[comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d] file compression/archiving

mjones@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu (07/28/90)

Here is a chart that I have compiled. I is a listing of file compression/
archiving techniques available on PC, Mac, and Unix systems. As you can
see, it is by no means complete. If anyone has information that can be
used to fill in the question marks, it would be greatly appreciated. In 
the future, the latest version can always be obtained via anonymous ftp at:
   ux1.cso.uiuc.edu, cd ~mjones, get compression

Thank you in advance for any help. Questions and information can be sent to

Last Updat: 07/26/90           Operating System/Unpackaging Program

NAME        File Ext.       PC                 Mac                  Unix

PAK         .PAK/.ARC   pak210.exe   2          ?                      -
PKPAK         .ARC      pk361.exe    1     ArcMac1.3c     5            -
ARC           .ARC      arc600.exe   2     ArcMac1.3c     5            -
GSARC         .ARC      gsarc10.exe  2     ArcMac1.3c     5            -
PKZIP         .ZIP      pkz110.exe   2     UnZip1.02c     6            -
LHarc         .LZH      lh113.exe    2          ?                      -
Larc          .LZS      larc333.zip  3          -                      -
ZOO           .ZOO      zoo201.exe   1          ?                      ?
DWC           .DWC      dwc-a501.exe 3          -                      -
LU (LAR)      .LBR      lue220.arc   3          -                      -
MDCD          .MD       mdcd10.arc   3          -                      -
Squash        .ARC      squash.arc   3          -                      -
Scrunch       .COM      scrnch.arc   3          -                      -
Squeeze       .SQ           ?                   -                      - 
compress      .Z        comprs16.arc 8     MacCompress3.2 5       compress u
compact       .C            -                   -                 compact  u
tar           .tar      pdtar.exe    4     UnTar2.0       6       tar      u
shell archive .shar     unshar.arc   8     UnShar2.0      6       shar     u
BOO           .BOO      booz.zip     8     MacBooz2.1     6           -
uuencode      .UUE      (various)    8          ?                 uuencode u
btoa          (any)         -                   -                 btoa     u
ar            (any)         -                   -                 ar       u
HPACK         .HPK          ?        *          ?                     ?
PackIt        .pit          -              PackIt3.1.3    5           -
BinHex        .Bin          -              BinHex5.0      5           -
ShrinkToFit   .stf          -              STF1.2         5           -
StuffIt       .Sit          -              StuffIt1.5.1   5           -
FPack         (any)         ?              FPack2.2       5           ?
Bundle        .bndl         -              Bundle         7           -
LZSS            ?           -                   ?                     -
SPL             ?           -                   ?                     -
 ?            .ICE          ?                   -                     -
 ?            .SDN          ?                   -                     - 

   1. ux1     /pub/pc
   2. ux1     /pub/pc/exec-pc
   3. mrcnext /wuarchive/mirrors/msdos/arc-lbr
   4. omnigate.clarkson.edu /pub/ncsa2.2tn
   5. ux1     /pub/mac
   6. sumex-aim.stanford.edu /info-mac/util
   7. uunet.uu.net /citi-macip
   8. grape.ecs.clarkson.edu - see the file 'allfiles'
   u. (should be available on all major unix systems)

Symbols: -   means that nothing exists to the best of my knowledge
         ?   means that something exists but I do not know the name
             of the program or where to get it
         *   means that e-mail should be sent to mjones@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu
             for details/explanation

The files listed are only guaranteed to uncompress/unarchive. 
To make a compression/archive, further software may be needed.

a864@mindlink.UUCP (Jono Moore) (07/28/90)

> scott@kong.gatech.edu writes:
> Msg-ID: <11946@hydra.gatech.EDU>
> Person: Scott Coulter
> To the extent of my knowledge, pak210 is a completely different critter
> from the many .arc-type programs, and uses strictly .pak extensions.
> There is often confusion due to pkpak, which is a .arc manipulator.

