ts@uwasa.fi (Timo Salmi LASK) (09/08/90)
Fri 7-Sep-1990: I have updated my package of demonstration programs to be (/pc/ts/)tsdemo14.arc. These programs are in fact by-products of writing my utilities and building up my Turbo Pascal routines library. Bigchar.exe and bigtime.exe result from looking at the way which text fonts are stored in the PC textmode. Plotdemo.exe and turbdemo.exe both result from needing and writing Turbo Pascal graphics routines. The former draws a number of different functions in CGA graphics. The latter is new to the package and it involves solving a number of problems that arise in Turbo Pascal graphics programming. These problems include some which have recently been discussed in the InterNet comp.lang.pascal newsgroup, such as having a different background color for each graphics window (when the screen is divided into several windows), underlining text, mixed colors to seemingly increase the number of available colors, etc. Available by anonymous ftp from chyde.uwasa.fi, Vaasa, Finland. TSDEMO14.ARC Demonstrations by Timo Salmi Filename Comment Date Time -------- -------------------------------- ---- ---- BIGCHAR.EXE Draws large characters on screen 09-07-90 19:49:32 BIGTIME.EXE Date and time in big characters 09-07-90 19:49:38 PLOTDEMO.EXE (P)lots of different functions 08-19-88 07:41:08 TSDEMO.INF Document 09-07-90 19:58:46 TSDEMO.NWS News announcements about tsdemo 09-07-90 18:09:44 TSPROG.INF List of PD programs from T.Salmi 04-03-90 17:37:40 TURBDEMO.EXE Turbo Pascal graphics demo 09-07-90 18:50:06 VAASA.INF Info: Finland, Vaasa, U of Vaasa 02-02-90 11:52:54 ---- ------ ------ ----- 0008 154368 120588 22% ................................................................... Prof. Timo Salmi (Moderating at anon. ftp site School of Business Studies, University of Vaasa, SF-65101, Finland Internet: ts@chyde.uwasa.fi Funet: gado::salmi Bitnet: salmi@finfun