A: The information and examples in the appendix (see below) should enable you to get the files. 7. ***** Q: I have received your programs but the package is corrupt. When I try to unpak them with my unpacking program (pkxarc, pkunpak, arc, pkunzip, etc.) the unpacking fails or produces files that lock my PC. A: This is almost always due to the failing to transfer the files correctly from your mainframe to your PC. Please see the latter part of the appendix for more information. 8. ***** Q: What are the rules for using your programs. Are they freeware, shareware, or what? A1: Some, albeit very few users have been considerate enough to ask this question. The answer is contained in the .inf document files of the programs and the it is the following. You are free to use and distribute my programs as long they are used for private purposes only. For ANY other purpose (including using at work in business enterprises, university teaching, and government offices) please contact me for a registration. A few of the packages (TSLIN linear programming, TSxST statistics packages, and TSPELL spelling checker) are scaled-down versions. To obtain a full-scale version you will have to register. A2: If and when you distribute my programs as acceptable under A1, I would REALLY appreciate it if you distributed the original packages unchanged (repacking with a different packing method is quite ok, though). Please do not distribute *separately* any of the programs or files in the packages. Give out a whole package, or nothing, if you please. A3: As I do not place any fee on the non-registered versions of my programs, I would very much appreciate it if you would reciprocate by doing me the favor of uploading my program(s) to at least one bulletin board which does not have them, or has old versions. 9. ***** Q: The lines to Europe are not always available. Does any site in the U.S. have your collection. A: Yes, thanks to Keith Petersen. Simtel20 (site has practically all my programs, and Keith has kindly been getting the most current versions as soon as they have come out. There might be other sites, but this I know of. 10. ***** Q: I would like to get your files from Simtel20. Send me a list telling in which directories your files are in Simtel20. A1: I am very often asked this (and other) information about Simtel20. I like to cooperate with Simtel20, but nevertheless this is really something you should find out from Simtel20, not me. Here is an edited extract from Simtel20, which you might find of interest: The index of SIMTEL20 MSDOS files, with descriptions, is PD1:<MSDOS.FILEDOCS>SIMIBM.IDX. An archived version of the same file is in PD1:<MSDOS.FILEDOCS>SIMIBM.ARC. Messages about system problems, FTP problems, and network problems should be directed to ACTION@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL. Messages about files in the MSDOS collection should be directed to w8sdz@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL. A2: The files at Simtel20 are available from a US bulletin board. Please see Simtel20 announcements or ask Simtel20 for the details. 11. ***** Q: Do you have a guest user-id? I cannot ftp, but I can reach your site through the net. I type anonymous at the login: and then try to give my email address at the Password:. I am not let in, but get a "Login incorrect" message instead. A: We do not accept guest users. This means that what you tried, is not allowed at our site. The only way you can get connected to our system is using the true ftp system, which is described in the appendix. 12. ***** Q: I have noticed that you have updated your packages very often. Is there any possibility of getting the update announcements mailed directly to me. A: Yes, in fact I do have a private mailing list for update announcements (even if I cannot accept any requests for mailing the actual packages). Especially if you are a SysOp of a BBS or a maintainer of an ftp site, you are welcome to send me a request for including you on my announcements mailing list. 13. ***** Q: I now have your files, but they have this .arc extension and they won't run then I write their name at my DOS prompt. A: Please do not be offended, but this seems a problem of a complete novice PC user. The files are packed (also called archived) entities. This is a special format of compressing files and packing several files together. This really is standard knowledge for PC users, and if you are not familiar with the system, just ask a knowledgeable fellow user. As to my files, as well as most .arc files, you can handle the with programs called ARC, PKXARC, or PKUNPAK, and even some others. Incidentally, all the major (un)packing programs are available from the /pc/pd2 directory. 