[comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d] Ray Tracer for MS-DOS: Wanted

weisen@eniac.seas.upenn.edu (Neil Weisenfeld) (09/13/90)

I vaguely remember someone mentioning that they had uploaded a ray tracer
for MS-DOS to simtel.  Anyone know of such software?


( )(_)    ( )   Neil Weisenfeld                   | 3900 Chestnut St. #233
( )  (_)_ ( )   Computer Science and Engineering  | Philadelphia, PA
( )    (_)( )   University of Pennsylvania        |	        19104
(_)       (_)   Class of 1991                     | weisen@eniac.seas.upenn.edu

davem@hpmwtd.HP.COM (Dave McQuate) (09/14/90)


Directory PD1:<MSDOS.IRIT>
 Filename   Type Length   Date    Description
 IRITS.ZIP     B  231209  900511  Turbo C ver 2.0 sources for IRIT
 POLY3D.ZIP    B   79882  900511  Display 3D polygonal objects, part of IRIT
 POLY3D-H.ZIP  B   50777  900511  Create hidden line removed pict., part of IRIT
 POLY3D-R.ZIP  B   64729  900511  Render poly data into GIF images, part of IRIT
 POLY3DHS.ZIP  B   63819  900511  Turbo C ver 2.0 sources for POLY3D-H
 POLY3DRS.ZIP  B   81448  900511  Turbo C ver 2.0 sources for POLY3D-R
 POLY3DS.ZIP   B   94023  900511  Turbo C ver 2.0 sources for POLY3D
 POLY3D-H.ZIP  B   50777  900511  Create hidden line removed pict., part of IRIT
 POLY3D-R.ZIP  B   64729  900511  Render poly data into GIF images, part of IRIT
 POLY3DHS.ZIP  B   63819  900511  Turbo C ver 2.0 sources for POLY3D-H
 POLY3DRS.ZIP  B   81448  900511  Turbo C ver 2.0 sources for POLY3D-R
 POLY3DS.ZIP   B   94023  900511  Turbo C ver 2.0 sources for POLY3D


DBWRENDR.ZIP  B  263680  900403  Ray tracing graphics pgm. v1.02 (MCGA/VGA req)

(I have no experience with any of these.)

Dave McQuate

Voice: 		(707) 577-4585
INTERNET:	davem%hpmwtd@hplabs.hp.com
UUCP:		...hplabs!hpmwtd!davem

jdudeck@polyslo.CalPoly.EDU (John R. Dudeck) (09/15/90)

In an article davem@hpmwtd.HP.COM (Dave McQuate) wrote:
>DBWRENDR.ZIP  B  263680  900403  Ray tracing graphics pgm. v1.02 (MCGA/VGA req)
>(I have no experience with any of these.)
I have tried this program, and it works!  It is relatively slow, and needs
a math chip (I believe) to get very far.  You need at least an hour with 
an 8 mhz 287 chip to get any kind of results at 320x200.  To get full
resolution it can take several hours.  It generates 12 bit color, then
maps it to VGA.  Setting up an image is done by defining all its elements
in a text file, then letting it run.  You don't see the results until it
has processed the file.  But you can set a maximum processing time per
scan line, which lets you get a feel for the layout of the elements of the
image before actually running it at full resolution.

John Dudeck                                 "I always ask them, How well do
jdudeck@Polyslo.CalPoly.Edu                            you want it tested?"
ESL: 62013975 Tel: 805-545-9549                               -- D. Stearns

aceverj@accucx.cc.ruu.nl (Jaap Verhage) (09/17/90)

In article <29480@netnews.upenn.edu> weisen@eniac.seas.upenn.edu (Neil Weisenfeld) writes:
>I vaguely remember someone mentioning that they had uploaded a ray tracer
>for MS-DOS to simtel.  Anyone know of such software?
Yes. In MSDOS.GRAPHICS you'll find DBWRENDR.ZIP, that's one.
I've also got the QRT ray tracer V1.4 and the DKBTrace program
V2.0 (David K. Buck ray tracer). You'll find the last one on
alfred.ccs.carleton.ca; can't remember where I got QRT from.

Regards, Jaap.

Jaap Verhage, Academic Computer Centre, State University at Utrecht, Holland.
aceverj@cc.ruu.nl     +<-*|*->+     I claim *every*thing and speak for myself