PAK will unARC .ARC files.

{a864,Jono_Moore}@mindlink.UUCP  >or<  BITNET: usernk1z@sfu
(604) 983-3189 (voice)               INTERNET: Jono_Moore@cc.sfu.ca
(604) 983-3546 3/12/2400 (Cthulhu's Progressive Link - MSDOS only)
I've got compassion running out of my nose, pal. I'm the sultan of 
        -- Albert Rosenfield (Twin Peaks)

roy@cs.umn.edu (Roy M. Silvernail) (07/28/90)

mjones@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu writes:

> Here is a chart that I have compiled. I is a listing of file compression/
> archiving techniques available on PC, Mac, and Unix systems.
>  ?            .ICE          ?                   -                     -
The .ICE extension is produced by a hacked version of LHarc. I haven't
heard of any problems with the version, but I wouldn't trust it or
recommend it.

>  ?            .SDN          ?                   -                     - 
.SDN files seem to be a flavor of PAK. As with many other MS-DOS
archivers, an alternative extension can be supplied. .SDN reputedly
stands for Shareware Distribution Network.

    Roy M. Silvernail   | #include <stdio.h>                 | Does virtual
    now available at:   | main(){                            | reality need
 cybrspc!roy@cs.umn.edu |  float x=1;                        | swap space?
(cyberspace... be here!)|  printf("Just my $%.2f.\n",x/50);} | -- me

bobmon@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu (RAMontante) (07/28/90)

[selections from, additions to (mostly in the Unix column)...]

mjones@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu <3200006@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu> :
| Last Updat: 07/26/90           Operating System/Unpackaging Program
| NAME        File Ext.       PC                 Mac                  Unix
| PKZIP         .ZIP      pkz110.exe   2     UnZip1.02c     6	unzip v2.0a
| LHarc         .LZH      lh113.exe    2          ?          	c-lharc v1.0
| ZOO           .ZOO      zoo201.exe   1          ?		zoo v2.01
| Squeeze       .SQ       unsqz.com, others
| btoa          (any)     btoa                    -                 btoa     u
| ARC           .ARC      arc600.exe   2     ArcMac1.3c     5	arc v1.2
| PKPAK         .ARC      pk361.exe    1     ArcMac1.3c     5	arc v1.2
| GSARC         .ARC      gsarc10.exe  2     ArcMac1.3c     5            -
| Squash        .ARC      squash.arc   3          -                      -

Pkpak and gsarc(?) are, of course, "approximate" clones of arc (no value
judgements intended).  I suspect that "Squash" is also, probably a
strict subset.  The Unix "arc" I've listed deals with all the methods
that pkpak uses; I haven't seen arc v6, but it may diverge in one or two
compression methods.

| BOO           .BOO      booz.zip     8     MacBooz2.1     6           -
		There is also a "booz" that is a minimal ZOO unpacker.

lupic@micasa.UUCP (Jack Lupic) (07/29/90)

mjones@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu writes:

> Here is a chart that I have compiled. I is a listing of file compression/
> archiving techniques available on PC, Mac, and Unix systems. As you can
> see, it is by no means complete. If anyone has information that can be
> used to fill in the question marks, it would be greatly appreciated. In 
> the future, the latest version can always be obtained via anonymous ftp at:
>    ux1.cso.uiuc.edu, cd ~mjones, get compression

Being a newcommer to Usenet/Unix I am aware of compression efficiency
of programs like ZIP,Lharc,ARC,PAK etc.ZIP and Lharc for example
compress to about 50-55% which is about the maximum for the MSDOS
type compressors.

Could anyone post the compression ratios and relative speeds for 
Unix programs such as:TAR,SHAR,Compress and Compact.Would anyone be
willing to benchmark the Unix vs MSDOS compressors?