14. ***** Q: Please, tell me how to get your files sent to me using file-servers. A: I know very little about file servers, and I cannot answer questions concerning them. I know that we do not have a fileserver or any other system at our site that would email the files upon request. I also know that Simtel20, who have my files, can be sent file requests. The following edited extracts should give some direction. "WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL can be accessed using LISTSERV commands from BITNET via LISTSERV@NDSUVM1, LISTSERV@RPIECS, LISTSERV@FINTUVM and in Europe from EARN TRICKLE servers. Send commands to TRICKLE@<host-name> (example: TRICKLE@TREARN). The following TRICKLE servers are presently available: AWIWUW11 (Austria), BANUFS11 (Belgium), DKTC11 (Denmark), DB0FUB11 (Germany), IMIPOLI (Italy), EB0UB011 (Spain) and TREARN (Turkey). Messages about problems with BITNET or EARN file servers should be directed to the system administrator at the server location. SIMTEL20 does NOT run these servers. I (Keith Petersen) have frequently posted instructions on how to get files from SIMTEL20 via listserv@vm1.nodak.edu. You can get a file by sending an email message to: listserv@vm1.nodak.edu In the body of the message say, for example, this: /PDGET MAIL PD1:<MSDOS.GRAPHICS>VGAIMG12.ARC UUENCODE Do not include a signature because it confuses the server." 15. ***** Q: I have made some programs myself which I think might be of general interest. Would it be possible to upload them to your system. A: Yes, we are certainly interested in all quality programs. (A proper documentation is one of the prerequisites). Please contact Harri Valkama hv@chyde.uwasa.fi for more information. 16. ***** Q: Is there a description of the programs? I would like to have some information on the files before I start transferring them. A: Yes, certainly. This approach is even recommended. There is a file called 0dir-ts which has a general description of the files. Then there is the 0news-ts file which has news on updates and such information. Finally there is a tsarcxxx.txt (where xxx stands for a changing version number). It contains more detailed information on the contents of each of the packages. 17. ***** Q: Can your files be accessed through FidoNet? A: Yes, I usually upload my updates also to Micro Maniacs Opus 2:515/1 run by Ron Dwight. You may call in as an ordinary user and download. Or if you have the knowhow you can use the file request system. I am not familiar with the file request system myself, but the following might be of use for those of you who know FidoNet tricks better than I do. Please note that the versions of my programs at Micro Maniacs Opus might occasionally not be quite as uptodate as at chyde.uwasa.fi. This is the prerecorded standard advice from my friendly SysOp Ron Dwight for file requesting the PD programs of Timo Salmi from 2:515/1 (Micro Maniacs Opus in Finland, tel 358-0-425966). Because Ron is using SEAdog the you must make a BARK type of request. SEAdog or DUTCHIE can handle this. If the you have neither of these programs then you can download BARKREQ.* e.g. from 2:515/1. Do not make the request during seventy minutes BEFORE International mail hour as well as 120 minutes AFTER International mail hour. You can use the magic file name TSALMI for the Timo Salmi files. 18. ***** Q: I am interested in the file about the shortwave radio broadcasts from the Nordic countries. However, I now notice that you don't have ascii versions of this file, and I, being a Sun user, and occasionally a Mac user, don't have an easy access to an un-arcing facility. Any suggestions? A: There is a solution to your problem. Un-arcing utilities certainly exist for Unix systems, Sun included. There is a Unix arc utility (which would be relevant for your problem), a Unix unzip utility, and a Unix zoo. You will find Unix utilities in the /unix/ts/ and /pc/source directory. The name of the arc utility (at the time of writing this) is arc.tar.Z. You will have to process it to make the Unix arc utility operative. Please see /unix/ts/0news-u for more details. As for Mac. Personally I am not a Mac user at all, but I have been told that zoo and unzip (but not arc?) are readily available for Macs. But since this is really beyond me, please contact our Mac moderator in Mac matters. 