damon@umbc5.umbc.edu (08/04/90)
I've been hacking away at a game of my creation for about two years now, in BASIC. Recently, I've become frustrated because some of my code has been *highly* redundant; that problem could be solved a few user-written subroutine calls, BUT I don't know Assember too well. I decided to switch to another programming language. "C" seemed to be a good candidate. Being on a limited budget prompted me to look through the various FTP sites for a good "C" compiler. My search lead me to SIMTEL20 and a file called *PD1:[MSDOS.C]PCC12C.ARC (submitted in January of this year, I believe). Its description says that that this compiler is "fully functional." Has anyone determined how "fully functional" it is? Has anyone out there had any experiences, good or bad, with this package? I want to know: -how "ANSI-compilant" the compiler is. ("Will a portably-written program break in VMS or ULTRIX?" for example.) -does it have functions that work with CGA-EGA graphics, and how do they stack up to the graphics commands/functions in BASIC? If the questions seem vague, chalk it up to the inexperience of not working with C heavily before. I *am* searching for references on C for Beginners. The net, I realize, is *not* an authority on information. I can look at the TV news or alt.flame for that... ( Ahem: :-) !!!!!! ) I will summarize private e-mail responses, based on demand/traffic. Post at your leisure. * -- The docs say it is an 8086/8088 -based compiler (if I remember correctly). Does the executables produced by this compiler run on any of the "more powerful" 80x86 machines? Thanks, Damon (@umbc.bitnet) (@umbc2.umbc.edu) (...!uunet!umbc3[.umbc.edu]!damon) (header reply *should* be ok) Ob. Quote: "Was Nimrod defeated by the X-Men or by MS-DOS?" -me