w8sdz@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL (Keith Petersen) (09/03/90)
File PD1:<MSDOS.FILEDOCS>UPLOADS.AUG Created: Sep. 2, 1990 NOTE: This file is also available in comma-delimited format as SIM9008.IDX MSDOS FILES UPLOADED TO WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL during the month of August 1990 NOTE: Type B is Binary; Type A is ASCII Filename Type Length Date Description ============================================== Directory PD1:<MSDOS.ARC-LBR> AM461.ZIP B 200779 900826 ArcMaster front-end/convert for .ARC/.ZIP/.LZH FV131.ZIP B 8511 900811 View dirs of ARC/DWC/LBR/LZH/PAK/ZIP/ZOO/SFXs Directory PD1:<MSDOS.AT> ATROMUTL.ZIP B 52358 900803 AT ROM BIOS and hard disk table utilities Directory PD1:<MSDOS.BATUTL> CHECKTD.ZIP B 11658 900826 Check current time/date and set errorlevel CLEARKEY.ZIP B 8946 900826 Clear 'n' keystrokes from the keyboard buffer ERRORLVL.ZIP B 8845 900826 Set the DOS errorlevel (return code) SAVESCR.ZIP B 13402 900826 Save/restore current/previous text screen SCRTYPE.ZIP B 11293 900826 Screen type in use CGA,MCGA,HERC,VGA,EGA,etc. SLEEP.ZIP B 11241 900826 Sleep for specified period. Can abort or not STUFFKEY.ZIP B 11244 900826 Stuff keys into key buffer. No overhead or TSR VIDTYP14.ZIP B 31648 900831 Set environment variable to video display type Directory PD1:<MSDOS.C> DMAKE35E.ZIP B 68719 900828 'make' util for MS-DOS C programmers. EXE/doc DMAKE35S.ZOO B 403575 900828 C src: 'make' util for MS-DOS & Unix sysV/BSD PC-8250.ZIP B 38794 900802 Serial port rtns. & VT100 emul. (C src only) Directory PD1:<MSDOS.CATALOG> WSSI503A.ZIP B 132442 900814 Disk indexer, ARC/ARK/PAK/PKA/LBR/ZIP/ZOO 1of3 WSSI503B.ZIP B 170882 900814 Disk indexer, ARC/ARK/PAK/PKA/LBR/ZIP/ZOO 2of3 WSSI503C.ZIP B 38688 900814 Disk indexer, ARC/ARK/PAK/PKA/LBR/ZIP/ZOO 3of3 Directory PD1:<MSDOS.DESKACCESS> ALARM.ZIP B 15485 900826 TSR pop-up alarm clock Directory PD1:<MSDOS.DESQVIEW> TAME240.ZIP B 50823 900808 Speed up pgm execution in DesqView/VM386/other Directory PD1:<MSDOS.DIRUTL> DIRM10.ZIP B 20021 900829 Faster directory lister than DOS DIR command FF.ZIP B 17004 900826 Find file/s and change to dir if required FFIND14E.ZIP B 8335 900831 Smart file-finder for large HD/network drives KILL11.ZIP B 9927 900820 Find filename(s) (system-wide), prompt for delete KILLDIR.ZIP B 12862 900820 Delete subdirectory and all files within LS.ZIP B 22861 900826 List file directories with many many options PDEL41.ZIP B 59467 900812 File delete utility, extra features over DOS SATTRIB.ZIP B 10459 900826 Modify all attributes inc hidden, sys & dirs SAVEDIR.ZIP B 12041 900826 Save/restore current/previous directory SD.ZIP B 21367 900826 Select current dir via menu. OK with MAKEMENU SDEL.ZIP B 15620 900826 Delete files inc. hidden, RO, in sub-dirs etc. Directory PD1:<MSDOS.DSKUTL> CLEANFIL.ZIP B 12084 900816 Deletes garbage behind the end of your files CNFMT107.ZIP B 43344 900829 Background floppy disk formatter by SYDEX DPC212.ZIP B 7538 900810 Multiple hard disk park. RLL or MFM controller DTST20.ZIP B 15214 900810 Scan disk weak sectors which may fail, w/C src EASYDIAG.ZIP B 46337 900820 WD diagnostic: Test AT hard disk & controller PCOPY85D.ZIP B 85300 900812 Patriquin COPY, file copier with many options STEPRAT1.ZIP B 8503 900820 Set floppy drive steprate for speed/less noise Directory PD1:<MSDOS.EDUCATION> STUDY.ZIP B 14602 900826 Study helper. Asks questions randomly + score TSGMEB13.ZIP