Jack Lupic

scott@kong.gatech.edu (Scott Coulter) (07/29/90)

In article <3200006@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu> mjones@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu writes:
>Last Updat: 07/26/90           Operating System/Unpackaging Program
>NAME        File Ext.       PC                 Mac                  Unix
>PAK         .PAK/.ARC   pak210.exe   2          ?                      -
To the extent of my knowledge, pak210 is a completely different critter
from the many .arc-type programs, and uses strictly .pak extensions.
There is often confusion due to pkpak, which is a .arc manipulator.

Scott D. Coulter				uucp: ...!gatech!ics!scott
Software Engineering Research Center		InterNet: scott@ics.gatech.edu
Georgia Institute of Technology 
"Everybody's talking to computers, they're all dancing to a drum machine..."

roelofs@amelia.nas.nasa.gov (Cave Newt) (07/29/90)

bobmon@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu (RAMontante) writes:

>[selections from, additions to (mostly in the Unix column)...]
>mjones@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu <3200006@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu> :
>| NAME        File Ext.       PC                 Mac                  Unix
>| PKZIP         .ZIP      pkz110.exe   2     UnZip1.02c     6	unzip v2.0a

unzip 3.0 for Unix was released several months ago, and there should be
another update coming out soon (3.06? 3.1?).

ts@uwasa.fi (Timo Salmi LASK) (07/29/90)

In article <11946@hydra.gatech.EDU> scott@kong.UUCP (Scott Coulter) writes:
>To the extent of my knowledge, pak210 is a completely different critter
>from the many .arc-type programs, and uses strictly .pak extensions.
>There is often confusion due to pkpak, which is a .arc manipulator.

Not quite. Pak also handles .arced files besides .pak files.

   It is quite an interesting and useful list that was gathered
here.  The ones with most relevance for us c.b.i.p.d users are .zoo
(used in Bill's) postings, .arc and .zip (and .lzh to a lesser
extent) used by many ftp sites.  The relative merits and dismerits
of the alternative archivers have been debated here quite often,
sometimes even heatedly. 
   If you get confused with all the different methods, acquire an
archive shell.  Shez (currently shez56) is a very good one for this

Prof. Timo Salmi        (Moderating at anon. ftp site
School of Business Studies, University of Vaasa, SF-65101, Finland
Internet: ts@chyde.uwasa.fi Funet: gado::salmi Bitnet: salmi@finfun

hartung@amos.ucsd.edu (Jeff Hartung) (07/29/90)

<In article <3200006@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu> mjones@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu writes:
<>NAME        File Ext.       PC                 Mac                  Unix
<>PAK         .PAK/.ARC   pak210.exe   2          ?                      -

In article <11946@hydra.gatech.EDU> scott@kong.UUCP (Scott Coulter) writes:
<To the extent of my knowledge, pak210 is a completely different critter
<from the many .arc-type programs, and uses strictly .pak extensions.
<There is often confusion due to pkpak, which is a .arc manipulator.

Actually, PAK will extract from any .ARC files, but produces .PAK
files which have a different compression algorithm than ARC uses.
I believe that it also handles "squashed" files (which some versions
of SEA's ARC do not handle).

 --Jeff Hartung--  	
 Disclaimer: My opinions only, etc., etc., BLAH! BLAH! BLAH!...
 InterNet - hartung@amos.ucsd.edu           UUCP - ucsd!amos.ucsd.edu!hartung
 BITNET - Hartung@UMass

roy@cs.umn.edu (Roy M. Silvernail) (07/29/90)

scott@kong.gatech.edu (Scott Coulter) writes:

> In article <3200006@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu> mjones@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu writes:
> >Last Updat: 07/26/90           Operating System/Unpackaging Program
> >
> >NAME        File Ext.       PC                 Mac                  Unix
> >
> >PAK         .PAK/.ARC   pak210.exe   2          ?                      -
> To the extent of my knowledge, pak210 is a completely different critter
> from the many .arc-type programs, and uses strictly .pak extensions.
> There is often confusion due to pkpak, which is a .arc manipulator.

