[comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d] Mouse bug in Turbo C++

levericw@clutx.clarkson.edu (Allanon) (08/15/90)

I am running TC++ on a Zenith AT compatible with a Genius mouse and 4DOS. 
when I shell out to DOS and return I no longer have a mouse cursor.  The
mouse is still active, but I have no clue where it is pointing.

I have shelled out to both 4DOS and COMMAND.COM, the same problem occurs
both ways.  I have ~234K memory left after I shell out, is this a bug,
or do I have something set wrong?

E-Mail me and I will Post Summary.

Thanks in advance.


Walden H. Leverich III               | Inet: levericw@clutx.clarkson.edu
     ECE Dept.                       | CServ: 73237,2212
 Clarkson University                 | SnailMail: 100 Market St.
                                     |            N.C.M. Apt 10
                                     |            Potsdam, NY 13676-1702
Just once, I wish we would encounter an alien menace that wasn't immune to 
bullets.    -The Brigader [Dr. Who]

bianco@cs.odu.edu (David J. Bianco) (08/15/90)

In article <1990Aug14.232917.12415@sun.soe.clarkson.edu> levericw@clutx.clarkson.edu (Allanon) writes:

   I am running TC++ on a Zenith AT compatible with a Genius mouse and 4DOS. 
   when I shell out to DOS and return I no longer have a mouse cursor.  The
   mouse is still active, but I have no clue where it is pointing.

This is not a bug with TC++, but rather a bug with Genius's mouse driver.
Call genius, get the new version. A friend of mine had this problem, before
they shipped the newest driver. Once he ran it, however, he had no problems.

rzi@philpav.UUCP (Roman Zielinski) (08/16/90)

In article <1990Aug14.232917.12415@sun.soe.clarkson.edu>, levericw@clutx.clarkson.edu (Allanon) writes:
> I am running TC++ on a Zenith AT compatible with a Genius mouse and 4DOS. 
> when I shell out to DOS and return I no longer have a mouse cursor.  The
> mouse is still active, but I have no clue where it is pointing.

I have TC++ both on my both 386SX, at home where I have Genius Mouse, and
at my office where I have Microsoft Bus Mouse.

Genius, as you have reported disappears  after excursion  to DOS  and also when
running debug.   However BusMus  behaves much  more civilized,  it survives all
these terrible situations.  I think that  there are some Genious uncompatibili-
ties, so we should get our money back (even if that is a nonexpencive rat...?)

+-------------------------------------------+           _--~--_
| Roman M. Zielinski		            |   ----   /       \   ----
| Philips Tele & Data System AB             |  ----   (  |^^^|  )   ----
| S-115 84 Stockholm, Sweden	            |   ----   \  \ /  /   ---
| tel +46 8 782 1373	                    |           |=====|
+-------------------------------------------+           |=====|
| NET ADDR:  uunet!mcsun!sunic!philpav!rzi  |           |=====|
+-------------------------------------------+		 ~~U~~

davidsen@sixhub.UUCP (Wm E. Davidsen Jr) (08/17/90)

  This discussion does not relate to binaries in comp.binaries.ibm.pc.
Please move the discussion to comp.sys.ibm.pc, where it is appropriate
and will get a better readership.

  This is not a flame, it is a polite request from the moderator of
c.b.i.p. Let's try to keep c.b.i.p.d on topic.

bill davidsen - davidsen@sixhub.uucp (uunet!crdgw1!sixhub!davidsen)
    sysop *IX BBS and Public Access UNIX
    moderator of comp.binaries.ibm.pc and 80386 mailing list
"Stupidity, like virtue, is its own reward" -me

dpm@cs.cmu.edu (David Maynard) (08/22/90)

>    I am running TC++ on a Zenith AT compatible with a Genius mouse and 4DOS. 
>    when I shell out to DOS and return I no longer have a mouse cursor.  The
>    mouse is still active, but I have no clue where it is pointing.

> This is not a bug with TC++, but rather a bug with Genius's mouse driver.
> Call genius, get the new version. A friend of mine had this problem, before
> they shipped the newest driver. Once he ran it, however, he had no problems.