B 71871 900830 T.Salmi: Second package of educational games TSGMEC11.ZIP B 82460 900818 T.Salmi: Third package of educational games Directory PD1:<MSDOS.EMULATORS> APL2EM.ZIP B 216652 900808 Apple ][ emulator for 286+, w/ASM source code Directory PD1:<MSDOS.FILEDOCS> ASP3201.ZIP B 82275 900812 Assn. Shareware Professionals product catalog DOWNLOAD.INF A 762 900814 How to get SIMTEL20 files via telephone modem SIM9007.IDX A 12721 900804 Comma-delimited list of July 1990 uploads SIMDIF.FOR A 20583 900808 Make SIMTEL20 additions/changes/deletions rept SIMIBM.ARC B 269936 900826 SIMTEL20 MSDOS files listing with descriptions SIMIBM.IDX A 474199 900826 SIMTEL20 MSDOS files listing with descriptions UPLOADS.JUL A 12212 900804 List of uploads to SIMTEL20 for July 1990 Directory PD1:<MSDOS.FILUTL> SCOPY.ZIP B 22637 900826 Copy, move, update, break, concat files, etc. TAR.ZIP B 29353 900823 Unix-compatible TAR archive maker/extractor Directory PD1:<MSDOS.FORTH> EFORTH.ZIP B 54528 900829 Ting's PD portable eForth, ROMable, w/asm src FPC353-1.ZIP B 307456 900829 Forth-PC compiler, w/editor & examples, 1of5 FPC353-2.ZIP B 304640 900829 Forth-PC compiler, w/editor & examples, 2of5 FPC353-3.ZIP B 323840 900829 Forth-PC compiler, w/editor & examples, 3of5 FPC353-4.ZIP B 14848 900829 Forth-PC compiler, w/editor & examples, 4of5 FPC353-5.ZIP B 386944 900829 Forth-PC compiler, w/editor & examples, 5of5 FPCL1-7.ZIP B 347648 900829 Lessons 1-7 Jack Brown's FPC3.5 Forth tutorial Directory PD1:<MSDOS.GIF> SQZGIF13.ZIP B 69489 900807 Reduce large GIF files to 320x200 for printing VPIC29.ZIP B 71847 900831 GIF/MAC/PCX/ColorRix pics view/convrt, EGA/VGA Directory PD1:<MSDOS.GRAPH> DOTS150.ZIP B 245431 900820 3D interactive line graphics, w/print option GRAPH322.ZIP B 312795 900828 Scientific graphics - executables and docs POSTOGRF.ZIP B 136621 900820 Add labels to GRAPHPS or GRAPHLI output Directory PD1:<MSDOS.GRAPHICS> FRAIN14R.ZIP B 279728 900814 FRACTINT v14 multi-featured fractal generator FRASRC14.ZIP B 376545 900814 C & ASM src for FRACTINT v14 fractal generator GRAFWK43.ZIP B 236465 900820 View/cvt/print MAC/IMG/GIF/TIFF/EPS graphics Directory PD1:<MSDOS.INFO> EXERCISE.ZIP B 13637 900826 Exercise file system and show performance INFO-PC.ARC B 319517 900824 Index of all Info-IBMPC issues before Aug 1990 INFOP125.ZIP B 82836 900812 16+ pages of system info, w/TP & MASM source INTER490.ZIP B 246955 900805 Comprehensive listing of IBMPC interrupt calls LEGAL11.ZIP B 121908 900822 Collection of 150+ legal forms, with index LIMEMS41.ZIP B 80010 900805 Updated LIM EMS 4.0 documentation REDIRECT.ZIP B 9600 900829 Advanced DOS tips on rerouting, piping, edlin Directory PD1:<MSDOS.LAN> CHAT205.ZIP B 21466 900829 On-line chat pgm for two Novell LAN users GETOID.ZIP B 9306 900826 Return Novell Netware object ID for users etc. LOCK.ZIP B 13103 900826 Simple network single application lock MAIL.ZIP B 26255 900826 Simple mail for Netware with delay send option NETTALK.ZIP B 18512 900826 User talk/chat utility for Novell Netware TESTFILE.ZIP B 14223 900826 Test files access in many modes. Good net tool Directory PD1:<MSDOS.LASER> WORD54LJ.ZIP B 49367 900804 Use HP LJ-compatible soft fonts w/MS Word 5.0 Directory PD1:<MSDOS.MENU> MAKEMENU.ZIP B 24231 900826 Self maintaining menu with no memory overhead Directory PD1:<MSDOS.MSWINDOWS> WNQVT436.ZIP B 127936 900811 Windows VT220 emulator with X/Y/Zmodem/Kermit Directory