Well, sir... while PAK is indeed a "different critter", it has a few
tricks up its sleeve. PAK can be restricted to Crunch only, and can
re-format its archives to be compatible with the older ARC programs. (I
think that's about level 5 or 6 ARC, but don't quote me :-) This is in
addition to the native compression modes of PAK.

The advantage here is that a number of platforms have ARC-type programs
available, but they don't handle the levels from PKPAK forward. (8-bit
Atari and Commodore are the platforms I have experience with on this)
When I have had to create arcfiles for some of these machines, PAK has
proved downright indispensable! Without it, I would have had to find and
keep a copy of SEA ARC... something I'm not about to do.
    Roy M. Silvernail   | #include <stdio.h>                 | Does virtual
    now available at:   | main(){                            | reality need
 cybrspc!roy@cs.umn.edu |  float x=1;                        | swap space?
(cyberspace... be here!)|  printf("Just my $%.2f.\n",x/50);} | -- me

ralphs@halcyon.wa.com (Ralph Sims) (07/30/90)

lupic@micasa.UUCP (Jack Lupic) writes:

> Could anyone post the compression ratios and relative speeds for
> Unix programs such as:TAR,SHAR,Compress and Compact.Would anyone be
> willing to benchmark the Unix vs MSDOS compressors?

This discussion just went by the expire routines not too long ago.
I nominally get 49% with 16-bit compress under MS-DOS.  The speed
seems comparable to ARC5xx.

  Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most...

david@csource.oz.au (david nugent) (07/31/90)

In <2653@mindlink.UUCP> a864@mindlink.UUCP (Jono Moore) writes:

> PAK will unARC .ARC files.

... and will unzip ZIP files in the near future.


        Fidonet: 3:632/348   SIGnet: 28:4100/1  Imex: 90:833/387
               Data:  +61-3-885-7864   Voice: +61-3-8266711
 Internet/ACSnet: david@csource.oz.au    Uucp: ..!uucet!munnari!csource!david

davidsen@sixhub.UUCP (Wm E. Davidsen Jr) (08/02/90)

  It may come to pass that there will be a new improved version of zoo
in the forseeable future. Stay tuned for more info as it happens!
bill davidsen - davidsen@sixhub.uucp (uunet!crdgw1!sixhub!davidsen)
    sysop *IX BBS and Public Access UNIX
    moderator of comp.binaries.ibm.pc and 80386 mailing list
"Stupidity, like virtue, is its own reward" -me

mjones@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu (08/28/90)

For general information: please feel free to send comments, questions, 
complaints, etc. 

The most recent copy of this text may be anonymous ftp'd from
ux1.cso.uiuc.edu ( in the directory doc/pcnet.
This file is maintained by Mike Jones (mjones@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu).
Please do not strip this note from this list when passing it on.