19. ***** Q: I sent you a message a couple of weeks ago. Did you receive it? Why don't you reply? A: I try to reply to all queries I have received. But getting the reply to you successfully is not always technically possible. The reason for this is, that the reply address which the mail program gives, is sometimes not adequate. My reply bounces back to me as a consequence. Therefore you should include your InterNet and/or BitNet address in your message. Using proper signatures in email is customary, anyway. This does not guarantee a successful reply, but it definitely increases the possibility of getting an eventual reply. 20. ***** Q: Are there any other PC programs at chyde.uwasa.fi than the ts-programs? A: Definitely. There is a great number of public domain and shareware PC programs at this site. Get files /pc/0contents and /pc/pd2/0dir-pd2 for the lists of the files in directories other than /pc/ts. 21. ***** Q: I would like to ask you some personal questions and/or know more about Finland and Vaasa. What is your field? How come you are interested in programming, and so on? A: It is very nice of you to ask. I hope that you understand that for practical reasons it is difficult for me reply individually to these questions. Instead, I have to refer you to some of the material available in the /pc/ts/ directory. The file vaasa.inf, which is included in most of the packages, and also available separately, will give you information about Finland, Vaasa, and the University of Vaasa. And the gif pictures euro01e.gif and euro01v.gif will show you where Vaasa is located. As for my own background, please see tsfcom.inf which is part of the TSFCOMxx.ARC package. I have also put in writing some of my thoughts on programming in tsgmeb.inf in the TSGMEBxx.ARC package. ***** APPENDIX: Obtaining the PD Programs by Timo Salmi via InterNet ==================================================== You can obtain the file(s) from chyde.uwasa.fi ( using the InterNet ftp (file transfer program) with username "anonymous". For a login password use your electronic mail address. If you are using ftp from a VAX/VMS system, set case lower before proceeding. The files are in directory /pc/ts. At the ftp> prompt first type binary (for binary files). To go to the relevant directory apply cd /pc/ts. To see its contents apply ls or dir. To download a file, use get filename or mget filenames. The files have been packed with PKPAK so you will need PKUNPAK from PKWARE to unpack them in your PC. The following contains the same information by giving the commands needed for transferring vaasa.inf (contains text on Finland, Vaasa, and University of Vaasa) and tspfon29.arc as an example. In the example its is assumed that you are calling from a Unix system. The usage for a VAX/VMS system is quite similar. It is recommended that you first get the files 0dir-ts and tsarc059.txt (or whatever version is the latest) for more information. ftp #Invoke the file transfer program open #Connect to chyde.uwasa.fi at the University #of Vaasa anonymous #Use this name to get temporary privileges Give your email address as your password cd /pc/ts #Go to the relevant directory dir #Directory of available files ascii #vaasa.inf is an ordinary text file get vaasa.inf #Copy the file to your default directory binary #tspfon29.arc is a binary file mget tspfon*.arc #mget allows wildcards close #Terminate the connection quit #Quit the file transfer program Transferring the Programs to PC =============================== After you have received the files to your host, there still remains the task of transferring the programs to your PC. This is familiar to most users, but occasionally there are problems. It impossible to give advice that would cover resolving all the difficulties, but the most common can be described. The most usual file transfer method between the host and the user's PC is MsKermit. (Z-modem and others may be used as well, but I would guess that most often persons using these alternatives are advanced users, and can resolve any problems by themselves.) The most common problem is probably that after getting a packed file to one's PC, the file appears damaged. Almost always this is due to failing to set correctly the MsKermit parameters in BOTH ends of the transfer. What you have to do is in your host MsKermit to set file type binary, set parity even (or none or whatever), and in your PC MsKermit you must have the SAME parity you set for your host (select host MsKermit parity on the basis of your PC's). If you fail to get these compatible, the transfer will not result in what you want. Transferring text files does not lead to problems so often. The trick is set file type text (or ascii depending on your MsKermit version). Finally, if nothing else, absolutely nothing else(!), seems to resolve the problem, please let me know, and I will check that the file at our site is good and proper. -------------------- end prerecorded message -----------------------