PD1:<MSDOS.MUSIC> PLAY.ZIP B 15664 900826 Play music and write your own Directory PD1:<MSDOS.PGMUTL> DOSRCSEX.ZIP B 136791 900829 Revision Control System for text files, 1of3 DOSRCSMP.ZIP B 24412 900829 Revision Control System for text files, 2of3 MKSRCSEX.ZIP B 170318 900829 Revision Control System for text files, 3of3 Directory PD1:<MSDOS.PRINTER> 3812PRN.ZIP B 17215 900826 IBM 3812 Pageprinter driver Directory PD1:<MSDOS.SCREEN> CURSOR.ZIP B 9418 900826 Set cursor shape and style CUTPAST4.ZIP B 11911 900818 TSR adds text cut and paste to any program NANSI30.ZIP B 14379 900819 Fast replacement for ANSI.SYS console driver VIDMODE.ZIP B 4412 900829 Pgms to set 25/43/50 line video modes, w/src Directory PD1:<MSDOS.SPREADSHEET> AEA400Q.ZIP B 207463 900808 AsEasyAs v4.00Q, Lotus 123 spreadsheet clone Directory PD1:<MSDOS.SQ-USQ> COMP430D.ZIP B 20246 900831 Unix-compatible 16bit compress/uncompress/zcat Directory PD1:<MSDOS.STARTER> SIMTEL20.INF A 14476 900827 Complete overview of the SIMTEL20 archives Directory PD1:<MSDOS.SYSUTL> BF147.ZIP B 352272 900808 Back & Forth: Switch between tasks (up to 20) IDCUTILS.ZIP B 77141 900808 Gary Conway's assorted utilities, 07/16/90 MMCLK12.ZIP B 23782 900803 Real time clock card driver, MM58167A chip MS_SH162.ZIP B 101317 900804 ms_sh v1.62, Unix Bourne-like shell for MS-DOS NAVYPASS.ZIP B 61696 900828 Password protection system (NARDAC, US Navy) REDIR.ZIP B 7951 900803 Combines STDERR with STDOUT for redirection RESET.ZIP B 8626 900826 Presses the reset button or CTRL+ALT+DEL RESTART2.ZIP B 13551 900803 Select different autoexec/config's on reboot SAVEPATH.ZIP B 12344 900826 Save/restote current/previous SHOWTD.ZIP B 13199 900826 Show time/date with many options inc. clock STACK26.ZIP B 49860 900810 Command line recall/edit, with pop-up window TLB-V110.ZIP B 120247 900826 DOS Extender for 286/386/386sx w/Chips & Tech TSRWRK32.ZIP B 79415 900809 Mark/Release TSR management pgms, with ASM src TST104.ZIP B 20055 900810 TSR allows shelling out of any pgm, w/C source TSUTIL30.ZIP B 119039 900803 First set of command-like utilities, T.Salmi UXUTL162.ZIP B 377591 900804 Unix-like utilities for use with MS_SH shell Directory PD1:<MSDOS.TROJAN-PRO> CLEANP66.ZIP B 52419 900812 Universal virus disinfector, heals/removes FPROT113.ZIP B 224744 900830 Virus detection/removal/prevention/information NETSCN66.ZIP B 37262 900811 Network compatible - scan for 133 viruses, v66 SCANV66B.ZIP B 52224 900814 VirusScan, scans disk files for 134 viruses VC103.ZIP B 58295 900826 Shell simplifies use of VirusScan and Cleanup VCOPY66.ZIP B 32502 900811 Copy utility checks for viruses as it copies VSHLD66.ZIP B 41476 900811 Resident virus infection prevention program VSUM9008.ZIP B 83352 900811 Pat Hoffman's virus info summary list, 900810 VTAC46.ZIP B 23487 900811 Protects disk against alteration or formatting Directory PD1:<MSDOS.TURBO-C> TCOMM50.ZIP B 125056 900802 LiteComm communications library for Turbo C TCU_23.ZIP B 276000 900831 Turbo-C flexible menus, windows & forms entry Directory PD1:<MSDOS.TURBOPAS> NKTOOLS.ZIP B 38462 900811 TP4-5.5 ErrMsg unit, I/O log, DOS 4to5 (w/src) TPBEAUT.ZIP B 15716 900826 Beautify Turbo Pascal 5.5 code for a printer TSPAS22.ZIP B 110332 900808 TPas4.0/5.0/5.5 units for programmers, T.Salmi Directory PD1:<MSDOS.TXTUTL> AUTRD101.ZIP B 44577 900810 LIST-like util with indexing/chapters in files CRLF.ZIP B 13725 900805 Forces text lines to end with return+linefeed