Last Update: 08/27/90           Operating System/Unpackaging Program

NAME    File     PC       *   Mac         *   Unix   *   VM/CMS  *  Amiga    *
abe       ?  abe.exe      O      -          abe      O      -          -
afio      -      -               -          afio     ?      -          -
ar      (any)    -               -          ar       L      -          -
ARC     .ARC arc600.exe   A ArcMac1.3c    A arc521   I  arcutil  K Arc 0.23  Aa
BinHex  .Hqx     ?        ? BinHex5.0     A mcvert   B  binhex   K     -
BOO     .BOO msbpct.exe   G      ?        ?     -           -          -
btoa    (any)btoa         O      -          btoa     L      -      compress  Ab
Bundle  .bndl    -          Bundle        E     -           -          -
CardDump(any)    -               -              -       card     K     -
compact .C       -               -          compact  L      -          -
tor       ?      -          Compactor     ?     -           -          - 
compress.Z   comprs16.arc F MacCompress3.2A compress L  compress K compress  Ac
cpio      ?  pax2exe.zip  H      -              ?    ?      -          -
Crunch    ?      -               -              -       arcutil  K     -
Doubler   ?      -          DiskDoubler   ?     -           -          -
DWC     .DWC dwc-a501.exe B      -              -           -          -
FPack   (any)    ?        ? FPack2.2      A     ?    ?      -          -
HPACK   .HPK     ?        *      ?        *     ?    *      ?    *     ?     *
Larc    .LZS larc333.zip  B      -              -           -          -
LHarc   .LZH lh113.exe    A      ?        ? lharc10  I      -      LHarc     Ad
LHWarp    ?      -               -              -           -      Lhwarp    Ae
LU (LAR).LBR lue220.arc   B      -          lar      ?  arcutil  K     -
LZSS      ?      ?        ?      ?        ?     -           -          -
MDCD    .MD  mdcd10.arc   B      -              -           -          -
PackIt  .pit UnPackIt     ? PackIt3.1.3   A unpit    ?      -          -
PAK     .PAK pak210.exe   A      ?        ? arc521   I      -          -
PKPAK   .ARC pk361.exe    A ArcMac1.3c    A arc521   I  arcutil  K PKAX      ?
PKZIP   .ZIP pkz110.exe   B UnZip1.02c    D unzip306 I      -      PKAZip    Af
Packer    ?      -               -              -           -    PowerPacker? -
Scrunch .COM scrnch.arc   B      -              -           -          -
shell - .shar
archive      unshar.arc   I UnShar2.0     D shar     L      -      UnShar    Ag
ToFit   .stf     -          STF1.2        A     -           -          -
SPL       ?      -               ?        ?     -           -          -
Squash  .ARC squash.arc   B      -              -           -          -
Squeeze .xQx sqpc12a.com  H      ?        ?     ?    ?  arcutil  K Sq.Usq    Ah
StuffIt .Sit mactopc.xxx  ? StuffIt1.5.1  A unsit    ?      -          -
tar     .tar pdtar.exe    C UnTar2.0      D tar      L      -      TarSplit  Ai
             tarread.arc  I
             pax.zoo      J
terse   (any)terse        K      -              -       terse    K     -
uuencode.UUE (various)    F UMCP-Tools1.0 ? uuencode L  arcutil  K uudecode  Aj
Warp      ?      -               -              -           -      WarpUtil  Ak
xxencode.XXE     ?        ?      -              ?    N  xxencode K     -
ZOO     .ZOO zoo201.exe   A MacBooz2.1    D zoo201   I  zoo      K amigazoo  A

   A. ux1     /pub
      a ff070  b ff051  c ff051  d ff312  e ff305  f ff311  g ff345
      h ff051  i ff053  j ff092  k ff243
   B. wuarchive.wustl.edu (NFS mounted on uxa and mrcnext)
   C. omnigate.clarkson.edu /pub/ncsa2.2tn
   D. sumex-aim.stanford.edu /info-mac/util
   E. uunet.uu.net
   F. grape.ecs.clarkson.edu - see the file 'allfiles'
   G. watsun.cc.columbia.edu
   H. wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
   I. pc.usl.edu /pub/unix
   J. plains.nodak.edu
   K. vmd.cso.uiuc.edu
      card - cd public.474
      terse - cd public.460
      others - cd public.477
   L. (should be available on all major unix systems)
   M. comp.sources.unix archives
   N  LISTSERV@BLEKUL11.BITNET mail server
   O. comp.binaries.ibm.pc archive sites

Symbols: -   means that nothing exists to the best of my knowledge
         ?   means that something exists but I do not know the name
             of the program or where to get it
         *   means that e-mail should be sent to mjones@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu
             for details/explanation

Some uuencode/uudecode programs are able to read xxencode files.

The files listed are only guaranteed to uncompress/unarchive.
To make a compression/archive, further software may be needed.



david@gisatl.FIDONET.ORG (David Deitch) (08/28/90)

In a message of <Aug 28 04:00> Timo Salmi LASK (ts@uwasa.fi ) writes:

 > Not the latest.  We have arc602.exe available for anonymous ftp at
 > our site, and if there are still more recent versions we'd be
 > pleased to know, since 6.02 dates back to May 1989 at least. 

