[comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d] Utility package TSUTIL30.ARC update

ts@uwasa.fi (Timo Salmi LASK) (08/02/90)

Wed 1-Aug-90: I have updated the first of my utility collections to
be (/pc/ts/)tsutil30.arc.  It contains my (partly experimental)
early utilities geared towards directory information, system
information, and usage logging. 
   SYSINFO.EXE gives information about your system.  I have added a
few items, including the recognition of the processor.  Also it now
has a simple selftest against tampering (or simple viruses).  If the
file size or the file date have been altered, a warning will be
issued, and the program halted. 
   DTETIMAL.EXE is a simple but useful utility for checking (best
from autoexec.bat) that your system clock has not failed, by
comparing the system clock year and the parameter you give to
DTETIMAL.EXE.  The program is (hopefully) more compatible than
before (the code uses no more Turbo Pascal Crt).  Furthermore,
DTETIMAL now performs (optionally) a triple (checksum, size, date)
selftest against viruses and other tampering. 
   DIRW.EXE is the same as MsDos dir /w with two notable
improvements.  DIRW dispalys the file attributes (including hidden
files), and it can (optionally) be used recursively to list a
directory and all its subdirectories.  Corrected a bug that made it
list a wrong directory under special circumstances. 
   Available by anonymous ftp from chyde.uwasa.fi, Vaasa, Finland,  And, if you do not have ftp, this package is being
submitted to the binaries.  Please stand by. 

TSUTIL30.ARC    Command-like programs by T.Salmi
Filename        Comment                             Date      Time  
--------        --------------------------------    ----      ----  
DAY.EXE         Gives a date in a weekday-format  03-10-90  11:58:36
DIRD.EXE        Directories, different files      08-01-90  23:15:18
DIRS.EXE        Directories, same files           08-01-90  23:15:16
DIRW.EXE        As dir/w, recursive, file status  08-01-90  22:28:50
DTETIM.EXE      Displays current date and time    11-04-89  13:04:28
DTETIMAL.EXE    Check system clock from autoexec  08-01-90  22:54:32
GRAPINFO.EXE    Detects your graphics hardware    06-25-89  19:13:18
PVMKLO.EXE      Current date and time in Finnish  11-04-89  13:24:20
PVMKLOHL.EXE    Check system clock in Finnish     11-04-89  14:02:00
RESET.EXE       Resets 80 column text mode        08-15-88  07:49:32
STACK.EXE       Tells available free memory       06-14-89  08:59:22
SYSINFO.EXE     Information about your gadget     07-30-90  13:52:10
TIMDIF.EXE      Difference between two times      03-10-90  12:29:38
TIMELOG.EXE     For logging program usage         08-14-88  16:48:22
TSPROG.INF      List of PD programs from T.Salmi  04-03-90  17:37:40
TSUTIL.INF      Document                          08-01-90  23:20:56
TSUTIL.NWS      News announcements about tsutil   08-01-90  22:42:14
VAASA.INF       Info: Finland, Vaasa, U of Vaasa  02-02-90  11:52:54
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Prof. Timo Salmi        (Moderating at anon. ftp site
School of Business Studies, University of Vaasa, SF-65101, Finland
Internet: ts@chyde.uwasa.fi Funet: gado::salmi Bitnet: salmi@finfun