[comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d] UUCP

jack.lupic@canremote.uucp (JACK LUPIC) (06/28/90)

P Message entered 1990 06 26  18:56 P

larry@uts.amdahl.com (Larry Hardiman) writes:

lm>I too struggled with UUPC and finally gave up on it. I believe that
lm>the difficulty I had was based primarily on my lack of knowledge
lm>of UUCP. Sigh...

lh>What I have done is to get the Waffle BBS system from the simtel
lh>archives (waf162....). I was able to get it up and
lh>make a connection to a (my) Unix host machine and exchange mail with
lh>relatively little hassle.
lh>It too took a bit of experimentation, but waffle has adaquate
lh>documentation to help. The task now is to toss all the stuff related
lh>to the bbs part; there are a lot of files and sub-directories not
lh>relevant to the email part. So.... Do I wanna run a BBS? 8-). Just

Well I have also downloaded WAFFLE 1.62 but being strictly an MSDOS
person and not having had any previous experience with Usenet/Unix
the DOCS just leave you in the DARK.The DOCS assume you know just
about everything about the host you are connecting to and the
manner in which the connection and DOS/Unix interface works.

I would appreciate it if you would be able to send  me examples of
your /system/static file.Any other detail would help.

I am not interested in Waffle as a BBS but only as a single user

jack.lupic@canremote.uucp (JACK LUPIC) (06/29/90)

P Message entered 1990 06 27  21:02 P

nolan@tssi.UUCP (Michael Nolan) writes:

>Hopefully, some of this lack of documentation will be fixed shortly,
>as I continue to work on a User's Guide.  Maybe I should do a System
>Administrator's Guide as well?  (I'm not sure *how* it works, only
>how to make it work!)

Well,of all the DOS/UNIX-UUCP programs I have downloaded NONE give
half-decent explanation on the UUCP world.I believe that there should
be some attempt to explain to a novice DOS-only user what is going 

How can I register for any of the programs when no attempt is even
made to get the user through the door of the UUCP/Unix world.

The first question I asked myself when I downloaded FSUUCP and
Waffle...now what am I supposed to do with this?

Please don't write DOS/UUCP docs for the UNIX/UUCP types,write
them for the DOS people.

dell@Apple.COM (Thomas E. Dell) (06/30/90)

Larry@uts.amdahl.com writes:

>lh>What I have done is to get the Waffle BBS system from the simtel
>lh>archives (waf162....). I was able to get it up and
>lh>make a connection to a (my) Unix host machine and exchange mail with
>lh>relatively little hassle.
>lh>It too took a bit of experimentation, but waffle has adaquate
>lh>documentation to help. The task now is to toss all the stuff related

and jack.lupic@canremote.uucp (JACK LUPIC) writes:

>Well I have also downloaded WAFFLE 1.62 but being strictly an MSDOS
>person and not having had any previous experience with Usenet/Unix
>the DOCS just leave you in the DARK.The DOCS assume you know just
>about everything about the host you are connecting to and the
>manner in which the connection and DOS/Unix interface works.

There are things the documentation won't tell you -- how to locate a 
newsfeed, how to register your site, how the people on the Unix end 
should setup their system to feed you, etc. That's because it's
generally different for almost everybody. 

For instance, here's no way for me to guess how to find a site that
would feed me in Canada. I don't live in Canada (or Florida, or Utah...)

As it stands now, the documentation is "adequate" (larry's words).
However, no amount of documentation can replace fifteen minutes of
consultation with the administrator of the site you're connecting to.
UUCP and Usenet connections are fairly involved, especially to 
someone who has never had one; this is true regardless of whether 
you're using Unix or a DOS system to communicate, and nothing can 
really change that fact.

Anyway, one of the projects for v1.63 is documentation that is
easier for a neophyte to help install the system. (It will be ready
in late July..)


dell@vox.darkside.com / Thomas E Dell

clear@bearcave.actrix.co.nz (Charlie Lear) (07/02/90)

dell@Apple.COM (Thomas E. Dell) writes:
> Anyway, one of the projects for v1.63 is documentation that is
> easier for a neophyte to help install the system. (It will be ready
> in late July..)

I got v1.61 up and running with only four hours or so of headscratching.
v1.62 installed quickly.

It DID take a long time for me to find the bugs that were causing my
mail and news to go astray. The default mailer has no subject: line,
which screws up my host, and it was sheer chance that I found how to do
it in the docs. Lots of grep and LIST and sh-prtscn.

Also couldn't figure out why none of my news was making it past the host.
My host's default distribution is local. Waffle's default distribution
is zilch - again, it was coincidence that I found out how to get it to
prompt me for a Distribution: line.

It isn't that the info is missing from the docs - its just hard to filter

A big hint for 1.63 - PLEASE include a <K>ill function. That's Waffle's
only big omission that I can see.

As for the docs, perhaps you could ask for volunteers to rewrite them
into a form suitable for human understanding from amongst the comp.text
and comp.doc gurus. But whatever you do, PLEASE DROP the inane use of
foo and bar - clear@bearcave.actrix.co.nz is a lot clearer for new users
to follow than foo@foo.bar.foo.us.

 One Very Happy Single-User Waffle Site