     Still not the latest!  SEA recently introduced ARC v7.0.  This 
time, though, it is not being distributed as shareware.  Commercial 
only.  As you can imagine, this is causing quite a stir in the BBS 

     David Deitch (GIS)

David Deitch - via FidoNet node 1:133/411
UUCP: galbp!gisatl!david

ts@uwasa.fi (Timo Salmi LASK) (08/28/90)

In article <3200008@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu> mjones@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu writes:
>Last Update: 08/27/90           Operating System/Unpackaging Program
>NAME    File     PC       *   Mac         *   Unix   *   VM/CMS  *  Amiga    *
>ARC     .ARC arc600.exe   A ArcMac1.3c    A arc521   I  arcutil  K Arc 0.23  Aa

Not the latest.  We have arc602.exe available for anonymous ftp at
our site, and if there are still more recent versions we'd be
pleased to know, since 6.02 dates back to May 1989 at least. 

Prof. Timo Salmi        (Moderating at anon. ftp site
School of Business Studies, University of Vaasa, SF-65101, Finland
Internet: ts@chyde.uwasa.fi Funet: gado::salmi Bitnet: salmi@finfun

pfeifer@hpavla.AVO.HP.COM (Mark Pfeifer) (08/31/90)

>/ hpavla:comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d / david@gisatl.FIDONET.ORG (David Deitch) / 10:06 pm  Aug 27, 1990 /
>In a message of <Aug 28 04:00> Timo Salmi LASK (ts@uwasa.fi ) writes:
> > Not the latest.  We have arc602.exe available for anonymous ftp at
> > our site, and if there are still more recent versions we'd be
> > pleased to know, since 6.02 dates back to May 1989 at least. 
>     Still not the latest!  SEA recently introduced ARC v7.0.  This 
>time, though, it is not being distributed as shareware.  Commercial 
>only.  As you can imagine, this is causing quite a stir in the BBS 

Why???  I thought most BBSs had given up on ARC back when Phil Katz had to
stop selling PKARC.  Who cares if ARC v7 is not shareware - I don't know of
anyone still USING ARC.


ralphs@halcyon.wa.com (Ralph Sims) (09/01/90)

pfeifer@hpavla.AVO.HP.COM (Mark Pfeifer) writes:

> Why???  I thought most BBSs had given up on ARC back when Phil Katz had to
> stop selling PKARC.  Who cares if ARC v7 is not shareware - I don't know of
> anyone still USING ARC.

I never could get zoo or unzip to compile under UMAX 4.3.  I'm using arc.
I would hazard a guess that it is among the top utilities of its type in
the world, in terms of usage.

  No matter who you elect, the Government still gets in.

ts@uwasa.fi (Timo Salmi LASK) (09/01/90)

In article <4Hwso1w163w@halcyon.wa.com> ralphs@halcyon.wa.com (Ralph Sims) writes:
>pfeifer@hpavla.AVO.HP.COM (Mark Pfeifer) writes:
>I never could get zoo or unzip to compile under UMAX 4.3.  I'm using arc.
>I would hazard a guess that it is among the top utilities of its type in
>the world, in terms of usage.

Do you now speak of ARC or PKARC / PKXARC (alias PKPAK / PKUNPAK). 
I ask, since in a discussion on the potential merits / dismerits of
an ARC 7.0 the distinction is relevant, because of the well-known
background episodes. 