GNUSORT.ZIP B 51932 900830 GNU sort (pre-alpha) for MS-DOS LIST74A.ZIP B 89987 900811 V. Buerg's classic ascii/binary file viewer PATCH74A.ZIP B 1857 900829 Patch Berg's LIST 7.4A for different editor READYREF.ZIP B 103711 900809 Pop-up configurable reference utility STYPE.ZIP B 15664 900826 Type files with convert, filter, skip, options TOADEBC.ZIP B 8054 900813 Collection of ASCII <> EBCDIC conversion utils TYPEBACK.ZIP B 12300 900826 Type a text file line by line backwards Directory PD1:<MSDOS.VENTURA> SETVPINF.ZIP B 12587 900826 Set default directory in Ventura VP.INF file Directory PD1:<MSDOS.WINDOWS3> WINTRIS3.ZIP B 13701 900826 MSWindow3: TETRIS arrange falling squares game Directory PD1:<MSDOS.ZIP> PALRUN2B.ZIP B 115125 900831 Run or edit files from within ZIP files Directory PD1:<MSDOS.ZOO> LOOZ212.ZIP B 14434 900812 List, extract, and execute from a ZOO archive Directory PD2:<MSDOS2.BBS> FLASH.ZIP B 12717 900802 Instant pop-up screens for BBS & its users NETS100.ZIP B 39874 900803 Exchange data between WWIV and FIDO BBS nodes WAF163.ZIP B 375964 900831 Waffle BBS v1.63, with UUCP mail & Usenet news Directory PD2:<MSDOS2.CMU-PCIP> DRIVERSS.ARC B 646442 900830 Clarkson drivers for NCSA Telnet & KA9Q TCP/IP Directory PD2:<MSDOS2.DDJMAG> DDJ9009.ZIP B 147563 900829 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Sep. 1990 Directory PD2:<MSDOS2.FIDO> FIDO.TXT A 3985 900825 Text: A very basic explanation of FidoNet FTSC-ALL.Z43 B 295469 900822 FidoNet standards specs (analogous to RFC's) SOFTWARE.TXT A 4695 900822 Detailed list of files in this directory Directory PD2:<MSDOS2.FOSSIL> OCOM_530.ZIP B 43124 900822 OpusComm v5.30 FOSSIL driver for COM1: & COM2: Directory PD2:<MSDOS2.HAMRADIO> NOV_TEST.ZIP B 95588 900828 Hams: NS5I/W5YI Novice class exam generator SM315.ZIP B 110775 900819 'Super Morse'- Morse code tutorial & practice Directory PD2:<MSDOS2.MODEM> DEMON25.ZIP B 36347 900810 Optimize USR V32/HST/DS 14.4 modem throughput MTE215.ZIP B 54273 900831 Terminal pgm with X/Ymodem file xfer and MNP 5 TR1-2.ZIP B 101873 900803 Operate PC from a remote location, or monitor WHTPRT37.ZIP B 10451 900810 Displays system serial ports & IRQ assignments Directory PD2:<MSDOS2.PCMAG> CARDFL11.ZIP B 5223 900830 PcMag upd v1.1: 3x5 card file mgr, 150 cards VOL9N15.ZIP B 32587 900812 PcMag: ALTP,CONCEAL,EXECUTE,MEDIAN,ONPATH VOL9N16.ZIP B 100043 900826 PcMag: CMDEDIT,METAFILE,NWORDS.PRG,SYSLOCK Directory PD2:<MSDOS2.QMODEM> US96SETU.ZIP B 5258 900820 Set up USR HST for QModem & 9600 baud (text files) Directory PD2:<MSDOS2.UUCP> FSUUCP11.INF A 1010 900831 Info on FSUUCP11 uucp/readnews/postnews/rmail FSUUCP11.ZIP B 356565 900831 Shareware uucp/readnews/postnews/rmail, v1.1 If you are unable to access SIMTEL20 via Internet FTP or through one of the BITNET/EARN file servers, most SIMTEL20 MSDOS files, including the PC-Blue collection, are available for downloading on the Detroit Download Central network at 313-885-3956. DDC has multiple lines which support 300/1200/2400/9600/14400 bps (HST/V.32/V.42/V.42bis/MNP5). This is a subscription system with an average hourly cost of 17 cents. It is also accessable on Telenet via PC Pursuit and on Tymnet via StarLink outdial. New files uploaded to SIMTEL20 are usually available on DDC within 24 hours. Keith Petersen Internet: w8sdz@WSMR-SIMTEL20.Army.Mil, w8sdz@brl.mil BITNET: w8sdz@NDSUVM1 Uucp: {ames,decwrl,harvard,rutgers,ucbvax,uunet}!wsmr-simtel20.army.mil!w8sdz