I've got a Mouse Systems mouse with a similar problem.  Whenever I
switch back from the user screen to the IDE screen, the cursor has
disappeared.  If I "feel" my way around and choose the screen refresh
menu item, it reappears.  Does anyone know if a driver update will fix

 David P. Maynard (dpm@cs.cmu.edu)
 Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
 Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA  15213

shack@cs.arizona.edu (David Michael Shackelford) (08/23/90)

In article <0aodK5_00jctICXkc4@cs.cmu.edu> dpm@cs.cmu.edu (David Maynard) writes:
>>    I am running TC++ on a Zenith AT compatible with a Genius mouse and 4DOS. 
>>    when I shell out to DOS and return I no longer have a mouse cursor.  The
>>    mouse is still active, but I have no clue where it is pointing.
>> This is not a bug with TC++, but rather a bug with Genius's mouse driver.
>> Call genius, get the new version. A friend of mine had this problem, before
>> they shipped the newest driver. Once he ran it, however, he had no problems.
>I've got a Mouse Systems mouse with a similar problem.  Whenever I
>switch back from the user screen to the IDE screen, the cursor has
>disappeared.  If I "feel" my way around and choose the screen refresh
>menu item, it reappears.  Does anyone know if a driver update will fix
> ---
> David P. Maynard (dpm@cs.cmu.edu)
> Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
> Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA  15213
> ---

This is an example of a very common bug with TC++, which involves all types
of mouse drivers.  The problem is caused by calls that TC makes to "new"
mouse functions which were not supported by "old" drivers.  In the new
drivers, the mouse cursor position and type can be saved and restored by
programs, which is what TC++ is doing.

In nearly all cases, a driver update will fix the TC++ mouse problem.
My mouse is a Microsoft PS/2 mouse version 6.11, and Borland says that
I need a newer version.  I just contacted Microsoft and requested a 7.04
mouse driver.  They popped it in the mail the same day.

Hope this helps with your solution.


David M. Shackelford     (shack@cs.arizona.edu)
Department of Computer Science    <<Student>>
Tucson, AZ
Newsgroups: comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d
Subject: Re: Mouse bug in Turbo C++
References: <1990Aug14.232917.12415@sun.soe.clarkson.edu> <BIANCO.90Aug15082441@tulip.cs.odu.edu> <0aodK5_00jctICXkc4@cs.cmu.edu>
Organization: U of Arizona CS Dept, Tucson

Newsgroups: comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d
Subject: Re: Mouse bug in Turbo C++
References: <1990Aug14.232917.12415@sun.soe.clarkson.edu> <BIANCO.90Aug15082441@tulip.cs.odu.edu> <0aodK5_00jctICXkc4@cs.cmu.edu>
Organization: U of Arizona CS Dept, Tucson

In article <0aodK5_00jctICXkc4@cs.cmu.edu> dpm@cs.cmu.edu (David Maynard) writes:
>I've got a Mouse Systems mouse with a similar problem.  Whenever I
>switch back from the user screen to the IDE screen, the cursor has
>disappeared.  If I "feel" my way around and choose the screen refresh
>menu item, it reappears.  Does anyone know if a driver update will fix
> ---

This is an example of a very common bug with TC++, which involves all types
of mouse drivers.  The problem is caused by calls that TC makes to "new"
mouse functions which were not supported by "old" drivers.  In the new
drivers, the mouse cursor position and type can be saved and restored by
programs, which is what TC++ is doing.

In nearly all cases, a driver update will fix the TC++ mouse problem.
My mouse is a Microsoft PS/2 mouse version 6.11, and Borland says that
I need a newer version.  I just contacted Microsoft and requested a 7.04
mouse driver.  They popped it in the mail the same day.

Hope this helps with your solution.


David M. Shackelford     (shack@cs.arizona.edu)
Department of Computer Science    <<Student>>
Tucson, AZ

shack@cs.arizona.edu (David Michael Shackelford) (08/23/90)

Sorry about the stuff after my article, not sure what happened! :-)


msschaa@cs.vu.nl (Schaap MS) (08/30/90)

In article <373@caslon.cs.arizona.edu> shack@cs.arizona.edu (David Michael Shackelford) writes:
>In nearly all cases, a driver update will fix the TC++ mouse problem.
>My mouse is a Microsoft PS/2 mouse version 6.11, and Borland says that
>I need a newer version.  I just contacted Microsoft and requested a 7.04
>mouse driver.  They popped it in the mail the same day.

Is it legal to send someoe a mouse driver by Email?

If so, could someone send me a Microsoft mouse driver v. 7?

Thanks in advance,

           Michael Schaap

ttp@lanl.gov (T T Phillips) (08/30/90)

In article <7404@star.cs.vu.nl>, msschaa@cs.vu.nl (Schaap MS) writes:
> Is it legal to send someoe a mouse driver by Email?

I don't know whether sending drivers is legal or not. However, many
hardware vendors, e.g., Logitech, Central Point Software, and Iomega,
recognize that only owners of their hardware can use their drivers, so
they make the latest versions available on company sponsored bulletin
boards.  This implies to me that they would be happy to have their
customers swap the latest drivers because that would increase their
product's value, customer satisfaction, etc., which should lead to
increased sales.  

Just my opinion, of course--I'm an engineer, not a lawyer.