Prof. Timo Salmi        (Moderating at anon. ftp site
School of Business Studies, University of Vaasa, SF-65101, Finland
Internet: ts@chyde.uwasa.fi Funet: gado::salmi Bitnet: salmi@finfun

jnelson@plains.NoDak.edu (Jim Nelson) (09/10/90)

In article <16480001@hpavla.AVO.HP.COM> pfeifer@hpavla.AVO.HP.COM (Mark Pfeifer) writes:
>>/ hpavla:comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d / david@gisatl.FIDONET.ORG (David Deitch) / 10:06 pm  Aug 27, 1990 /
>>In a message of <Aug 28 04:00> Timo Salmi LASK (ts@uwasa.fi ) writes:
[stuff deleted]
>>     Still not the latest!  SEA recently introduced ARC v7.0.  This 
>>time, though, it is not being distributed as shareware.  Commercial 
>>only.  As you can imagine, this is causing quite a stir in the BBS 
>Why???  I thought most BBSs had given up on ARC back when Phil Katz had to
>stop selling PKARC.  Who cares if ARC v7 is not shareware - I don't know of
>anyone still USING ARC.

Ditto.  I run a bbs here in Fargo.  Since the SEA/PKWare suit, almost all of
my uploads have been in ZIP format.  The balance has been ZOO/LZH format.  
The only reason I still have some ARC files is that the bbs system I use 
expects that once the files have been uploaded, they never change.

Although, since I am switching to a new bbs system, I am going to run a neat
little program called 2ZIP, which converts other formats to ZIP.  I don't 
remember who wrote it, but I and other sysops appreciate his effort.

.sig?  What .sig?  Ohhhh, *THIS* .sig.

	Jim, in the Land of the Lost. 
disclaimer:  These are just opinions.  If you want 'em, you can have 'em.

ts@uwasa.fi (Timo Salmi LASK) (09/11/90)

In article <5807@plains.NoDak.edu> jnelson@plains.NoDak.edu (Jim Nelson) writes:
... much deleted ...
>Although, since I am switching to a new bbs system, I am going to run a neat
>little program called 2ZIP, which converts other formats to ZIP.  I don't 
>remember who wrote it, but I and other sysops appreciate his effort.

And for the information of users who might be interested in
downloading programs for arc to zip conversion there are
additionally /pc/pd2/a2z16d.zip and /pc/ts/tsbat21.arc at
chyde.uwasa.fi anynymous ftp archives. 

Prof. Timo Salmi        (Moderating at anon. ftp site
School of Business Studies, University of Vaasa, SF-65101, Finland
Internet: ts@chyde.uwasa.fi Funet: gado::salmi Bitnet: salmi@finfun

" Maynard) (09/11/90)

In article <5807@plains.NoDak.edu> jnelson@plains.NoDak.edu (Jim Nelson) writes:
>Although, since I am switching to a new bbs system, I am going to run a neat
>little program called 2ZIP, which converts other formats to ZIP.  I don't 
>remember who wrote it, but I and other sysops appreciate his effort.

Be careful here. Some packages - notably the COM-AND communications
package and the Z80MU52B CP/M emulator recently posted to c.b.i.p - have
copyright restrictions on what format you can post them in. Both the
ones mentioned must, according to the copyright, have only the original
.ARC file redistributed. The author of COM-AND had it removed from the
Houston Area League of PC Users library after they refused to use the
original .ARC file. Political considerations don't override copyright

Jay Maynard, EMT-P, K5ZC, PP-ASEL   | Never ascribe to malice that which can
jay@splut.conmicro.com       (eieio)| adequately be explained by stupidity.
"I can't believe I really wrote     +----------------------------------------
this." - Henry Spencer, about awf, his nroff -ms subset written in awk

kjh@pollux.usc.edu (Kenneth J. Hendrickson) (09/14/90)

A good reason _NOT_ to transfer archived files from .arc or .zoo into
the .ZIP format, is that they may contain files with filenames that
don't meet the standards of less enlightened operating systems than *nix.
(VMS [cough, cough], & MSDOS [ack, pffft, gag] :-( come to mind.)

Ken Hendrickson N8DGN/6       kjh@usc.edu      ...!uunet!usc!pollux!kjh